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syrian rue extraction attempt

Migrated topic.
ok for the second jar i had(second extract attempt) i may have fucked up. i dissolved the precipitates in some fresh water and a lil vinegar and salted it pretty much immediatley and stuck it in the fridge(after straining it through a coffee filter, which caught a lot of the sparky dirt. i picked out the salt rocks and dryed it and it looks like the good "parkly dirt.". should i add this to the harmala solution or throw it away? i wasnt sure if it was good or thrash) . i didnt let it sit in the fridge before i salted it. is that ok? im gonna decant/ strain it tomorow or maybe late tonight and then dissolve in vinegar solution and add some sodium carbonate. about how much do i need?

cuz on my first jar i added way too much because the color wasnt changing until i shook it. i think that first extraction attempt is ruined. but i still have some hope that i can still complete my second one decntly correct.
You need as little as possible sodium carbonate a little at a time, wait, shake, then add a little more, JUST until the colour stops changing.

Stop rushing so much :) and I advise against using coffee filters at all with this tek unless your goodies are in a soluble state and not present as hard matter. Otherwise just carefully decant. When salting try leave everything in the freezer for at least 12 hours.

If it sparkles, throw it back in the mix. It's either the goodies or salt and salt is very easily removed in the basifying step.
k thanks im gonna add the sparkly dirt to the harmala solution and probably do the sodium carbonate step tomorow. after salting i usually let it sit in the freezer for a day.
Good stuff.

This isn't necassary really, but when I do this extraction, after the salted harmalas crash out and have been removed from the solution, I salt the solution again, just to make sure I got it all. You may be doing it anyways I don't know.
ya sometimes i have. once i just did one time tho.
anyway, last night i resalted my first extraction jar after i comletely loaded up way too much sodium carbonate the first time.
then i resalted my second extraction jar and for the 4th or 5th time. then i let the sit out on the counter for a while instead of straight into the freezer because my freind who is very good in chemistry said to let it get room temperature before the freezer and the crystals will grow bigger. i always did this with this extraction on my second jar. but usually just until its room temp then into the fridge. usually this takes around an hour.

well last night was a beautiful full moon so i felt the need to go smoke some bowls and listen to music looking at the moon and stars listening to th waves. then i had a lil salvia. needless to say i forgot about my jars till this morning. so instead of one hour sitting at room temp tehy got about 12.

now, i havent touched my jars at all for fear of disturbing them so theyre still on the counter. each jar(even the first jar that i overloaded with sodium carbonate and thought was ruined for sure) is absolutely filled with the most freaking beautiful crystals. they fill up around a 1/3 or maybe a bit more of the jar. they are clear and very fragile looking. they look like a bunch of glass needles that formed into clusters. the original tek i followed on my first post said it was possible to get these up to 4mm long or something. well, these are longer than that for sure. some are almost a centimeter it looks like.

now my question is what do i do now? is it necassary to put em in the freezer now? i mean theres already big ass crystals. also, how do you reccomend i get em out? im almost certain that they will break. after this its time for both of em to get the sodium carbonate. this makes me a bit nervous because im a bit skeptial whether or not my sodium bicarb even turned into carbonate. it looks the same. and about the same amount as i put in. because of this fact i cooked it for ~25 mnutes orso 2 morew times to be sure but im still skeptical for some reason.

anyway, hope you can help. ill try to get my sister to email me some pics of it if she visits since i dont have a camera. but then the question is will i be able to figure out how to post em. lol.
nah, freezing isn't necassary, it just speeds stuff up. It seems you pretty much got there.

Just carefully decant the liquids and let your goodies dry if you're happy with them.
before the sodium carbonate wash? but then they wont be freebase will they? how much are you supposwed to take if you just eat em in hcl form?
d'oh... yeah sorry base them first to get all the salt off and what not. Leave as base for sublingual use and vaping.

Hcl's are better for oral consumption. I use 150-250mg with oral DMT
i still have to decant and redissolve in a vinegar solution before i base them right?
K im gonna do it today. gonna try and get some pics of the crystals first tho. i hope my sodium bicab turned into sodium carb
fatso said:
K im gonna do it today. gonna try and get some pics of the crystals first tho. i hope my sodium bicab turned into sodium carb

Always weigh your bicarb before you cook it. Afterwards you can test by making sure it's 2/3 of the original weight.

Good luck :)
i couldnt cuz my scale broke and myweigh sent it back broken. idiots. anyway, it looks like about the same amount of powder. would it look like more or less or does the powder become less dense? i cooked it for a good amount of time and it still looks the same. should i try cooking it one more time just to be safe? maybe i put too thick of a layer of it in the pyrex dish?
hey sorry its taken sooo long to update. i finally got my scale back and even the brand new sealed one they gave me wont even turn on. im hoping its the batteries. once i get it fixed im gonna turn one of my batches(i kept the 2 extraction yields seperate) and turn it into free base to see which i like more.

anyway, i got my 4-aco-dmt and was thinking about taking some maois with it. are you allowed to tell me how much of these crystals to use? if so id appreciate it.
great, thanks! im gonna take it and watch the meteor shower. is it ok to eat now(9) and trip at 1 or so? also, should i take the harmala before the 4-ac-dmt ? what should i expect from the harmala, ex. a lot of nausea? how does it change the trip besides making it more intense with a lower dose. if i take the harmala with it ill prolly take like 75 mg for the first time. is that enough for maoi inhibition? sorry for all the questions. maois make me a bit nervous.
hey guys. yesterday i tried to covert some of my harmala salts into freebase so i dissolved the crystals in a vinegar solution(made it yellow) and slowly started adding sodium carbonate. its dissolving and fizzing but it doesnt seem to be changing colors or precipitating any crystal. what am i doing wrong? any tips? thanks !!
I don't think you need to dissolve into vinegar solution, simply boil some distilled water let it cool slightly add your crystal then add sodium..
fatso said:
hey guys. yesterday i tried to covert some of my harmala salts into freebase so i dissolved the crystals in a vinegar solution(made it yellow) and slowly started adding sodium carbonate. its dissolving and fizzing but it doesnt seem to be changing colors or precipitating any crystal. what am i doing wrong? any tips? thanks !!

How much vinegar did you use?

Also is there sodium carbonate that isn't dissolving at the bottom?
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