Rising Star
Hey Nexians! So, I haven't been on here in a while, mainly due to some health issues I'd been dealing with. As you've probably guessed by the title, I had surgery recently (bilateral tonsillectomy). Actually, twice if you count when they had to re-cauterize my throat. Anyway, the reason I'm making this thread is that I had an interesting experience which parallels a certain type of trip that seems to be rather common here.
I read a lot of experience reports here where people smoke DMT and report being operated on by entities, in much the same manner as a medical surgery but without sedation/anesthetic. When I came to from each surgery, I felt the same afterglow as I get after one of these DMT experiences, though more in a mental way than a physical/psychedelic manner. The days following, I've felt rejuvenated mentally and spiritually as if I'd done a ceremony, despite not having been in hyperspace for some time. This got me thinking, is there something about the act of surgery or the perception therein that facilitates or even manifests spiritual and psychological change in an individual? For me, it was almost as if just the act of being terrified of what was about to happen and facing it, then being slunghshot back to reality with hardly a memory of the event, was enough to engender the feelings of change renewal that I get from blasting off. I mean, when you think about it, the two aren't all that different. You know you're about to go into something big and scary, but you can't back down. Then you're back.
So, anyone else have a similar experience? I'm interested to hear your all's theories and experiences on this
I read a lot of experience reports here where people smoke DMT and report being operated on by entities, in much the same manner as a medical surgery but without sedation/anesthetic. When I came to from each surgery, I felt the same afterglow as I get after one of these DMT experiences, though more in a mental way than a physical/psychedelic manner. The days following, I've felt rejuvenated mentally and spiritually as if I'd done a ceremony, despite not having been in hyperspace for some time. This got me thinking, is there something about the act of surgery or the perception therein that facilitates or even manifests spiritual and psychological change in an individual? For me, it was almost as if just the act of being terrified of what was about to happen and facing it, then being slunghshot back to reality with hardly a memory of the event, was enough to engender the feelings of change renewal that I get from blasting off. I mean, when you think about it, the two aren't all that different. You know you're about to go into something big and scary, but you can't back down. Then you're back.
So, anyone else have a similar experience? I'm interested to hear your all's theories and experiences on this