Sodium carbonate is a strong enough base to freebase DMT phosphate. But DMT is not that soluble in naphtha and using lots of sodium hydroxide and heat forces the DMT into the naphtha. Even with ice cold DCM, a pH of 9.5 is fine because DMT is very highly soluble in DCM. That's why you can freeze precipitate in naphtha, but not in DCM. It's all about DMT's solvent solubility. If you use a solvent that DMT loves like DCM or chloroform, even pH 8.0 will work pretty well. But with something like naphtha, which DMT is very poorly soluble in, you need some extra force to get the DMT into the naphtha, so people use both heat and high amounts of sodium hydroxide. These two tricks used together work quite well. Just by adding large amounts of sodium hydroxide, this causes heat which aids the DMT in going into the naphtha.
When you extract with sodium carbonate instead of sodium hydroxide and you use naphtha in an A/B extraction, you need to add heat. Sodium carbonate does not generate the heat needed to help the DMT go into the naphtha, while sodium hydroxide does. Also, it seems DMT is more soluble in carbonates than in hydroxides, so that’s also a factor. But again, if DCM is used, none of that matters because DMT loves DCM, even ice cold DCM.
SWIM has used DCM and sodium carbonate for a long time now and gets yields that rival those of others on this forum form all DMT containing plants even when doing the extractions manually without a Soxhlet (but the Soxhlet is best). So, you can get excellent yields with sodium carbonate, as long as you use DCM or something similar and NOT naphtha.
SWIM can get better yields using sodium carbonate at pH 9.5 with ice cold DCM than by using sodium hydroxide at pH 13.5 and hot naphtha. They KEY is using a solvent that DMT is highly soluble in like DCM.
It makes no sense to use sodium hydroxide and naphtha to extract DMT. First of, sodium hydroxide is extremely dangerous, secondly, DMT is very poorly soluble in naphtha, thirdly, naphtha is highly flammable. Why people insist on using naphtha and sodium hydroxide is beyond me. It’s far safer to use DCM and sodium carbonate, and with that combination you get better yields. DCM is not flammable, DMT is highly soluble in DCM, and sodium carbonate is not so dangerous.
For best results:
* use heptane only to freeze precipitate DMT.
* use DCM or chloroform to extract DMT.
When using DCM I recommend the following safer bases:
* sodium carbonate (works just as good as sodium hydroxide)
* calcium hydroxide (requires special techs though)