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Solvents in Australia

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Taking a stroll through a local Bunnings the other day, SWIM could really only find Shellite and Xylene as solvents for extraction.
Shellite leaving an oily residue and Xylene stinking like a major chemical spill, are there any other solvents that could be suggested to SWIM?

Toluene I believe is highly carcinogenic.

D-Limonene sounds ideal for its smell, safety, and pulling ability however I'm pretty sure it's not an available product in Australia.

Are there any other suggestions of what products that can be used for extracting Obtusifolia?
Sorry for resurecting an old thread but as a newbie just wondering if
the Ausies can chime in on the most recent update on solvents
avaliable here in oz. Is Bun***** shelite still the go?
I can probably source n-Heptane from a local chem. company but being
a newbie still not sure whats best for my first attempt.
Any help greatly appreciated
Ypsilophora said:
I too am wondering this, as have attempted several times using Digg*** Shell*** with very little success, a little product, but definitely not worth writing home about!

I have noticed a few people replying with comments similar to yours in the last couple years but I have also heard the opposite, here's one such post. I am not in your country so I can't test this but if it doesnt work, even trying it with a mini A/B with some pre made spice, then switch to other solvents like xylene and crash it out using FASA (u will need fumaric acid).

There are many methods for extraction, not just A/B and STB, have a look here. Also look at dry teks and FASA. I also hear your "methylated spirits" is 95% ethanol and 5% distilled water, go have a look at the spec sheets if you will as that is only what I have read.
Ozigoo said:
Sorry for resurecting an old thread but as a newbie just wondering if
the Ausies can chime in on the most recent update on solvents
avaliable here in oz. Is Bun***** shelite still the go?
I can probably source n-Heptane from a local chem. company but being
a newbie still not sure whats best for my first attempt.
Any help greatly appreciated

Cross-linking this thread.

And I would also like to add fumaric acid can be obtained in Australia online via a melbourne food supplier.

Happy preferred festivities everyone.
i've been doing a couple extractions with diggers shellite; doing an evap test leaves precipitation, and also the product i have recovered seems to be causing undesired effects- namely my upper body is swelling up, arms become like balloons, and i'm wondering if it's because of the shellite
anyone got any idea?
Stepharx said:
i've been doing a couple extractions with diggers shellite; doing an evap test leaves precipitation, and also the product i have recovered seems to be causing undesired effects- namely my upper body is swelling up, arms become like balloons, and i'm wondering if it's because of the shellite
anyone got any idea?
If you don't dry shellite recovered alkaloids really well they can be really nasty and make you feel super sick even for days if you consume them. Poison.

Single drops do just fine on the evap test on every batch of shellite I've used. It does tend to be slightly endothermic on evaporation though so if your environment is humid you may see condensation but I have not seen oils or other residues that won't evaporate.

All that said it is a hydrocarbon product and it doesn't ever claim to be food safe. :p , so it's important to test every bottle you get, it may not be the same quality as the previous.
Yeah whenever I use shellite I will re dissolve in anhydrous acetone and let the acetone evap to help remove any potential Impurities, it doesn't have to be anhydrous but it will take a long time to properly dry out otherwise.
I've been drying shellite recovered alks in a small, cold, dry room. I turn the air-conditioner as cold as it will go on full and let it run for an hour, then let the alkaloids fan dry from directly above for an hour or so whilst keeping the aircon on. Turns out crispy. Probably seems overkill but as I live in the wet tropics the humidity is very high and fresh alkaloids will melt to goo in minutes and trap solvents, which can in turn take a long time to dry out properly.

Years ago I sickened myself from improper drying. Felt like fever and illness and lasted a couple of days. Awful experience. Never again.
Fruit is life said:
Yeah whenever I use shellite I will re dissolve in anhydrous acetone and let the acetone evap to help remove any potential Impurities, it doesn't have to be anhydrous but it will take a long time to properly dry out otherwise.
I'm not sure i understand your method, you redissolve and evap acetone, how does that help? won't the impurities just precipitate back into it as it evaporates?
If there is any shellite residue trapped within the freeze precipitated goo/crystal complex redissolving the alks in acetone can free the trapped residue allowing it to evaporate more thoroughly/completely, if your dealing with solid impurities then re-x in heptane/a purer solvent and then acetone

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