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Some Albums and Bands to Share

Migrated topic.
rellik said:
thank you, so many new ones. id like to add the band Can specifically the album Tago Mago and the song Aumgn

Have you heard the Omar Rodriguez-Lopez/Damo Suzuki split, "Please Heat this Eventually"? I still haven't heard Can, but I love Damo Suzuki on that particular record.
benzyme said:
I'm looking for some good lo-fi avant garde along the same lines, or some lo-fi indie rock.
getting a teac A-1230 r2r and will transfer mp3's to tape
See Waaves, Eat Skull, and Woods/Woods Family Creeps/Woods Family Band above.

Been recording lately...on tape...interesting material...contemplating sharing...need to get it in digital when possible to do so.
Oh yes, I use Audacity as well, but my on-board mic jack is fried (as is the rest of my on-board sound). I have to get an RCA In/Out to USB. If I can find a way to rip from a mini-disc on Ubuntu, I could do that.
i need to try some audio tape. all ive messed with is audio <-> dv <-> vhs. playing/rewinding,fastforward/fastrewind with magnets near the tape can create pretty interesting sonic + visual distortion. so does baking in the oven.

any other recommendations similar to CAN would be loved also :)
amor_fati said:
Oh yes, I use Audacity as well, but my on-board mic jack is fried (as is the rest of my on-board sound). I have to get an RCA In/Out to USB. If I can find a way to rip from a mini-disc on Ubuntu, I could do that.

there are all sorts of multimedia recorders in the distribution packages; I don't know of any specifically in Ubuntu,
but I believe the linux progs save in .ogg or .flac formats (the latter being better quality than mp3 anyway). I have Butthole Surfers' "Locust Abortion Technician" in flac format, sounds very grungy (the album was arguably a blueprint for grunge).

I think I may just put BoC's "twoism", "geogaddi" and "music has the right to children" (all on CD) to tape.
Unfortunately, Mini Disc is largely underdeveloped in Linux. I would have to dual-boot or emulate windows to do it (Wine doesn't yet work with Sonicstage). I blame Sony for dooming this format by not making the format open to other developers.

BOC is wonderful! Especially Geogaddi...fond memories.

As far as lo-fi indie music is concerned, check out Casiotone for the Painfully Alone and Dan Deacon.

And I know I mention it alot, but Pocahaunted, Pocahaunted, Pocahaunted!
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