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Tripples said:
Cool - I was able to upload my glyph. Thanks for sorting it out.

Can we post our glyphs in the thread or are they meant to be anonymous?

A side note for Britishers - 20:00 GMT is actually 21:00 British Summer time.

It is meant to be anonymous until people wrote their reports AFTER the event. This way we make sure our minds aren't already infested with the glyphs beforehand and contaminating our set and setting.

btw, good notice on the British summer time!
ok so I have another suggestion..

I think it would be interesting to know where people participating are from... like, what part of the world they are.. would be nice to visualize this

I thought that maybe some people would not like to tell where they are from, which is no problem.. but for those that dont mind, would be nice if we could all know

maybe there could be a way of adding this to the website?

there is this website here where they give the code to put in webpages or forums of this interactive map where people´s locations are added:


you can add it to the SHE page, its a map where people can put their locations and all..

then we can also have an idea how global it all is
My time zone is US Mountain Standard Time (MST)(The time right now here is 2:00) which is is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-7).
What time would the event start in my time? GMT is 20:00 right? help thanks..

Im near the cottonwood research center.
I think i will take some acid for this event =p
modsquad09 said:
still need an answer thanks.... whats 20:00???

Here is a small list of the launch-time at several timezones:

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time

PST 13:00 Pacific Standard Time
MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time
CST 15:00 Central Standard Time
EST 16:00 Eastern Standard Time

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time
BST 21:00 British Summer Time
CET 22:00 Central European Time
EET 23:00 Eastern European Time

To get your own local time for the launch visit this link.

With that link DON'T MIND THE ERROR ABOUT No locations specified because YOU have to enter the "Select place to convert to" location, then click on "Convert Time".

Kind regards,

The Traveler
right folks a wee question here for anyone who understands how terrance mckennas 2012 computer thingy works.i dont know mutch about it but i know it is meant to show days when thers big defining moments in history,has anyone checked it to see what happens on the day wee blast off.i was thinking about how this could lead to nothing or it could lead to something big like,hyperspace comunication,time travel,psychic ability,who knows.i like to think of what we are doing as one big archailogical dig into hyperspace,who knows maybe wee will start to do this on a regular basis and maybe it takes us until 21/12/2012 to actuly perfect it.ok this is all just thoerys but im sure we all have thaught of a few concerning this event.so to my original question,can anybody find out what terrances computer thingy says about this date........na noo na noo.
There's a fairly steep fall towards novelty starting on 7th of august. This fall ends on the 9th of august from where on it proceeds to fall, but not as sharply.
maybe this will be the date when the m-field of humans will have a significant change because of alot of humans exposing themselves to the same type of energy/information at the same time. there's this really interesting theory by michael talbot decribed in his book beyond the quantum. this theory describes how when specific information has manifested itself in a certain number of beeings they start to include this information in their main framework of information given to every individual beeing from birth on. the experiment went like this: they showed one ape on a uninhabited island(not inhabited by humans -only animals) how to wash sweet potatoes in seawater to make them clean and adding a salty taste to them at the same time. this ape showed the other apes in his clan how to do this. after a few weeks the whole clan of apes was washing their potatoes in seawater. then suddenly after the 100th ape had learned how to do this all the apes on the mainland and on other islands all around the world started to wash their potatoes in saltwater too.

maybe we will realize that we are hiveminded beeings. there could be alot of insignificant changes which we will not notice at first but which we will gradually come to see. maybe these at first seemingly insignificant changes will trigger the butterfly effect and come to be something very significant in the end. maybe this will lead to a global change in perception of human reality.

lets see if my friend can get his spice extraction done until the event so i can participate.

see you in hyperspace!
peace & stay with the force!
in the end.

2012 ?

But even if this theory is correct, 41 people doesn't seem much to me. Or do you think it's the kind of energy everyone taps into? Don't you think that there are propably more than 40 people every day drinking ayahuasca at the same time...I would guess that every hours, thousands of people take psychedelics if you look @ 6.5 Billion humans on the face of the earth .
obliguhl said:
in the end.

2012 ?

But even if this theory is correct, 41 people doesn't seem much to me. Or do you think it's the kind of energy everyone taps into? Don't you think that there are propably more than 40 people every day drinking ayahuasca at the same time...I would guess that every hours, thousands of people take psychedelics if you look @ 6.5 Billion humans on the face of the earth .

Yes, but they do not go into the experience with the intent to meet other travelers. Also, DMT/Aya and all the rest of the psycadelics with the exeptions of DPT+high dose mushrooms are very different creatures.

Most people who take aya are in South America and are doing so for healing by a ayahuscerro, the intent is very different from what we are attempting to do.
The Traveler said:
modsquad09 said:
still need an answer thanks.... whats 20:00???

Here is a small list of the launch-time at several timezones:

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time

PST 13:00 Pacific Standard Time
MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time
CST 15:00 Central Standard Time
EST 16:00 Eastern Standard Time

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time
BST 21:00 British Summer Time
CET 22:00 Central European Time
EET 23:00 Eastern European Time

To get your own local time for the launch visit this link.

With that link DON'T MIND THE ERROR ABOUT No locations specified because YOU have to enter the "Select place to convert to" location, then click on "Convert Time".

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Thanks alot man! i was having trouble converting from 20 hours clock to 12 hour... but i think i got it.. so MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time would be 2:00pm??
modsquad09 said:
The Traveler said:
modsquad09 said:
still need an answer thanks.... whats 20:00???

Here is a small list of the launch-time at several timezones:

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time

PST 13:00 Pacific Standard Time
MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time
CST 15:00 Central Standard Time
EST 16:00 Eastern Standard Time

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time
BST 21:00 British Summer Time
CET 22:00 Central European Time
EET 23:00 Eastern European Time

To get your own local time for the launch visit this link.

With that link DON'T MIND THE ERROR ABOUT No locations specified because YOU have to enter the "Select place to convert to" location, then click on "Convert Time".

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Thanks alot man! i was having trouble converting from 20 hours clock to 12 hour... but i think i got it.. so MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time would be 2:00pm??

Indeed, 14:00 is the same as 2pm. So for your timezone (MST), August 9th at 2pm would be the launch time for this event.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Traveler said:
modsquad09 said:
The Traveler said:
modsquad09 said:
still need an answer thanks.... whats 20:00???

Here is a small list of the launch-time at several timezones:

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time

PST 13:00 Pacific Standard Time
MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time
CST 15:00 Central Standard Time
EST 16:00 Eastern Standard Time

GMT 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time
BST 21:00 British Summer Time
CET 22:00 Central European Time
EET 23:00 Eastern European Time

To get your own local time for the launch visit this link.

With that link DON'T MIND THE ERROR ABOUT No locations specified because YOU have to enter the "Select place to convert to" location, then click on "Convert Time".

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Thanks alot man! i was having trouble converting from 20 hours clock to 12 hour... but i think i got it.. so MST 14:00 Mountain Standard Time would be 2:00pm??

Indeed, 14:00 is the same as 2pm. So for your timezone (MST), August 9th at 2pm would be the launch time for this event.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Thanks man for the help!!! <3

Maybe i can just take the spice with me... hmmmmm i would rather be laying in my bed on acid, dont think iwanna drop acid at this concert we are playing at though.... shitt i have the worst luck ever.

Is there anyway that the people who have things to do at that time schedule a later time, even if its just a few people... any takers?? hit me up id be down to set up an event of our own... please!!!!!

say maybe 7 hours later than 20:00 so i guess that would be 27:00 ???

You can always blast off later, maybe we leave some 'warp-trail' behind with this mass take-off, who knows.

p.s. 7 hours after 20:00 would be 03:00 (or in your timeformat 3am) the next day.
The Traveler said:

You can always blast off later, maybe we leave some 'warp-trail' behind with this mass take-off, who knows.

p.s. 7 hours after 20:00 would be 03:00 (or in your timeformat 3am) the next day.

Yea thats what i will do.. dont know about them warp trails haha whats that?

Ok so i guess seven hours after 2:00 on the same day... so about 8:00 my time...same day.. any takers, im down to blast off at a different time or even the next morning/day.. let me know PM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think most of us have stated that we would like to try this Syncronized Hyperspace Launch more than just this one time.
So next time, be it one month, or three months from now, I suggest that we flip the time table and allow those of us in the states to experience this at night as well.

I normally don't smoke DMT during the day, too many noises in my neighborhood etc.., plus I like the dark with just a candle or two.
The stillness of 1:00 - 2:00am is just hard to beat.
Unfortunately the S.H.E. launch is at 1:00 in the afternoon where I am, so I'll be partaking during the day for a change.
Oh well, it will be something new at least!

I plan to hang up colored blankets to block out the windows and to add an indirect, colored lighting effect. I'm also going to lay out pillows on the floor to lounge on!! I've been trying to find a friend to come with me but everyone is working, or out of town, so It'll probably just be me.

...and you.

I'm looking forward to this either way!!

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