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The Holy Grail of DMT and my quest Pt 1


Esteemed member
I have waited a long time to post this as there is much back story. I have a batch of what I believe to be Mimosa extracted DMT that is unique and exceptional in every way. It is the Holy Grail and I am unable to produce anything close.

Background: I started smoking DMT about 25 years ago, when I was in my early 20's. I received a batch of hard stinky crystal DMT I now know was 5-MEO, it was said to have came from the toad. I had done many Psychedelics leading up to this and when the opportunity arose I acquired what I thought might be a lifetime batch, 40G. It lasted me 10 years, only smoking with close friends on special occasions and smoking by myself as well. I was not research savvy at the time and assumed this was DMT but it was surely 5-MEO which is very different while still the same. I never understood the difference until this past year. Uncanny features of the 5-MEO was how bad it smelled like mouthballs in its molecular form and also once smoked. You could smell it in the room the next day. I had to isolate the bong I used in a rubbermaid as it smelled incredibly strong. I would break up the crystal and my hand would stink for a day as well. This smell always stayed with me. There was not much take-away from the trips but they sure were mind expanding to say the least. One time I was sure I discovered the meaning to life and then lost it upon re-entry.

I came upon a batch of 10G Mimosa given to me 3 years ago. It had been a long time since the 5-MEO and I considered it the same substance. It smelled the same but resembled what you see on this forum as a crude bright orange crumble extract. I had not found the Nexus yet and did not understand extraction. Now that I do I would always choose to smoke something I have made and not given. But I was lucky, this stuff was on another level. Given what I knew about my hundreds of 5-MEO experiences I was tentative to try it. Life was different I had grown up and had kids and many more obligations and stresses from work. It took me a while to find the right time, but it came one night when I could not get my brain to shut up, I was driving myself crazy contemplating all the stresses of life. I made a bold choice at about 1am when I knew I would not sleep and blasted off. Hard. This batch is all OEV transporting me to a spiritual realm. No cyberspace, no entities it is the spirit land no question. I heard unearthly languages on my strongest trip chanting to me in monotonic layers of pitch. The colors are always electric in quality. I have a guide I am mentally communicating with on most trips. Things are mind blowing and when I come to all my questions are answered simply. Physically my heart and breathing has come to the slow state of what one would obtain in deep meditation. 3 breaths per second. Light breaths. I have never been able to meditate. I will dig into the health benefits from crude extract I have discovered on another post to follow, I am convinced that DMT is medicine for the body and soul in a way not many will ever know. But not the pure stuff. It has to be the full extract IMO.

This first trip was spectacular. Colorful machine like matrix. Floating cinematic perspectives. No consciuosness of self. When I came to, the inner chirping started again with my problems and inner monologue sounding up. I made a joke to myself "We gotta choak this guy" referring to my inner monologue, he was irritating the heck out of me during one of the most amazing trips I ever had. I told a few people this story and my friend laughed and told me this is buddhism. "The Atman" (the watcher and the greater self) was annoyed by the constant chattering of the "monkey mind". That was me I was him.

So I started smoking alot. I mean alot. One or two break thru's a night, most nights. It was the summer I felt alive. It started off with 70-80MG hits ( I would not advice this of anything pure like white fluff) and I worked my way up to some 150MG hits that were not entirely consumed. It akes more of the crude extract to balst off then the pure molecule. This stuff melted just like the old 5-MEO. You had to hit it hard and hot or it would slip thru any screen or even MJ sandwich buffer. I have a very special setup with a bong slide that has charcoal filters on top and bottom that allows a torch to vaporize the contents at medium heat. It is super effective. Large hits are the key to break thru's and this bong setup is it. Some got lost on these mega doses and my hardest trip came from clearing out the resin left with a ton of torch hits. I did not expect it. I heard the chants and went one million miles below our existence and kept going deeper and deeper. I knew not to breath. Minutes seem like hours and it felt like I no linger needed oxygen. I held my breath subconsciously going so far into things it was life changing. I finally took a breath and came up the one million miles in one second and came back into my body. That was the hardest trip I ever took. This batch of DMT sometimes feels like someone cut open a fiberoptic cable and sprayed me with so much information in such a short time that it is impossible to retain. But I later realized you do retain, it does come back. DMT has strengthened my DNA I am positive. THEY have probed my brain and extracted information from me as well but that is another story.

Life had been hard, this ended up being my therapy in so many indescribable ways. The matrix i saw in the beginning was machine like. One time I asked it a question as everything was so beautiful. I had been doing a photogrohy assignement and asked it on my way in how to light things properly. It showed me the most beautiful lighting of a machine matrix and answered my question. This progressed into passing thru "the gate". I saw monkey dolls that were statues, they were the gatekeepers. They were statues with only their eyes that showed life. Cinematic scroll down of their bodies that were also machines in the matrix. Electro-colors. Past this my break thus where all in the spirit realm. I would do these hits as medicine to very hard and un-winnable days. Life is like that, not all days are good and my days had been terrible. This stash was medicine. I di not need set and sitting I was messed up from life and this batch fixerd me. These hits would clear my mind and alleviate my stress, I was so grateful to DMT for that, more grateful then I have ever been for anything. I always stayed humble in its precence. The most beatiful trip I took had ancient images portrayed in electric neon green and pink light emerging from the ground. The green would float upwards and the pink would float and melt into my body. Everytime the pink energy entered me it healed me, and it was succesional. It kept hitting me and healing me and I said "you don't need to help me I am here as a student and a pupil" as I felt as if pitty was taken on me. I have never asked for help from anyone. THEY said "We are not doing anything you just need to love yourself". And they were right. I had been beating myself up over things I could not prevent. THEY are always right. On this trip I came to, and was in my room but it was the Aurora Borealis 100%. Neon blues and greens floating in the air like clouds. It was more spectacular then anything I have seen in hundreds of trips. And the healing power was undeniable. I get emotional thinking of what THEY gave me on this trip.

I started running out of this stash and became worried. 2G's left maybe. My friend turned me on to the Nexus and offered me Gordo-tek. This tek works good but produced a very pure white fluff that did not smell, taste or resemble what I was accustommed to. I was confused. I started smoking it with some worry of how far off I was from what I was used to. Keep in mind I still did not understand fully that my Holy Grail stash was not 5-MEO even though it smelled so strongly of it. It was Mimosa as far as I later learned, but I was confused. Why was Gordo-tek giving me something that did not smell strongly or look the same color? My trips sucked in comparisson. Cyberspace, alone, no meditative breathing no spirits no nothing. White fluff IMO 2 out of 10. It did not compare even closely to the batch I had. I started to get real worried. What if I could not produce what I thought was DMT that had done so much for me? I had blown through 10G of something I would give anything for un-knowingly. I felt desperate.

I tried many teks. I read Shaggy-tek and there was a quote about how the full extract with the bright orange color was the magical extract. I thought this was the answer but this was just the beginning. I did some Shaggy-tek and liked the smell and look. My Holy Grail stash is bright yellow/orange and stinks even after being only in a jar at room temp for years. I will post pics in later threads but it will look like any other crude extract. I started producing some things that were bright yellow and stunk if you walked in the room. But this tek was evaporation. I do not recomend evaporation you must crash out, evaporation in this case with Thoraine was gross. I had spirits shaking jars at me telling me I was doing it wrong on high doses. There were impurities. I was confused. And getting very nervous I was about to lose something special.

I tested. Naptha vs Hepthane, A/B, S/T/B all against each other. Different barks you name it. I was convinced there was a recipe I was missing. How in the world is my stash so special and I cannot re-formaulte it? It literally drove me nuts. Testing in a frantic frenzy all with not even close to the results I was looking for... I consumed impurities and am sure of it. I will post a very safe tek outlining what NOT to do, from mistakes I have made. Micro emulsions are real, and even 1/100th of a mg of impurity will mess you up, trust me, with it especially noticable on my preferred high doses.

At this point I am submersed in my own world. I really have no one to relate to on what I am going through, losing the most sacred thing I have ever found, and am bugging. I reached out. Friend of a friend. Was surprised they responded but this is what he said : " this was made from generations old Purple Mimosa trees in Brazil, and extracted in Brazil. The extrator had died and his mentor had disappeared. It was S/T/B they flipped large jars every couple hours. Lye. Buchner funnel, Naptha" that was it. I had more questions but these were all the answers that I could get. At this point I am Indianna Jones looking for the lost Grail by myself. I had to theorize these points of extraction:

- Brazil, in the jungle, low natural heat to extract

- "Flip Jars" slow process

- S/T/B = Crude extract (possible natural MAOI extraction)

- Naptha

And I tested. On myself. With much dissapointment. I tested so quickly that I consumed toxins from what I believe could have been micro emulsions of lye and trapped contaminants of solvents. I will post on this another time. At one point I high dosed and immedailty said "this is not it" and got in a squable with DMT as THEY said this was it, but it was not. I felt as though I had lost a loved one. What if I could not get back to what I knew as the ultimate journey? On one of my last trips on the Holy Grail stash a white goddess came to me, all in shades of white and started blessing me again with the pink energy. It was everything I ever wanted and I cried knowing I would lose her. I am going to tell you right now it is the bark. I reached out to the guy and he said "Yes it is the bark" . This bark is so magical and so spiritual it is the difference. It smells like MEO but is Mimosa. It was said to come form generation old trees. It is my theory and my theory alone, that old Mimosa trees have the potential to produce small amounts of 5-MEO with the N NDMT that is normally extracted. Has to be low heat no acid, STB. 69Ron said on some very old posts that 5-MEO may be in more things than we know as it is very finicky to extract and lost in the process of extraction most times. This additive plus the crude extract of MAOI's proves to be unsurpassed in my experience. I have refined my crude extract to what I believe the Brazilians acheived and have still fallen short. I have sensed turmoil in barks I questioned as not sustainably sourced, the spirit of the tree was not there or not positive. In some Mexican bark it was all turmoil on high doses, I knew something bad had been done to this tree.

Here are my theories:

- Naptha is the most conducive solvent to "Full Spectrum" extracts that involve naturally occurring MAOI's in the tree. Full Spectrum refers to all the alkaloids the tree is giving in conjunction with the DMT molecule that help in its metabolizing. I have had some skeptisism about my term "full spectrum" on this forum. Read this link and you will understand fully of the Synergy of full spectrum:

- S/T/B low heat gives you the brightest and most pungent crude extract containing these MAOI's. This is based on my tests.

- The bark used is crucial. Mass harvested bark by new trees on the web will not give you the same trip as what I have experienced. I am very sure of this.

I am sometimes curious as to why there is not more discussion on why people value some teks over others. There is not much talk about the quality of the trip or physical health benefits. One of my favorite posts came from an Australian that is labeled "sticky" on the Changa page. Chocobeastie. I like this guy. He claimed his "plant head" friends could decipher between Mimosa and Acacia and people scoffed at him. I would not be able to decipher pure white fluff from various trees but can surely see huge differences in Acacia vs Mimosa as well as Purple Mimosa in my crude extract process. The Purple Mimosa for example would give me a different set of color visuals all in reds and purples. Some barks have more entities in my trips. Some are more cyberspace, some are more spiritual. I am curious about others opinions on this subject as this is what I value in my extract process, with the goal always to achieve the Holy Grail status of my original batch of crude extract.

I have reached a point where I am very confident in my crude extract process and will post it on another thread. You have to be careful with any process that can trap contaminants such as lye or solvent, the crude extract being a part of this with its crumbly form. One time i accidentally pressurized a jar during precipitation of some white fluff with some heptane and produced the most potent diamonds there could be, they were strong and pure I thought. I had been mixing them into some weak changa for a week and having amazing blast offs, going just as deep maybe as my Holy Grail stash just in a different way. Well one of them diamonds must have been holding something real bad, as one night I hit them and the start of my trip was a noisy overwhelming static with a volume of 10. It scarred the crap out of me and as I went into the trip the static climbed instontaneously to a level I was sure was frying my brain. I said goodbye to my kids in my head and went under, I was sure I was fried. I awoke knealing on the floor beside the bed I had started out on. I was under for maybe 15 minutes I would guess. I could not believe I was back but i was dizzy and still tripping super hard. It was actually a nightmare and gave me quite a bit of PTSD. For the next hour i rolled back and forth in bed trying to get my head right, banging on my head periodically with my fists. The next day I was still dizzy and felt like something terrible had happpened to me. This inspired me to investigate everything I could to make my extracts contaminant free and I have some tricks now and am better off for the loss I took. These will all be posted in my tek later to come.

So the bad news is that I am not sure I will ever find bark as sacred as the bark I loved so much. I would bet my life there are trace amounts of 5-MEO in this old Mimosa tree bark. One thing that baffles me about my Holy Grail stash is how deep I go and how quickly I come back. I have been back to reality in a short ten minutes after even the hardest trips I have taken. 5-MEO is the only answer I can come up with for this. MAOI's make you trip longer and the crude extracts I am making now usually have me peak for 5-10 minutes with after effects lasting another 20 minutes. This makes no sense to me as the Holy Grail stash is so much shorter and more intense but like I said I believe there is 5-MEO present. How else could this stuff still stink so heavily after years and years of me opening the jar? You can read my "20 year old 5-MEO" post on a past thread where I found some old 5-MEO my friend had in a cigerette celefane in a barn that was literally 20 years old. The stuff still stinked like I remembered. I had given it to him that long ago. That is how strong 5-MEO is, it still smelled pungent with no jar or any protection from summer and winter 20 years later. There is not much on this planet that can do that and not break down, that is the power of 5-MEO.

So if there is any silver lining for anyone as bummed as me about my story or maybe not having the best bark, it is this. With the combination of herbs or Changa mixes, you can acheive spiritual break thrus even if using a pure NDMT white fluff or crystal. Herbs like Damiana have plenty of spirit in them. My second hardest trip I ever took was not my Holy Grail stash it was Damiana and the diamonds before I threw my diamonds out. I saw a beaken of light revolving around in revolution similar to a light tower, with 80 million shades of lime green. I counted them. It was unreal. I have some awesome Changa teks I will also share on a seperate Changa post as I have been experimenting with different herbs, they are wonderful.

So that is my story that I have been alone with for the past year. It has been a quest with triumphs and fails, and I still worry that once my Grail stash is gone I might never have the same experiences again, but I am ok with that I guess with what I have learned. I only smoke it now every few months it is my prize possesion. I am thinking about possibly sending a sample of what I have left to drugsdata.org as they do testing and might be able to determine if there really is 5-MEO in my stash as I believe. And what I have learned is that I am not interested in pure white crystals. I give them a 2/10 compared to full spectrum, they just don't interest me. I have read many amazing stories on this forum and do wonder if this is a personal preference of mine, as people generally do not describe what they are smoking when discussing their experiences. For me that is always the first question that comes to mind: what is in your spice?
My apologies if someone could tell me how to edit a post I meant to say 3 breaths per minute in the sentence referencing meditation.
It honestly sounds like this extraction.
I think my next extraction I am going to use this method, because they leave no air in the jar, so the naptha is forced to run completely through the entire mixture instead of just the top layer.

BTW: I really like that he added the "Thank you" label to the container. I remember reading about water molecules freezing in beautiful patterns when things like that were written on the jars, like "I Love you", etc, and when you wrote hateful things they formed into these ugly deformed patterns.

Well one of them diamonds must have been holding something real bad, as one night I hit them and the start of my trip was a noisy overwhelming static with a volume of 10. It scarred the crap out of me and as I went into the trip the static climbed instontaneously to a level I was sure was frying my brain. I said goodbye to my kids in my head and went under, I was sure I was fried. I awoke knealing on the floor beside the bed I had started out on. I was under for maybe 15 minutes I would guess. I could not believe I was back but i was dizzy and still tripping super hard. It was actually a nightmare and gave me quite a bit of PTSD. For the next hour i rolled back and forth in bed trying to get my head right, banging on my head periodically with my fists. The next day I was still dizzy and felt like something terrible had happpened to me.

It seems rather common for people to describe uncomfortable experiences as a result of contamination where none exists.

The transparent crystals are quite pure. What is described here is an excessive dose followed by the subject giving themselves head trauma by repeatedly hitting themselves. Hitting yourself repeatedly in the head is extremely unhealthy.

There is a theme of excessive doses in this report and enough self harm that people should potentially be warned away from this type of behavior and approach.

The idea that 5-meo-DMT can be identified by odor is false.
The same for the claim that it can be identified by short experience duration, 5meo tends to have a longer duration than DMT.
It seems rather common for people to describe uncomfortable experiences as a result of contamination where none exists.

The transparent crystals are quite pure. What is described here is an excessive dose followed by the subject giving themselves head trauma by repeatedly hitting themselves. Hitting yourself repeatedly in the head is extremely unhealthy.

There is a theme of excessive doses in this report and enough self harm that people should potentially be warned away from this type of behavior and approach.

The idea that 5-meo-DMT can be identified by odor is false.
The same for the claim that it can be identified by short experience duration, 5meo tends to have a longer duration than DMT.
I am not sure what makes you the expert on these such things, I have had multiple hundreds of DMT trips over the last 25 years and had never had even close to the insanity this one trip brought. It was diamonds not crystals I formed and the larger the crystal I have read has more chance to catch contaminants, so I am not sure where you are getting your information but it is incorrect. Transparency equals purity does not exactly sound like a lab report. Do you have any data to back your statements or is this just another opinion? As 69Ron stated and I mentioned 5-MEO is a finicky molecule and sometimes lost in extraction, there for missed in testing. Some species of Acacia have trace amounts of 5-MEO are you aware of this? Have you ever been privy to having generations-old Mimosa? Who are you to call my doses excessive? They have gotten me to the exact right place every time I have never once had a regret until this time when the effects lasted until the next day. Not sure why you would want to shun awareness of purification you might want to consider that you might not already know everything about this subject. And to put me in a class of self harm because I had a bad experience is just plain judgemental. Post your own opinions and topics instead of battling my opinions with your own please. Or bring some actual data with you.
It seems rather common for people to describe uncomfortable experiences as a result of contamination where none exists.

The transparent crystals are quite pure. What is described here is an excessive dose followed by the subject giving themselves head trauma by repeatedly hitting themselves. Hitting yourself repeatedly in the head is extremely unhealthy.

There is a theme of excessive doses in this report and enough self harm that people should potentially be warned away from this type of behavior and approach.

The idea that 5-meo-DMT can be identified by odor is false.
The same for the claim that it can be identified by short experience duration, 5meo tends to have a longer duration than DMT.
And furthermore, these were all theories I have had based off experience, I am not professing them as facts without data like you. I took down 40G of 5-MEO over ten years and know the effects quite quite well. 5 minutes of pure loss of self and mind expansion and then coming too with everything glowing and melting like the peak of acid. And this was the experience had by my many many friends that did it with me. Over 20 maybe 30. My theory that this Mimosa had trace amounts is based on how high the peak was every time and how amazing the visuals were upon re entry. And the fact that Acacia has been proven to have trace amounts, you can check Wikipedia which I trust more than some new member. No other Mimosa has come close. I have re-x'd multiple times and gotten the purest crystals comparable to what I have seen on this forum and never been as nearly as impressed as I have been during the duration of time I spent smoking my Holy Grail stash of CRUDE. Like I said pure crystal is a 2 and Full Spectrum is a 10, not fact, but IMO. Keep smoking your tiny hits of the fluff and make your own posts please.
Thank you so much for sharing this story. It’s a beautiful tale and I felt like I was with you the whole time. I noticed that when I smoke it and it turns into little balls, perfect spheres, I’ve had the best trips. I also prefer a mango color to it. I hope you find it again, or as they say it will find you. If I have learned anything from DMT it’s that, it’s going to teach you what it wants you to know.
BTW: I really like that he added the "Thank you" label to the container. I remember reading about water molecules freezing in beautiful patterns when things like that were written on the jars, like "I Love you", etc, and when you wrote hateful things they formed into these ugly deformed patterns.

Really cool stuff if I had never tripped I might not believe but I believe in anything at this point, that water video is so amazing. I had never seen a jar flip tek and I could appreciate the lack of air and emulsion aspect it described. I do worry about solvent touching the cap material as you will see it wares it away and that scares me a little but for the most part, his tek was good. I use a lab mixer now I think that is the lab alternative with time and patience usually counteracting any emulsion problems or a super low turn velocity that will quicken emulsion break up after the mix. My takeaway from your comments was the prayer going into the dish before crystalization I am 100% doing this from now on after seeing the water video much thanks for that.
I am not sure what makes you the expert on these such things, I have had multiple hundreds of DMT trips over the last 25 years and had never had even close to the insanity this one trip brought. It was diamonds not crystals I formed and the larger the crystal I have read has more chance to catch contaminants, so I am not sure where you are getting your information but it is incorrect.
What you describe is entirely consistent with an excessive dose and DMT really doesn't form clear crystals well unless rather pure.
The idea that the large crystal contained a contaminant that made the material more active is far less plausible than the idea that you didn't weigh the dose, took too much and found it very unpleasant.
Transparency equals purity does not exactly sound like a lab report. Do you have any data to back your statements or is this just another opinion?
I'd suggest reading the posts about this from the old forum. It took a few decades to develop methods of extraction and purification that could result in material pure enough to form colorless transparent crystals.
As 69Ron stated and I mentioned 5-MEO is a finicky molecule and sometimes lost in extraction, there for missed in testing.
I'd recommend against considering anything that person claims as factual.

Who are you to call my doses excessive?
You describe 70-80mg and 150mg doses of DMT. I consider that excessive to the point of it being irresponsible.
And to put me in a class of self harm because I had a bad experience is just plain judgemental.
You literally describe hitting yourself repeatedly in the head with your fists and feeling dizzy the next day.
If harming yourself isn't self harm then I don't know what is.

And furthermore, these were all theories I have had based off experience, I am not professing them as facts without data like you. I took down 40G of 5-MEO over ten years and know the effects quite quite well. 5 minutes of pure loss of self and mind expansion and then coming too with everything glowing and melting like the peak of acid.
Actually I find the idea that you obtained 40 grams of hard smelly crystalline 5-meo-DMT obtained from toad venom, in the late 90s, to be extremely unlikely.
This idea that the product caused melting like the peak of acid is also inconsistent with the effects of 5-meo-DMT, which is not usually visual.
Also, 5-meo-DMT lasts longer than DMT rather than having a shorter duration.

And this was the experience had by my many many friends that did it with me. Over 20 maybe 30. My theory that this Mimosa had trace amounts is based on how high the peak was every time and how amazing the visuals were upon re entry. And the fact that Acacia has been proven to have trace amounts, you can check Wikipedia which I trust more than some new member. No other Mimosa has come close. I have re-x'd multiple times and gotten the purest crystals comparable to what I have seen on this forum and never been as nearly as impressed as I have been during the duration of time I spent smoking my Holy Grail stash of CRUDE. Like I said pure crystal is a 2 and Full Spectrum is a 10, not fact, but IMO. Keep smoking your tiny hits of the fluff and make your own posts please.
I just want people to realize that your information is problematic and inconsistent with the effects and properties of the molecules in question.
Your doses are excessive and able to harm people, particularly if people try them with actual 5-meo-DMT, which I suspect you have yet to experience.

Your report of taking an excess dose and repeatedly hitting yourself in the head says a lot about your approach.
Can you read? I never said I combined 5-MEO I theorized about trace elements being possibly present. My doses might be excessive for you but are fine for me I am sorry you cannot handle more and never asked anyone to do what I do these are accounts not suggestions. Your last sentence just proves how minimal your comprehension skills are I feel bad for you. Let me know how your 3rd trip goes.
My doses might be excessive for you but are fine for me I am sorry you cannot handle more and never asked anyone to do what I do these are accounts not suggestions.
They are not fine for you. You report taking unmeasured doses of highly pure DMT and having a bad experience, which you claim was caused by some type of contaminant. Let me explain; there are no contaminants that can do that. It doesn't work that way.

It was actually a nightmare and gave me quite a bit of PTSD. For the next hour i rolled back and forth in bed trying to get my head right, banging on my head periodically with my fists. The next day I was still dizzy and felt like something terrible had happpened to me.
Something terrible did happen, you struck yourself repeatedly with your fists because you took an irresponsibly large dose and had a bad reaction to it.

One of the primary symptoms of a concussion is dizziness.
For the record, giving yourself head trauma is not a solution to negative experiences caused by taking excessive and unmeasured doses of extremely potent psychedelics.

Then there is the justification rhetoric, when you enjoyed the experience you attribute some special quality to the material, when you do not enjoy the experience then you attribute some special flaw to the material. Though it may not be clear to you, this pattern of rationalization is quite common in our species, there are even Aesop's fables about it.

You also write about how one batch from back in the day was powerful and so must have had something wonderful about it, but then report that one single crystal was powerful and so must have been contaminated. This type of logic is incoherent and rationalizing and lacks introspection.

Many people report drug experiences from back in the day to be better. Not just with psychedelics, people often have powerful and significant experiences and later, despite taking the same substances then report that things change. They then keep searching for that special batch to regain that experience. I call this chasing the high and it is widespread behavior. One hears it about LSD, DMT, Cannabis, Mushrooms etc and with even things like MDMA and Meth. Older people, like myself, are often quite familiar with it, having both experienced first hand and observed it in others. The problem with it is that it often leads to misadventure, with things like people taking excessive doses and then giving themselves concussions as a solution.

I thought this was a harm reduction site, not a harm promotion site.
I may be mistaken in that assumption though.
They are not fine for you. You report taking unmeasured doses of highly pure DMT and having a bad experience, which you claim was caused by some type of contaminant. Let me explain; there are no contaminants that can do that. It doesn't work that way.

Something terrible did happen, you struck yourself repeatedly with your fists because you took an irresponsibly large dose and had a bad reaction to it.

One of the primary symptoms of a concussion is dizziness.
For the record, giving yourself head trauma is not a solution to negative experiences caused by taking excessive and unmeasured doses of extremely potent psychedelics.

Then there is the justification rhetoric, when you enjoyed the experience you attribute some special quality to the material, when you do not enjoy the experience then you attribute some special flaw to the material. Though it may not be clear to you, this pattern of rationalization is quite common in our species, there are even Aesop's fables about it.

You also write about how one batch from back in the day was powerful and so must have had something wonderful about it, but then report that one single crystal was powerful and so must have been contaminated. This type of logic is incoherent and rationalizing and lacks introspection.

Many people report drug experiences from back in the day to be better. Not just with psychedelics, people often have powerful and significant experiences and later, despite taking the same substances then report that things change. They then keep searching for that special batch to regain that experience. I call this chasing the high and it is widespread behavior. One hears it about LSD, DMT, Cannabis, Mushrooms etc and with even things like MDMA and Meth. Older people, like myself, are often quite familiar with it, having both experienced first hand and observed it in others. The problem with it is that it often leads to misadventure, with things like people taking excessive doses and then giving themselves concussions as a solution.

I thought this was a harm reduction site, not a harm promotion site.
I may be mistaken in that assumption though.
Are you still talking? You must have a serious lack of control in your daily life to be administering some sort of authority on this site. What are you the MG police for Nexus? Whats a responsible dose Dad? Enlighten me. Maybe you weigh 90lb and need smaller hitsI don't know or care. You have made many assumptions about my story but you were not there for any of it. DMT loves me and I love THEM ad and they would not do to me what happened in my bad experience, I have tripped enough to know something made its way in. You are saying that is impossible? Who are you? You exploit my reference to banging my head to the point of calling it head trauma, I had no bruises I wasn't hitting myself hard enough to cause harm I was trying to get my brain right. You judged me about the giant orange crystal rock that I had saying it wasn't 5_MEO, what was it then Dad? It stunk like deems, was a orange crystal and was about x1000 more pungent then any bark I ever had. And the trips were mind blowing. Was it a dream Dad? Are the 30 people who also knew it dreaming? For all your assumptions you are truly pathetic and in denial about many things why don't you write your own posts? Have you been a member for a week yet? No data yet to bring to the discussion? All your opinions? You want to discuss my logic but you are a judgemental troll on my post.
They are not fine for you. You report taking unmeasured doses of highly pure DMT and having a bad experience, which you claim was caused by some type of contaminant. Let me explain; there are no contaminants that can do that. It doesn't work that way.

Something terrible did happen, you struck yourself repeatedly with your fists because you took an irresponsibly large dose and had a bad reaction to it.

One of the primary symptoms of a concussion is dizziness.
For the record, giving yourself head trauma is not a solution to negative experiences caused by taking excessive and unmeasured doses of extremely potent psychedelics.

Then there is the justification rhetoric, when you enjoyed the experience you attribute some special quality to the material, when you do not enjoy the experience then you attribute some special flaw to the material. Though it may not be clear to you, this pattern of rationalization is quite common in our species, there are even Aesop's fables about it.

You also write about how one batch from back in the day was powerful and so must have had something wonderful about it, but then report that one single crystal was powerful and so must have been contaminated. This type of logic is incoherent and rationalizing and lacks introspection.

Many people report drug experiences from back in the day to be better. Not just with psychedelics, people often have powerful and significant experiences and later, despite taking the same substances then report that things change. They then keep searching for that special batch to regain that experience. I call this chasing the high and it is widespread behavior. One hears it about LSD, DMT, Cannabis, Mushrooms etc and with even things like MDMA and Meth. Older people, like myself, are often quite familiar with it, having both experienced first hand and observed it in others. The problem with it is that it often leads to misadventure, with things like people taking excessive doses and then giving themselves concussions as a solution.

I thought this was a harm reduction site, not a harm promotion site.
I may be mistaken in that assumption though.
People like you state opinions as if they are facts. You have no DATA and are so annoying lets just leave it at that.
If Nexus has a problem with me talking about my experiences and hit size, please tell me I am done listening to this condescending dictator. WIth pure crystals I have capped myself out at 40MG, I really do not enjoy them even a tenth as much as full spectrum. With full spectrum I need a higher dose as if it were to be re-x'd it would surely weigh less and is not as potent in strength but has undeniable qualities. I knew long before I wrote this post some pure crystal people's feathers would get ruffled and really do not care. People can make up their own minds they don't need someone who is stating that their opinion is more valid without proof.

I have been messing with some Acacia and believe because of its abundance in Hawaii (It is overgrown and invasive to the habitat) that hopefully it is more sustainably harvested. No need to take too much is my hope as it is everywhere. Well it has been good, not Holy Grail good (which I still smoke on occasion and is simply unbeatable) but I feel the spirit and it is positive. Dads going to hate me but I started tentatively at 40MG then 50MG then 60MG to gauge its effects. The crumble smells real nice and the physical effects are what I am after, I get close to my 3 meditative breaths per minute and it is healing. I plan to bump up my hits by 10MG as that is what works for me, anyone out there should do what works for them that is your own business as an individual. I doubt I will get past 100MG but that is where the trust comes into play. I hit my Holy Grail so many times I trusted it with my life and when I did 150MG it worked out just fine, and may be one of the most profound moments in my life that I will never forget. I have professed my love for DMT while deep in it, and THEY have professed their love back, we held each other in warm giving on one trip of Changa/Pau D'arco.

You did your job buddy, you warned everyone about what is your own opinion and you are the self-appointed MG police of Nexus, congrats. Please stop judging at this point as advice to me that is not asked for is also not needed.
Top of the page Post on how to break through:

Counting Hits- Its about as complex as it sounds. The only single draw back is it will take a couple intentional sub breakthrough vapes to find the sweet spot.
You start by loading a lot of dmt in a pipe chosen to use consistently for dmt. Every smoking tool can be quite different so this method is to dial in your hots for this specific pipe or bong. Load at least 100mg or more but-
Warning- if your using a bong and really hit it hard it is possible to vape an entire 100mg hit, so please start off with a half solid bong rip until you know how it hits. 10"-12" inch bongs especially!

I agreed with this guy completely here is another lead for the MG Police to investigate and give opinion on lol.
In corporate America, they have these personality tests that they have their leaders take called a Myers & Briggs personality type test.
You generally come out as a 'color code' on the Red, Green, Blue, Yellow scale. Sometimes based on where you are on the chart, you can float between two or three color preferences in a certain order. Under stress, certain colors will be more prevalent as your survival mode color.
They do this so that leaders can know each others personality types, and approach each other in a manner that allows them to work together and accomplish the company goals for the greater good of the company.

You can find a more generic version of these tests online, but they are scary accurate in pinpointing your strengths and weaknesses.

I am bright red when it comes to work. I'm the guy that runs around jumping into work with both feet, not a lot of analysis, not a lot of patience, but sh*t gets done. I'd rather do something and ask for permission later to get the job done. Outside of work, it's a different story.

In the real world, it is amazing how teams who get nothing done and are in constant conflict, suddenly work in harmony and get tons of things accomplished once they go through training and learn about each others personality types. Night and day difference.

@illa I'm going to guess if you took the test you are a lot like me at work that gets misunderstood for being too aggressive and demanding, but you can push a project to completion out of sheer gutting it out and putting in long hours (and re-doing things because you build now, fix later).
@[:] I'm going to guess if you took the test you are Blue, which is the very analytical type that gets misunderstood as 'talking down' to people even though all that you are doing is gathering data and make suggestions to allow a project to be better in the end result.

Both of you can be right. [:] is technically correct, in that this is a forum for reducing harm, and his analytic side was fed data that led him to the conclusion that this principle was not being followed. Illa is correct in that it was simply him telling a story about his experiences (not recommending them), and was very detailed in that. He's simply posting about wanting to find a substance that he felt was "the best" he's ever had. His quest.

Both of you are needed in the world along with the caring Greens, and optimistic Yellows, to have truly complete team that delivers optimal results. The same goes for this forum. You both have insight and experience to offer. We just need to figure out how to do that in a way that benefits the community as a whole.

A lot of time gets wasted when everyone wants to be right, and energy is lost on something that truly doesn't matter, and won't matter in another day if not a few hours. Energy that could have been spent to improve your life, instead of poison it, and neither person comes out the other side better for it. Just something eating away at you.

I'm brand new to this forum, but I really like what I see. You can feel free to tell me to STFU, but at least you'd be agreeing on something, so I'll take it. :love:

Peace. ☮️

In corporate America, they have these personality tests that they have their leaders take called a Myers & Briggs personality type test.
You generally come out as a 'color code' on the Red, Green, Blue, Yellow scale. Sometimes based on where you are on the chart, you can float between two or three color preferences in a certain order. Under stress, certain colors will be more prevalent as your survival mode color.
They do this so that leaders can know each others personality types, and approach each other in a manner that allows them to work together and accomplish the company goals for the greater good of the company.

You can find a more generic version of these tests online, but they are scary accurate in pinpointing your strengths and weaknesses.

I am bright red when it comes to work. I'm the guy that runs around jumping into work with both feet, not a lot of analysis, not a lot of patience, but sh*t gets done. I'd rather do something and ask for permission later to get the job done. Outside of work, it's a different story.

In the real world, it is amazing how teams who get nothing done and are in constant conflict, suddenly work in harmony and get tons of things accomplished once they go through training and learn about each others personality types. Night and day difference.

@illa I'm going to guess if you took the test you are a lot like me at work that gets misunderstood for being too aggressive and demanding, but you can push a project to completion out of sheer gutting it out and putting in long hours (and re-doing things because you build now, fix later).
@[:] I'm going to guess if you took the test you are Blue, which is the very analytical type that gets misunderstood as 'talking down' to people even though all that you are doing is gathering data and make suggestions to allow a project to be better in the end result.

Both of you can be right. [:] is technically correct, in that this is a forum for reducing harm, and his analytic side was fed data that led him to the conclusion that this principle was not being followed. Illa is correct in that it was simply him telling a story about his experiences (not recommending them), and was very detailed in that. He's simply posting about wanting to find a substance that he felt was "the best" he's ever had. His quest.

Both of you are needed in the world along with the caring Greens, and optimistic Yellows, to have truly complete team that delivers optimal results. The same goes for this forum. You both have insight and experience to offer. We just need to figure out how to do that in a way that benefits the community as a whole.

A lot of time gets wasted when everyone wants to be right, and energy is lost on something that truly doesn't matter, and won't matter in another day if not a few hours. Energy that could have been spent to improve your life, instead of poison it, and neither person comes out the other side better for it. Just something eating away at you.

I'm brand new to this forum, but I really like what I see. You can feel free to tell me to STFU, but at least you'd be agreeing on something, so I'll take it. :love:

Peace. ☮️

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I appreciate you and Ty. You have me right I am red. I felt like I was being taken out of context, and my points were entirely missed by this guy, and would hope he could apply any of his knowledge to his own posts instead of criticizing mine in an attempt to prove me wrong. I agree it got us nowhere as he had no info I saw as pertainable and was no help to me. There are plenty of posts to go referee if he wants to challenge hit size and I would hope he moves on to someone else's thread instead of belligerently jumping on mine as there is nothing left to accomplish here.
I appreciate you and Ty. You have me right I am red. I felt like I was being taken out of context, and my points were entirely missed by this guy, and would hope he could apply any of his knowledge to his own posts instead of criticizing mine in an attempt to prove me wrong. I agree it got us nowhere as he had no info I saw as pertainable and was no help to me. There are plenty of posts to go referee if he wants to challenge hit size and I would hope he moves on to someone else's thread instead of belligerently jumping on mine as there is nothing left to accomplish here.
Yeah, man. The curse of the reds. We come in fists a blazing when challenged.

Likely, the story lacked critical details (mine tend to do that as well), and [:] probably wasn't initially trying to prove you wrong. Some people want to make sure that the details are there so that other members of the community don't come across the post and think that your story is a 'recommendation' on how to approach this topic. I knew what you were saying, but not everyone will, so I think [:] was just trying to get more facts together to make the post 'whole'. Those blues just tend to come across like the 'Dads and Moms', because ....well in a project they are. You need them to make sure the key performance indicators or data of a thing are accurate and concise before it goes in front of the public.

All good in the hood, man. I appreciate your post, and know you are on a challenge that you will likely succeed at accomplishing.

Good luck! ;)
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