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heres the bbc version of the LHC thing.

it turns out this isnt the grand switch on, just a test, in fact.. its a
"synchronisation test". Yeah.

and, eventually, using *collisions* they hope to
"reveal fundamental new insights into the nature of the cosmos and how it came into being"
"Precision timing" is required

AND they are operating at 1.9 Kelvin, which is the EXACT temperature at which DMT vapourises!!! ok no Im only kidding about that

Finally, I think we can all agree "It's been a long-haul, and we're all eager to get the research programme underway"
kaos.underwave said:

Do you think if our bodies were sucked into nothingness while we were hyperspace we'd just end up wondering around...like hyperghosts.

Hahaha! Fucking awesome! I hope we all become "hyperghosts"! How damn cool would that be?!

FYI... I'm ok with doing a second launch in the early morning hours following the launch as well. If some of you get a time nailed down, post it! I'd be in for sure!
You guys are starting to talk like McKenna. I guess this is the immense excitement kicking in.
I wish I could help you, but I can't. I'll try to remain in silent meditation for a while during launchtime, focussing on stonehenge. Maybe I can pass some "energys" to smoothen the process a bit...who knows!
Getting a little excited for the weekend. I have a couple of people that will be joining us that are not signing up....no reports from them, but there will be at least 3 people not signed up joining us on my end.

Good luck to all and hope everyone has a happy lift off.
i haven't signed up yet as well.. but you can count me in.. my bark came today and i will start processing it tonight. i'll sign up for it when i'm ready to go. i don't wanna sign up until i am absolutely sure that i will be able to join. i have been wanting to do this for 5 years and when i saw you were having this event i thought to myself.. well i still feel a little unprepared. but as i have heard nothing on this world will ever be able to prepare one for this so i might as well just take a dive. and its also pretty cool having ones first time on the first ever to be Synchronized Hyperspace Event. this is awesome folks! i hope the bodyless navigation skills i have learned in salvia space will help me navigate thru hyperspace. altho i have also heard that this is not in any means comparable.

right now i am trembling just at the thought of it being only 30 hours from now. were you folks also very nervous before the first time? will my nervousness somehow stab me in the back? or should i just go for a nice vaporizer to calm me down before launching myself? i dont wanna mess up my short term memory. i wanna remember as much as i can from this journey.

if you see a guy riding his pimped up with alien technology flying dutchman bike thru hyperspace you can be sure its me.

see y'all on the other side!
I had a dream about the event. Except it must have been in the future. There were crowds of people, waiting. And a big arcane mind amplication mechanism, that was pointed at the sky...when everyone dosed, it made the clouds and sky twist out of shape. something to do with gravity
My friend writes:
"Alright everybody! Coming down from Aya ATM, but I may need a pick me up in the afternoon. Whether I join you or not for the occasion, best to all and be secure in the knowledge of what a good thing you are doing."
Haw haw.
FUCK yeah!
yes noman,i feel it kind of takes the edge off it a bit knowing im not alone and thers another 60 folk doing this at the same time.
SWIM is bummed.33 minutes and counting, some personal shit is going down and swim wont be able to join S.H.E. FUCK !! stuff sometimes happens at the worst possible time. I will be sending as much good energy out as i can and will be interested in reading the reports.This wont be the last one, so hopefully swim can join the next one.I wish everyone happy and safe journeys.PEACE ALL.swim want's to be there :cry:
Well, it's now 21:19 GMT, I'm still not down because I chose the MAOI route - It hits like a brick when first inhaling, but the aftermath is very prolonged and worthwhile. If necessary, you can inhale a few more mg the next few hours. Man, you get so much more out of the spice! Thanks for the tip WS :)
Unfortunately I didn't catch any glyphs or other info from fellow-travelers... I was too busy being caressed and comforted by thousands of 'elves' that were all over me. All space was absolutely crammed with them and every one of them was 'massaging' me, not in an erotic way but far, far beyond that. I could never have imagined that DMT can be so incredibly smooth, gentle and compassionate!
Detailed report on the SHE site following.
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