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Storing ACRB in Vinegar?

Migrated topic.
2headsARE1 said:
Thanks for the links! It was hard to search for this question, as I kept getting other results. From my interpretation, the community thinks that it is not as stable in an acidic solution. I wonder if anyone has ever performed a test to prove if this is correct.

There was a thread a while back where another member has stored some freebase DMT under different conditions for long periods of time to determine stability. I believe the last update it had been stored for 2 years but I may be wrong. I know it was 1 year at the least.

I think DMT salts are deffinately considered to be much more stable than freebase under ideal conditions. I believe in the thread mentioned DMT salts in solution were noted to be less stable than freebase. They mentioned terrance McKenna having an aya brew stored for years & not loosing any potency.

IMO if I was to store DMT indeffinately, it would be converted to fumarate salt, stored in a large amber vial with oxygen & moisture absorbers, then the DMT in a smaller vial/vaccutainer inside the amber vial stored in the back of a fridge or freezer with a label on it.
When used it can always be converted to freebase or dissolved in liquid on a dose by dose basis or in small amounts (250-500mg) at a time, vaccutainer re-vaccum sealed & new oxygen & mostiure absorbing packets each time the outer vial is opened.
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