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Small doses of LSD frequently

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was wondering what you guys would consider a reasonable frequency to trip, I used to take psychedelics waaaay too often, and fairly large doses, and felt it to be abuse so I stopped, then i used psychedelics maybe once to twice a year with cannabis in between constantly, I have since stopped cannabis entirely but find myself dosing LSD every couple of days, usually in small amounts, I microdose every now and then, with about 5-10ug, and sometimes I up the dose to 40, the most I do doses over 125 is with a week to two in between, I wonder if anyone has any insight. I feel good and am maintaining my life well, I don't feel I am disrespecting these chemicals, although when I read into these types of things I see a lot of people talking about very infrequent use being the goal, although I feel it allows me to integrate myself into my own life better than I usually would. I don't feel I rely on these chemicals, but I would just like to hears peoples opinions on taking frequent amounts of LSD. I get visuals on 50ug+ and get a very interesting headspace after about 20ug+ very noticeable.

I feel I am almost using it in a similar way I used to use cannabis, every day to second day to third day and use it for creative endeavors, although I remember when using cannabis it would interfere with my social life and my relationships with most other aspects in my life, motivation and such.

LSD microdoses and *mini* doses as I call them I have found to be similar to cannabis without the fog and without having to smoke more.

I just don't know of the long term effects of this and if I will be safe, I am essentially using myself as a Ginnie pig, I am very curious though if anyone else has any long term micro/mini dose experiences. I haven't taken any more than 125 micro grams within the last 3 years, but have taken small doses very frequently, I feel like I've found a slight life hack, when I take the small doses, I notice no interest in facebook/instagram scrolling, or most of my obsessive behavior, I plan to have my third 'normal' dose within a week or a couple of days, about 125-250ug. I feel like it allows for regulation of a lot of my addictive behavior, although I wonder if it is something that will bite me in the ass in the future, I don't drink or do any other drugs other than LSD, mushrooms, DMT (haven't broken through in 3 years) and salvia. I feel like I am on the right track in my life and everything, but I am 20, I don't have everything figured out, and I dont want to harm myself. I have looked into LSD microdosing quite a bit, but sometimes I like to take more than a microdose, and sometimes it is for no more than giving myself an altered state of awareness, not for true self reflection purposes or anything (although sometimes it is beneficial to my meditation), I notice I have been using it sometimes as intoxication, but when I reach a state on a 40ug+ experience I don't just 'be high'. I usually experience the world in a much broader sense than I would otherwise.

I am just asking other peoples opinions on this, judging from what you have read, what would you deduce? Is it bad to use these chemicals for fun as well as introspection? because I definitely have done it and it usually kicks me in the butt and motivates me to create. I don't feel like I am disrespecting the chemical, but I don't feel like I am giving it an immense amount of respect, I fear it somewhat, and I don't think I would ever take 200ug and do the things I do on smaller doses. (The other day I was on 40ug, I was going to skip kickboxing, I was coming up and my buddy asked me if I was going, I was definitely not going to go, but when I was in that state I just felt I definitely should, I know I would not have done this otherwise), if I take larger amounts I make sure set/setting is good and usually have a very beautiful introspective and sometimes novel experience.

I also want to know if anyone else has similar micro/mini long term effects.

Sorry for such a jumble, if it is, I just sat here and drilled out this, it was going to be far shorter but I just carried on typing haha.
Hey there,

I personally have never dosed acid that frequently, because in low doses its either hit or miss for me. With miss I mean that sometimes I feel disconnected or in an uncomfortable mind state. But when its hit, I definitly understand why one would want to do this more then once a week, in other words it can feel like the perfect drug.

So if you for yourself dont notice any negative effects on your psyche, I honestly dont know of a reason why not to do it.
Imo respect is a very subjective thing, so if you for yourself honestly feel like its an appropriate pattern of use, then it is.

About negative long term effects... I once met a guy who was dosing LSD every day for a month, but in doses of 200mic. Of course tolerance then plays a big role, so he must have felt much less then the usual 200mic trip. While he was socially very active, you could notice that his cognitive abilites, like the ones that would be measured in an IQ test would decline. He was basically giving off that, every moment is a new adventure dont care about past or future vibe that acid can have.

But again, I think your pattern of use cannot be compared to the example I gave, but maybe just keep in check if your time perception or memory function is being altered while your sober.

And yeah... a week off once in a while is always a good idea. Also if you want to be extra careful, maybe keep some kind of diary and review it once in a while to check if you notice any unwanted changes in behaviour.
woogyboogy said:
Hey there,

I personally have never dosed acid that frequently, because in low doses its either hit or miss for me. With miss I mean that sometimes I feel disconnected or in an uncomfortable mind state. But when its hit, I definitly understand why one would want to do this more then once a week, in other words it can feel like the perfect drug.

So if you for yourself dont notice any negative effects on your psyche, I honestly dont know of a reason why not to do it.
Imo respect is a very subjective thing, so if you for yourself honestly feel like its an appropriate pattern of use, then it is.

About negative long term effects... I once met a guy who was dosing LSD every day for a month, but in doses of 200mic. Of course tolerance then plays a big role, so he must have felt much less then the usual 200mic trip. While he was socially very active, you could notice that his cognitive abilites, like the ones that would be measured in an IQ test would decline. He was basically giving off that, every moment is a new adventure dont care about past or future vibe that acid can have.

But again, I think your pattern of use cannot be compared to the example I gave, but maybe just keep in check if your time perception or memory function is being altered while your sober.

And yeah... a week off once in a while is always a good idea. Also if you want to be extra careful, maybe keep some kind of diary and review it once in a while to check if you notice any unwanted changes in behaviour.

I definately think I will keep a diary. documenting my emotions and mindspace sounds like a good way to keep tabs on how im doing mentally. I do sometimes take weeks off, I just got bakc on the waggon after stopping for about 2-3 weeks. And yes at low doses it seems like the perfect drug, I am still 100% capable to do pretty much everything I want, but I can induce visuals if I meditate, and I can meditate with ease. I have seen it benefit a lot of people, but I dont know anybody who knows more or has more experience in this than myself, I have been more or less a frequent microdoser for about 8 months, but I am no expert, and getting other peoples opinions is good for me to get a more realistic grip on what im doing I feel. after a dose of 100-125 i dont take a microdose for at least a week or two.
LSD micro dosing has been discussed quite a bit recently, even the mainstream media has run a few segments on the topic.

I think it helps with my mental flow. For me it was like stepping outside my everyday thinking about the world I live in. Stepping out enough to gain a new perspective on myself and the way I interact with the world. Things tend to be much lighter. Less reactive. Overall I found micro dosing to be therapeutic in many ways.

Try micro dosing for one month and then stop for a bit and see how you feel. Check the barometer and go from there. I wouldn't think that micro dosing any substance for say a year straight would do anyone any good. Moderation and self awareness is needed. Don't go overboard with it. It should remain a positive experience. If it crosses into creating problems in your life I would not do it.

Consider micro dosing boomers too. I found mushrooms to be a little easier on my mind and body when micro dosing, however, both substances provided me with positive results.

I found micro dosing hard to sustain and to be honest I felt better after I stopped micro dosing. Depressurize so to speak. Integrate and look for positive changes in your mood, thinking, or behavior. I wouldn't want to micro dose more than say a month.

Here is a recent segment about micro dosing LSD that ran on the today show.

Also, check MAPS from time to time for information on the topic. Lots of psychedelic research is currently underway and new information is added all the time. MAPS is a great resource. MAPS.org - Support Psychedelic Science - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - MAPS

Research and make a plan. Be safe and have fun!

Good luck!
I once took 300 > 50 > 50 > 50 micrograms over a 4 day period.

I came down so hard that 2 days later I was put in a psyche ward for psychotic behavior.

Maybe Im just weak but still please be careful with everyday usage.
Banjahinaz said:
I once took 300 > 50 > 50 > 50 micrograms over a 4 day period.

I came down so hard that 2 days later I was put in a psyche ward for psychotic behavior.

Maybe Im just weak but still please be careful with everyday usage.

Not weak, just placed into a hard situation. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Out of curiosity what happened? From the sounds of it that was not micro dosing. Micro dosing should provide sub threshold experiences, not a full on trip. If you tread into a threshold experience, you are no longer micro dosing.

How did this trip to the psyche ward affect your approach to psychedelics? Did you learn anything from the experience? I ask because it could provide some harm reduction and prevention for others.
Yes it quite drastically effected my approach to psychedelics. It think it gave me real respect for the drugs I was taking. They are something to be very weary of.

I'm very doing more than 200 micro grams first of all.

Also I'm never doing a full trip alone.


It all started with a really unpleasant trip. Over the next days I wanted to ""make up for it"". I took it every morning so I could get to sleep at night.

After I ran out I got really depressed/low so I went on-line for stimulation. <<MAJOR mistake

It all really started here:

My brain was in such a desperate place that I pretty much lost all critical thinking and promptly convinced myself that the Illuminati was really an organization.

I followed the links to here:

I believed that it was a life line left by the Illuminati that would bring me straight to the ""top"".

So I started gambling and having hilarious conversations with customer support. It was like I thought I was a damned wizard.

After spending the next 2 days getting no where with them I began to worry that they would come kill me.

(shit hits the fan)

I'm on my way to work with a carpool buddy/friend/fellow psychonaut.

A train headed to the airport gets here and I tell friend that the Illuminati is real, and get on the (wrong) train.

I then think to myself that the airport would be an ideal place for them to abduct me sooo I go back to the first station.

friend is gone.

I get on a RANDOM bus.

I end up talking to a hobo about the UN because I think he is a member of the counter Illuminati. (I was now set on destroying the Illuminati)

Then a firetruck pulls up next to me.

One of them recognizes me.

Its a friend of my mother.

He asks if everything is okay.


(I'm now in a police station)

They have taken my knife and adderall (for the best to be honest).

After telling them that I was just being a spaz they let me leave.(thankfully)

I get my friend to pick me up, she doesn't really give a shit about why.

We stop at a subway and I hear something.

A guy on his motorcycle revved his engine in this weird pattern and natturaly I think it is the counter Illuminati giving me a ride.

I jump on the back of his motorcycle,

He tells me to fuck off.

I get off and get back in the car.

"wtf was I thinking"

my friend brings me to the ER.


They have no clue what I wrong and they just transfer me to a psyche ward.

I got out in a week.

I had to take Aripiprazole for almost 2 months and am still in mandatory group/therapy.

I do not believe in an Illuminati just to clarify.

I am fine now.


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I also started meditating abit more. Started drawing/art again.

Here is something I made there.


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Wow! What a crazy story! Glad your ok!

Set and setting as they say. Sounds like yours was a bit out of whack. Drag you ended up in a psyche ward. Lesson learned I suppose?

Weird how you can convince yourself of something so absurd as you did. I have had trips where I convinced myself I was stuck that way forever or certain that I was dead, but I always snapped out of it. Never got stuck in the mind like that.

I love your artwork! Beautiful three dimensional abstract weirdness! I can't say I have ever seen anything else like that. If you have more artwork, please share it.. I would like to see more.

Lesson learned indeed.

Yeah I think It was probably just the extended density that did it.

Of all my dabbling in art this is probably what I like most.

Everything is hand made no CNC.

It would be nice to post this in the real Art forum but alas.


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