A bit foggy .. that question, but this is how it connects for me - Sex -> Life -> death -> Sex -> life -> death in a constant circle. And spirit is imbibed into absolutely everything living. Inanimate matter is just tinged with spirit ... but I'll not digress...
Dmt releases the Kundalini, or 'libido'... shakti ... mana ... hyper-chi into our charkas and consciousness. So it can be just like an orgasm ... which the Victorian-era French people feared, and they even called the orgasm 'the little death' (le petit mort),
Dmt can give you a Beingasm - which is what happens when you go and reunite with God, when the ego 'dies' and meets the non-dual AllThatIs. We all ought to have a Beingasm, or 12 before we really die as it's good for you to know this - a birthright ! And to 'practice' the letting go part, well that is always good to do, for big and small 'deaths' ... ! ...
Dmt's breakthroughs (into the white Light or not) for me are absolutely spiritual - they seem to confirm that a non-physical reality exists that is woven into the physical one. We need dmt as a 'tool' to diddle with the little button in our head (pineal gland's neurochemistry) to find out that we are also (mainly..?) spirit energy bound up in a reincarnated body.
Sex can give you an Orgasm - just diddle the lower 'buttons' we are endowed with for one of those once a day ! The blinding white-outs of a good few multiple O's are about the closest we'd all get to 'God', if it we'ren't for that other 'button'.