Grey Fox
Esteemed member
brewster said:Yes, picture please. I can't get enough photos of naked bridgesii .
Yeah, I mean, a well-established tricho will grow a foot per year or even more. But in terms of goodies, a foot of standard bridge can be a rather moderate dose. According to Caz (the guy from reddit whom I quoted earlier) and , three segments of the monster can give a serious effect. That's much less mass than a foot of standard bridge, but seems to be comparable in power. In that regard, a short form (clone B) might be as productive as a standard bridgesii.
Or did I miss something?
If its that strong then it would be worth growing for consumption. Let us know what it does for you.
Standard bridgesii is pretty strong though. The problem with dosage comparison is that sometimes people are taking 12 inches from a skinny young plant and sometimes people are taking 12 inches from a fat old plant. There's a big difference between those two cuttings. Good, mature bridgesii can be VERY strong at 12 inches. I've tripped hard from less.
Bridgesii can get to a good sized plant in a few years under the right conditions. Here's the plant I referred to in the last post.