Lookin Good budy!
FAE = Fresh air exchange, its the biggest pinning factor of all...
if you are noticing bluing on your cakes and you have shrooms mainly coming from the bottom of the cakes and there is more water there than in other areas, then your cakes may be a little dry
its the evaporation of water from the mycelium surface, hence why one dunks and roles in verm, that encourages pinning... if you have lots of FAE then your cakes might be drying out a bit at the top and the water is running down to the bottom which means they are more likley to pin from the bottom, easy fix, spray / mist a little more...
Also when you place your cakes on foil, put a bit of fresh, sterile, wet verm on the foil then place the cake on it, it acts like a water reservoir for the cakes to draw from, which aids in slowing down drying.
You can literally drench your cakes when spraying BUT only before they start to pin, once they start to pin, I have found to much water can make the pins abort and then the heads rot and turn black and stop growing.
I literally spray each cake separately trying to avoid getting the pins too wet.
If you have good FAE there will always be some drying of a cake, but the verm you rolled them in, can hold quite a bit of water, so keeping the outside verm moist offsets the rate of dehydration.
Great progress so far...
keeping your fruiting conditions perfect can be quite a challenge, but getting things close enough is often all that is needed to get an above average flush.
Also if your cakes don't flush that much the first time, its safe to say they still have nutrients left that will be used in further flushes, I have found heavy flushing cakes don't flush as heavy on flush no 3 and onwards, but cakes that flush less on the first flush, seems to be more consistent on later flushes.
Keep up the good work!