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the chase

Migrated topic.


Staff member
This is a more detailed story of something that happened to me, a while ago.

I've always had the habit of climbing tall structures and trees. And so one sunday, when i walked pass a large construction site, i could not resist. There was a large building completely packed with scaffolds and i just knew the sight from the top would be great, and the thing itself would be easy to climb.

But when i had reached to top of the building, a police helicopter came flying by. And they spotted me. They kept hovering right in front of me. I could literally see the facial expressions of the guys inside. So i climbed down as quickly as i could.

But the helicopter didn't go away. They clearly did not have the intention to let me get away with it.
I had read in the local paper before that burglars had ransacked this construction site before. They've stolen building materials and tools and equipment.
Maybe those cops where thinking that i had something to do with these thefts as well, i don't know.

But they kept following me with their helicopter. Luckily though, my hometown is small and completely surounded by forest area. So i ran as fast as i could to the forest. I figured that this would be a more difficult place for them, to navigate policecars towards me.
But they just kept following me, hovering only 30 meters or so, above me.

I thought that if i would go off the path, into more rugged and densely grown terain, they would have to climb to a higher altitude if they still wanted to be able to give the folks on the ground my position. So i did, and it seemed to work.
Eventually i managed to ditch them, wich probably had more to do with luck than anything else.

And then, one day, many, many months later, when i was just shopping, a police helicopter flew over.
I realised that i was wearing the same hat, as when i had this previous encounter with the helicopter guys. And that they maybe would be able to recognise me by that hat.
I hesitated for a second, and then i quickly decided to take it off.

Maybe that was a big mistake. Maybe they had already seen me. I hope i'll never find out.
But they'd spotted me, that's for sure.

First, everything seemed fine. The helicopter flew over, and the sound quickly faded in the distance. I felt relieved. But then the sound came back. It came closer and closer and closer.
I felt the urge to quickly run into an alley. But maybe there was another reason why they had come back, and i didn't want to draw any attention. So i tried to act calmly, and just kept on walking with my bag full of groceries.

But the sound became so loud, and i saw people on the street looking at me. So i looked up. And there it was. Hovering not more than 20 meters above me. And if i walked for another 50 meters, and i looked up again, it was still hovering right above me.

The only thing i could think of, was to run to the forest again. But this time, it wasn't a quiet sunday, and i was in the middle of a busy shopping area. So there where definately where more cops around. And they came. Running as fast as possible, taking small alleyways when possible, i managed to reach the forest before they could get me.
Again, i was running through the forest with a helicopter hovering above me. But now there where some cops, close behind me as well.
So i kept running. I was on rugged terain now, but i decided that this time it would probably better to find a path as quickly as possible: on a path, i could run faster than the cops behind me, until they would have reached the path as well ofcourse, but by that time the distance between me and them would have widened, wich would be a psychological advantage for me, and a disatvantage for them, i figured.

I eventually did manage to lose the cops behind me, but the helicopter was still hovering right above me.
The only thing that i could do now, is keep moving, and make sure that my direction was as unpredictable as i could. So i ran, and changed direction all the time. Waiting for the helicopter to run out of fuel.

Luckily, a helicpter is a machine that makes a hummer look like an ascetic monk when it comes to fule consumption.
After about one and a half hour, the noise started to fade.
this could be a trick however. So i stopped running, but i did not stop moving.
The noise was not from far away. I couldn't see it, but that didn't mean that they couldn't see me.

I don't know for how long exactly they kept following me. The noise did become quieter, but on the other hand, every engine type of sound i heared sounded just like a police helicopter to me, now. So i kept hearing helicopter sounds for quite a while.

Only after two more hours, i felt comfortable enough to go back home, taking a huge detour.

All this has had some impact on me. I do not enjoy climbing structures anymore. And whenever i hear a helicopter approaching, my hart starts beating faster. And also....they know what i look like without that hat now. An uncomfortable thought.
DOH!! :surprised

Quite an epic tale!

I would think that all you would have received was a trespassing ticket. You made some poor choices for sure. Sounds like you learned your lesson though. Probably would have been best to stay put and face the music. :?

Fun story to read all the same! Hopefully you can one day hear a helicopter without it causing a panic. :p
Geez dragonrider,

That got my heart racing a bit just reliving it in your story, must have been incredibly intense!

Outran a police helicopter, not once, but twice. Bravo.

Avoiding talking to police is a policy of mine too. 😁
Despite being chased and having to run-in with the law, I think it's pretty awesome that you climb! I never have. I used to climb tall trees and small rock outcrops around the area some years back, but rarely.

How long have you been climbing stuff?

Here's a video, not sure if you've seen, it's a young russian guy climbing the Shanghai Tower [650 meters] among some other crazy tall structures. I could never I don't think..

He's climbed several things of this height and filmed it. If I remember reading right I think he ended up falling to his death, though that could've been someone else, can't remember.

A dagon beautiful view though :love:



Jeez dragonrider!!

What a great story!!!

I have so many cop-encounter and cop-evading stories from back in the day (these days I hole up at our farm out in the middle of nowhere and try not to go into any town as much as possible, lol!), but I have never had a helicopter spot me nor follow me nor tack me down!!!

Thank you for sharing this story!!! It got my heart racing as if I was back in the days when I used to get hassled by cops all the freaking time! Plus, it put a big, wide grin on my face! So thanks again!!!!😁

I finally learned that if I cut my hair short, dressed like a hick and drove a pickup, they stopped bothering me altogether...Ah, there's nothing quite like the usage of stereotyping for a tactical advantage!! Looking as I do nowadays, the cops can't tell that I might be high as a kite on LSD nor can they tell that I do yoga, practice meditation and visit hyperspace occasionally...All they see is my redneck side and think, "whelp, there's a law-abiding citizen"...LMAO!!! I purposefully break as many immoral, unethical laws as I possibly can each and every day! It is my sworn duty as a defender of freedom and liberty from all those who would tell others how to live their own lives...

I have to agree with RAM and say that if I were you, I'd ditch the hat!

Stay safe!!!
tatt said:
Despite being chased and having to run-in with the law, I think it's pretty awesome that you climb! I never have. I used to climb tall trees and small rock outcrops around the area some years back, but rarely.

How long have you been climbing stuff?
Wow, those are cool video's. I have been climbing stuff since i was a child. Mostly trees then. I started to climb other things when i was a teenager. A friend of me was a real fanatic when it came to climbing. He had turned his whole bedroom into a climbing wall even, including the ceiling. I learned a lot, just by watching him climb. Like not to rely on strength too much, and more on agiliy.

I haven't done it in quite a while. Since my first encounter with the helicopter. It was the first time i experienced vertigo, when climbing down. The adrenalin was pumping through my veins, and part of me wanted to get down immediately. I had to realy resist that urge, and climb down carefully, with shaky hands. Realy scary.

I think i should start climbing again though. Confront this new, unwanted fear and overcome it.
I've always loved it. And it does make you feel alive.
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