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The Traveler said:
I hereby ask people who visit other fora more often to post a link to this event!

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Do we have any administrators, moderators, or regular users of the bluelight forum / site? This would be another great site to post this event.
I changed the SHE-site a little bit.

I've added more information on the about page including some extra experiments.
The participants page has chenged to included the number of participants and wheather they have a glyph, hyperphrase or a report yet.

You can find the site here:

Kind regards,

The Traveler
idtravlr said:
Do we have any administrators, moderators, or regular users of the bluelight forum / site? This would be another great site to post this event.

Bluelight Psych Drugs mod Checkin' in, actually because somebody just posted about this over on bluelight. I like the idea and I'm sure some others from PD will as well.

Good to be here by the way. I've read here before and some friends of mine post but just joined now myself.
Travler, Might I suggest another addition to the listings?

I am personally planning on drinking a Syrian Rue tea 45 min prior to the event, to make my smoked DMT a little more easy to navigate and get something out of.
For me, S. Rue not only lengthens the smoked experience, it also seems to slow things down and lets me take it all in a little more fully. DMT alone is just too fast for me to get much out of and I don't necessarily mean time-wise, I mean things are just moving so fast, by the time I get my bearings, the experience is basically drifting away.
The S. Rue really lets me explore the other world.

So anyway, it would be cool for everyone to list whether they are taking spice alone, MAOI with smoked spice, or full on oral Ayahuasca.
I remember someone mentioning people doing other entheogens with this experiment too, they could also list that.

Wadya think?

SomeKindaLove said:
idtravlr said:
Do we have any administrators, moderators, or regular users of the bluelight forum / site? This would be another great site to post this event.

Bluelight Psych Drugs mod Checkin' in, actually because somebody just posted about this over on bluelight. I like the idea and I'm sure some others from PD will as well.

Good to be here by the way. I've read here before and some friends of mine post but just joined now myself.

Welcome SomeKindaLove,

We appricate you posting this on bluelight and of course welcome you to the event as well.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
warrensaged said:
Travler, Might I suggest another addition to the listings?

it would be cool for everyone to list whether they are taking spice alone, MAOI with smoked spice, or full on oral Ayahuasca.
I remember someone mentioning people doing other entheogens with this experiment too, they could also list that.

Wadya think?


I think this is a good idea, I'll add this to the MyAccount option on the SHE-site.
First of all, I suggest since this is essentially an excersize in MAGICK,

You're exactly right. This is where the problem is.

...of which I am familiar; we ask everyone to create a symbol, a personal
glyph which we will print off, or draw, and a name by which we can
identify hyperspace travelers and focus on them.

I actually don't suggest that most people do this. I know a little about magick myself. Now, I'm not saying that it's not real, or anything like that. I have participated in ritual magick before. My point is that there are repercussions for this. You don't know what kind of intent these people might put into their sigil. And call it by the right name. It puts more of an emphasis on the importance of it.

Assemble all the glyphs in an area, a cirlce, taking care to ritualise,
cleanse and meditate before assembling the physical meeting point.

this should be done preferably a in circle, but if you dont want to
cast a circle atleast assemble the glyphs, the correct order.

This hsould be done at the same time across the country,
perhaps 10 minuites before blast off.

Spice should also be assembled.

in that case, I suggest that A) EVERYONE SUBMITS A PERSONAL GLYPH


on the thread, with attached all the gylphs and names that are participating.

Then, allow time to focus on the glyphs, and toke up..

Dude, you honestly sound like a cult leader. Don't just give them the steps and have them blindly follow. Tell them what they're doing. This is a whole different ball game than what you might encounter on DMT or any other psychedelic. The outcome could be horrible if someone just has the wrong thought cross their mind while making their sigil.

Personally, unless we get rid of the strict rituals, I won't participate. As I said earlier, I do believe in magick, but I believe that it's a snowball effect. The more you take control of your reality, the more you have to control it to keep it in order. I know that I can't do anything that's not a ritual, but I don't need to actively participate.
Bluelight thread

Yeah, word, I'm not trying to join a cult here, just blast of some DMT with some friends and maybe, just maybe, send and receive some vibes. I'm not trying to come into anyone else's forum on a high horse, but some of that seems a little excessive.
36fuckin5 said:
First of all, I suggest since this is essentially an excersize in MAGICK,

You're exactly right. This is where the problem is.

...of which I am familiar; we ask everyone to create a symbol, a personal
glyph which we will print off, or draw, and a name by which we can
identify hyperspace travelers and focus on them.

I actually don't suggest that most people do this. I know a little about magick myself. Now, I'm not saying that it's not real, or anything like that. I have participated in ritual magick before. My point is that there are repercussions for this. You don't know what kind of intent these people might put into their sigil. And call it by the right name. It puts more of an emphasis on the importance of it.

Assemble all the glyphs in an area, a cirlce, taking care to ritualise,
cleanse and meditate before assembling the physical meeting point.

this should be done preferably a in circle, but if you dont want to
cast a circle atleast assemble the glyphs, the correct order.

This hsould be done at the same time across the country,
perhaps 10 minuites before blast off.

Spice should also be assembled.

in that case, I suggest that A) EVERYONE SUBMITS A PERSONAL GLYPH


on the thread, with attached all the gylphs and names that are participating.

Then, allow time to focus on the glyphs, and toke up..

Dude, you honestly sound like a cult leader. Don't just give them the steps and have them blindly follow. Tell them what they're doing. This is a whole different ball game than what you might encounter on DMT or any other psychedelic. The outcome could be horrible if someone just has the wrong thought cross their mind while making their sigil.

Personally, unless we get rid of the strict rituals, I won't participate. As I said earlier, I do believe in magick, but I believe that it's a snowball effect. The more you take control of your reality, the more you have to control it to keep it in order. I know that I can't do anything that's not a ritual, but I don't need to actively participate.

The Glyph is now used to identify other travelers in hyperspace, we also use a so called "Hyperphrase" for this. Beforehand we don't know what glyph and/or hyperphrase people have to make sure we aren't making hyperspace travelers up.

Of the various experiments with this event you don't have to participate in any of them. e.g. it might be enough to join the synchronised blast-off and be on the lookout for other travelers. You don't have to join at Stonehenge, etc.

In fact if the only thing you want to do is join the synchronised take-off thats fine too, the first reason for this event is to see what happens when we do a worldwide synchronised take-off to hyperspace. After the first idea other's followed of which one of them suggested having a glyph or symbol to identify other travelers in hyperspace, then someone suggested a phrase too, etc, as I'm aware of this is NOT an excersize of magick but a mere mass expedition to hyperspace with an unknown outcome.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
idtravlr said:
Iziel said:
Here are two drawings that IslandHome did for the event. If you all like it feel free to use them. He was thinking they'd be good for the logo...



I like the top image. Any way you can work into it something that represents many hyperspace travelers crossing paths or meeting together?

I just saw this response. I'll try and work on something if nothing else has been decided on. I'm not sure how to incorporate crossing paths tho. I'll talk to IslandHome about what we could do to the image.
The Traveler said:
The Glyph is now used to identify other travelers in hyperspace, we also use a so called "Hyperphrase" for this. Beforehand we don't know what glyph and/or hyperphrase people have to make sure we aren't making hyperspace travelers up.

Of the various experiments with this event you don't have to participate in any of them. e.g. it might be enough to join the synchronised blast-off and be on the lookout for other travelers. You don't have to join at Stonehenge, etc.

I understand this, and I do appreciate your tolerance of my views, but I just can't agree with everybody ritualizing it so much.

In fact if the only thing you want to do is join the synchronised take-off thats fine too, the first reason for this event is to see what happens when we do a worldwide synchronised take-off to hyperspace.

Maybe that's what everybody is going for. And I applaud the idea. I'd love to hit some spice then see if I can get your thought transmissions. But as I said, there's too much intent going in on one person's part (shoe) which is gonna change the whole thing.

After the first idea other's followed of which one of them suggested having a glyph or symbol to identify other travelers in hyperspace, then someone suggested a phrase too, etc, as I'm aware of this is NOT an excersize of magick but a mere mass expedition to hyperspace with an unknown outcome.

I'm not sure how much you know about magick (specifically chaos theory is what I know) but I know a little. By no means am I an expert, or even good at it, but my roommate and a good bit of my friends practice. But one of the basic things you learn is that there is no such thing as something that's not an act of magick. If you wipe your ass after you take a shit, that's a cleansing ritual.

Now, as far as these "glyphs" that's a great idea. We need a way to identify each other. However, I don't think that we should use this style. This style of picture is alomst always used in pagan ritual. The way you use them is to focus on one event that you need to happen (I wouldn't suggest trying anything with any negative connotation whatsoever) and try to put some of that energy into the symbol you made. You think of your intent, take out all the vowels, then there's a process (I don't know the entire thing) to get the statement condensed to a small symbol with no curved lines that goes inside a circle.

The problem is that we're gonna have a LOT of people with little to no knowledge of what they're doing. If your mind is racing and you're thinking about problems with relationships, for example, that's most likely going to have a bad outcome.

I say we go ahead and try to make a symbol that we can all recognize, but all have the same one and NOT in that style. I have to say that if this doesn't happen, I won't be participating. I won't look down on anyone else, but it's not my way of life and I don't want a part of it.

PS, I know that I sound angry, and I apologize. I'm not the most eloquent person on Earth. I mean no harm.
Hello 36fuckin5,

I understand your views and also your definition of a ritual. The last thing I want to do is to give people the idea they HAVE to do something. If you look at this event you don't have to participate in anything.

36fuckin5 said:
I say we go ahead and try to make a symbol that we can all recognize, but all have the same one and NOT in that style. I have to say that if this doesn't happen, I won't be participating. I won't look down on anyone else, but it's not my way of life and I don't want a part of it.

The main reason to have a seperate glyph for everyone is to recognize a certain traveler, I see it as a symbolized nametag. When you explore hyperspace and see another entity that wears a specific symbol/nametag you can write that symbol down in your report after the journey. Then after the hyperspace event when we all wrote our reports we reveal the different glyphs and phrases that everyone carried with them. We can then link reports and glyphs/phrases.

Having a glyph and/or phrase is not mandatory and as far as it shows on the SHE-site not many people have taken a glyph yet.

If the idea of glyphs and/or phrases gives you a bad feeling then I think it's like karma: if it feels bad for you then you should avoid it since it will affect the set and setting of your journey. Wheather you join the event or not, I don't think anyone will (and should) judge you for it. I go into this event without the feeling that it's magick. I see it as a mass exploration into the unknown.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
lemmy said:
i have posted this on the david icke forums as thers lots of like minded folk over ther.here is a link to the thread. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?p=438400#post438400 i hope no one minds but i have asked any psychics or remote viewers to try and home in on us and see what the come up with also.

Funny, a good friend of mine posted a message to David Icke about this as well. Thank you for posting.
Sounds to me like the only one ritualising anything (everything), is you 36fuckin5. You said it yourself, it all has to do with a persons intent.

If you wipe your ass after you take a shit, that's a cleansing ritual.
No, thats cleaning the shitty mess off your asshole, because your body has finished digesting the last meal you ate and it makes a mess on the way out.
Go ahead and make that more than it is, if you need to.
I'll just wipe my ass!!

As far as Glyphs go, I thought that idea of putting a bunch of extra symbols & crap into this experiment was rather unnecessary. So I just used my regular avatar, I figure thats my "face" around here so I figured it would work just fine. Having something to identify with, does make some sense. Although, trying to identify symbols, sounds like more than enough to ruin a good spice trance by thinking too much!

From "Shoe's" reports (he had the original "glyph" idea), I'm not sure he's had a full on DMT breakthrough, he has repeatedly talked about walking around, changing CD's etc... While experiencing the spice.
I don't know about anyone else but when I'm under the DMT veil, it is an absolute, physical impossibility to be up walking around!!!
I'm not taking personal shots here, just seems like anyone who can walk up & down stairs & concentrate on the physical world enough to change a CD (much less see well enough to do this) while under DMT influence, has not taken on a full dose of DMT!!

BTW, Shoe, why have you not registered a glyph on the S.H.E. page? Twas your idea & all.

Personally, I'm really just looking forward to knowing that there will be a large number of other heads out there, turning on at exactly the same time as I do, all around the globe!!
Thats gotta stand for something!!

I am pagan and highly familiar with ritual, magick, and intent. Ritual does not equal magick. Focusing on a glyph is not magick...no intent is behind this focus except bringing the glyph into hyperspace as an identifier. Magick does not need to be ritualized...I'm not sure what bothers you 365, but you seem to really miss the whole point. We are doing an experiment, not trying to affect something with intent.

It is a glyph NOT a sigil. A sigil is a symbol(s) used in magick. It is highly specific... However, we are not doing magick here. A glyph is a symbol that represents something. In our case the GYLPH represents a hyperspace traveller.

In any case,

Traveller may I suggest not making it manditory for people to join the Nexus in order to sign up. This may be a turn off for some people and I think we want as many people as possible to be a part of this event. 27 people (to me) just ain't enough.
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