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The Holy Grail of DMT and my quest Pt 1

Sharing unproven speculation as fact, in relation to claiming to be able to identify 5-meo-DMT based on odor and a short duration of effects, is problematic.

No amount of attacking or insulting me will make the speculation about this so called holy grail of DMT accurate, nor will it make the dose examples safe or responsible.

for the record this is a classic and typical account of what happens when people take excessive doses:
One time i accidentally pressurized a jar during precipitation of some white fluff with some heptane and produced the most potent diamonds there could be, they were strong and pure I thought. I had been mixing them into some weak changa for a week and having amazing blast offs, going just as deep maybe as my Holy Grail stash just in a different way. Well one of them diamonds must have been holding something real bad, as one night I hit them and the start of my trip was a noisy overwhelming static with a volume of 10. It scarred the crap out of me and as I went into the trip the static climbed instontaneously to a level I was sure was frying my brain. I said goodbye to my kids in my head and went under, I was sure I was fried. I awoke knealing on the floor beside the bed I had started out on. I was under for maybe 15 minutes I would guess. I could not believe I was back but i was dizzy and still tripping super hard.

The noise, the blacking out, the sense of doom, all of these are typical of an excessive and irresponsible dose.
This isn't a case of contaminated DMT, this is what the pure material will do when taken in excess and that is a very well known fact for people who have years of experience with such things.
Sharing unproven speculation as fact, in relation to claiming to be able to identify 5-meo-DMT based on odor and a short duration of effects, is problematic.

No amount of attacking or insulting me will make the speculation about this so called holy grail of DMT accurate, nor will it make the dose examples safe or responsible.

for the record this is a classic and typical account of what happens when people take excessive doses:

The noise, the blacking out, the sense of doom, all of these are typical of an excessive and irresponsible dose.
This isn't a case of contaminated DMT, this is what the pure material will do when taken in excess and that is a very well known fact for people who have years of experience with such things.
If you are really interested in the facts then know this dose was 60 MG of Changa with 35MG of diamonds totaling a whopping sum of 60MG of DMT in all. Not an excessive dose for myself and many others. You never asked that though and literally put words in my mouth that I did not use a scale to prove a invalid point. If you refer to the OP I clearly stated I do not like high dose on the pure at all and all my high doses have been on a product I trust. I always use a scale they are 15$ on amazon I have three BTW. It seems you are playing into your own narative which is: You think you have it all figured out with your "so pure" crystals and the thought that maybe someone else has something figured out has you uneasy, as in your head you like to be the best and most correct at everything.

If you have ever taken as many hits as me and you felt something occur that has never even been close to an occurrence, off what you know is a an average size hit, then maybe you would conclude the same. The static I felt was chemical and only I could be the one to have the most perspective on this, not you. You can have crystals that look pure and still contain contaminants I am sure after this. These were diamonds though not crystals there is a difference, and I will simply not mess with diamonds anymore as I have had no problems since. I re-x for my changa and have strategies to alleviate all contaminants, that work well. An example of this is watching 1/100th of a MG dissapear at 80 degrees Fahrenheit after a product had been thouroughly dried at 70 degree in 30 percent humidity for 2 weeks. I have found 80 degrees makes all the difference and have tested at higher degrees with the same results as 80. I consider any amount of contaminant to be undesirable and am laborious with my testing. Weighing your product you think is safe before and after a 2 hour 80 degree low humidity bake in an oven will sometimes show you some results you would not expect.

Post your own topics and see that someone like me will never shoot down another persons theories, as everything you listed thus far is your own theory and not backed by any data. You are entitled to that without trolls judging and condescending you just as am I. This was my experience to be read by anyone that is able to take away the points I made about full spectrum and spirituality, and my friend got that completely with his water video, and showed me something valuable. I appreciated his positive stance in all this as opposed to having my story picked apart by you which is nothing but negative and bad vibes.

I am holding a special crystal now and praying for you -peace
These were the diamonds that I believed trapped a contaminant. I created them accidentally by pressurizing during a precipitation crash out.diamonds.png
I had these diamonds for well over a month and they seemed to be dry of all solvents but were possibly 1mm thick and I really do believe one was holding something terrible. Its my opinion that diamonds are not good based on this being my only bad experience to have been had with DMT.
If you are really interested in the facts then know this dose was 60 MG of Changa with 35MG of diamonds totaling a whopping sum of 60MG of DMT in all. Not an excessive dose for myself and many others.
And yet your reported symptoms of the loud static noise, having terror such as thinking you damaged yourself and blacking out are typical and normal results of an excess dose.

The idea that you had hard stinky 5-meo in the late 90s, that came from toads, when toad venom resembles rubber cement and has only 15% or so 5-meoDMT, meaning that 40 grams of 5-meo would have come from 200+grams of toad venom, is extremely suspect. The idea that one can identify 5-meo by odor or short duration is likewise extremely suspect.

What contaminant do you imagine could make DMT stronger in terms of effect?
Lye can't even vaporize at the temps involved. Micrograms of solvent likewise would have little to no effect, in fact even being near a solvent you tend to ingest more by breathing it in than can be present in any crystalline material.

This idea you have, that these diamonds are somehow not actually crystals, is mistaken. In fact those crystals look rather nice.
Here is a thread about DMT appearance:
Most of the times, yellow DMT is just DMT.

At this point I just hope that you are safe, that you use responsible doses and that if you overdo it again that you don't start hitting yourself with your fists.
And this right here is my prize possesion the Holy Grail. It looks like absolutely nothing special but is stronger smelling at three years old then anything fresh I have made. There is that much spirit in this stuff it is amazing.
I'd like to add, that if those crystals resulted from pressurizing the process, that you elaborate and share about that, because those are spectacular and appear to be quite pure and impressive.

Rather than trap contaminants, I believe you produced a very pure product.

Incidentally numerous discussions about potency and dose at the old forum indicate that 25-35 mg is often quite effective and 50-60 mg doses can be excessive for some people, including resulting in blackouts. It depends on several factors but 60 mg of DMT has been reported to be excessive by some people.
And yet your reported symptoms of the loud static noise, having terror such as thinking you damaged yourself and blacking out are typical and normal results of an excess dose.

The idea that you had hard stinky 5-meo in the late 90s, that came from toads, when toad venom resembles rubber cement and has only 15% or so 5-meoDMT, meaning that 40 grams of 5-meo would have come from 200+grams of toad venom, is extremely suspect. The idea that one can identify 5-meo by odor or short duration is likewise extremely suspect.

What contaminant do you imagine could make DMT stronger in terms of effect?
Lye can't even vaporize at the temps involved. Micrograms of solvent likewise would have little to no effect, in fact even being near a solvent you tend to ingest more by breathing it in than can be present in any crystalline material.

This idea you have, that these diamonds are somehow not actually crystals, is mistaken. In fact those crystals look rather nice.
Here is a thread about DMT appearance:

At this point I just hope that you are safe, that you use responsible doses and that if you overdo it again that you don't start hitting yourself with your fists.
Thanks for all the advice pop!
I'd like to add, that if those crystals resulted from pressurizing the process, that you elaborate and share about that, because those are spectacular and appear to be quite pure and impressive.

Rather than trap contaminants, I believe you produced a very pure product.

Incidentally numerous discussions about potency and dose at the old forum indicate that 25-35 mg is often quite effective and 50-60 mg doses can be excessive for some people, including resulting in blackouts. It depends on several factors but 60 mg of DMT has been reported to be excessive by some people.
I dont think telling people about this process is safe. The only way to find out would be to smoke some heptane and see if it is the same static and I am just not ready for that. I hear you that we ingest these solvents by simply inhaling them but when you vaporize something it quickly transforms the molecular structure during heating into something else and I do believe smoking solvents is about as nasty as it gets. Randomly I heard this story two days ago about young kids in school two of them near where I live. They put what I guess they had as liquid acid I do not know in a vaporizer. I have no idea what this might do but their eyes rolled back in both their heads I heard and the ambulance had to come, I did not here how they made out. I am not educated enough to know exactly what happens from the heat and combustion of things and did worry for these kids as it sounded pretty bad. If you have any thoughts on how combustion affects things like solvents or in this case LSD or whatever they had I would be curious. Facts please tho lol.
I could be wrong about my assertions, that is an inevitable reality of having an opinion, but let me at least suggest that in the event that I am wrong and there is a way to trap special contaminants in DMT crystals, which make DMT even more powerful as a psychoactive, then such a discovery would be strongly welcomed.

Regarding 5-meo-DMT in Acacia, you might be interested in Some Simple Tryptamines by Keeper Trout which has an entry for 5-meo-DMT and does mention it being reported somewhat in Acacias. More information may have come to light since then, but it has the information that was available when it was written.

As for the holy grail, what you mention is consistent with the experiences of others in terms of some batches are more memorable than others and so called jim-jam or jungle spice has long been reported to have something special that the more pure material seems to lack. Most, if not all, of the DMT I have taken has been from Brazilian grown material that was quite strong and was known to produce oily orange and reddish extracts using STB and xylene evaporation, rather than the newer methods of precipitation of crystals in a solvent using things like cold. There is something to this idea that some of these colored and oily extracts being well received in terms of effects, but they have also been studied chemically to a significant degree and 5-meo-DMT has not been found in them that I am aware of.

I apologize for appearing to be aggressive or deliberately confrontational, my intention is not to judge or condemn anyone. Certainly I can be mistaken and perhaps I have read too much into your statements, but I really want people to be rather cautious when it comes to 5-meo-DMT and it saddens me to read of things like hitting yourself, which I am unable to see as a healthy thing.
And yet your reported symptoms of the loud static noise, having terror such as thinking you damaged yourself and blacking out are typical and normal results of an excess dose.

The idea that you had hard stinky 5-meo in the late 90s, that came from toads, when toad venom resembles rubber cement and has only 15% or so 5-meoDMT, meaning that 40 grams of 5-meo would have come from 200+grams of toad venom, is extremely suspect. The idea that one can identify 5-meo by odor or short duration is likewise extremely suspect.

What contaminant do you imagine could make DMT stronger in terms of effect?
Lye can't even vaporize at the temps involved. Micrograms of solvent likewise would have little to no effect, in fact even being near a solvent you tend to ingest more by breathing it in than can be present in any crystalline material.

This idea you have, that these diamonds are somehow not actually crystals, is mistaken. In fact those crystals look rather nice.
Here is a thread about DMT appearance:

At this point I just hope that you are safe, that you use responsible doses and that if you overdo it again that you don't start hitting yourself with your fists.
I have this DMT from 20 years ago still (maybe 40mg) I posted about hitting it on the old forum after it had sat around in a barn for that long. I wanted to save what I had for some special changa mix but might send it in to be tested by drugsdata.org, not to prove you wrong but because i am curious. If you are knowledgable tell me what form of DMT could be rock hard orange crystal that smells literally x1000 stronger when smoked and in a jar, than the common NDMT we see today. It was the early 2000's. When I hit it last year i had no idea of intended dose size I thought it was the same as NDMT as back when we didn't even use a scale and would all take one massive hit off a bong and then pass it with maybe 100mg and 5 people for example. I hit 44mg with my more advanced charcoal filter bong slide that maximizes doses, in two trips with the second trip causing respiratory failure for a few seconds that I had to awaken myself from with warning signals going to my brain. The trip no longer contained visuals but there were plenty back then when you came to my friends and I all agreed on this. I do not see why the person that gave it to me would lie, as back then he could have told me it came from a snail and I would have believed him. He was one of them hippies that was deep deep into things I could tell he was a real serious dude. If this was not 5-Meo but did all that and was surely not Root Bark and definitely not synthetic powder, then what was it. The trips could not have been stronger every person I know would have the feeling of almost pissing themself at the peak with one guy who seemed not to bright actually doing so on my carpeted staircase.
I have this DMT from 20 years ago still (maybe 40mg) I posted about hitting it on the old forum after it had sat around in a barn for that long. I wanted to save what I had for some special changa mix but might send it in to be tested by drugsdata.org, not to prove you wrong but because i am curious. If you are knowledgable tell me what form of DMT could be rock hard orange crystal that smells literally x1000 stronger when smoked and in a jar, than the common NDMT we see today. It was the early 2000's. When I hit it last year i had no idea of intended dose size I thought it was the same as NDMT as back when we didn't even use a scale and would all take one massive hit off a bong and then pass it with maybe 100mg and 5 people for example. I hit 44mg with my more advanced charcoal filter bong slide that maximizes doses, in two trips with the second trip causing respiratory failure for a few seconds that I had to awaken myself from with warning signals going to my brain. The trip no longer contained visuals but there were plenty back then when you came to my friends and I all agreed on this. I do not see why the person that gave it to me would lie, as back then he could have told me it came from a snail and I would have believed him. He was one of them hippies that was deep deep into things I could tell he was a real serious dude. If this was not 5-Meo but did all that and was surely not Root Bark and definitely not synthetic powder, then what was it. The trips could not have been stronger every person I know would have the feeling of almost pissing themself at the peak with one guy who seemed not to bright actually doing so on my carpeted staircase.
This stuff turned to liquid when hit also. I mean almost thin liquid. You would have to pack .5G of MJ under it to even have a chance of it not slipping all away when heated. No MHRB has done that, but my Holy Grail does. After hitting half my 10G stash I ripped the slide with many torch hits to clear it and received my strongest trip ever that I was not expecting, as much had slid through my charcoal screen. Just like my orange crystal I believed was 5-MEO did.
If you are knowledgable
Only slightly but I will share what I can, when I can, when I believe it can benefit or prevent detriment.
tell me what form of DMT could be rock hard orange crystal that smells literally x1000 stronger when smoked and in a jar, than the common NDMT we see today.
Xylene evap DMT from Mimosa hostilis root bark is likely what that was. From the plantation in Brazil. It is well regarded.

The method grabs a lot of the trace indole molecules that have that mothball odor, as well as DMT oxides and the traces of betacarbolines formed from the cycling of DMT.

Today the freeze precip methods have replaced the environmentally harmful and potentially toxic methods of exaporating NP solvent to recover alkaloids, but in the early 2000s the method was widespread.
Only slightly but I will share what I can, when I can, when I believe it can benefit or prevent detriment.

Xylene evap DMT from Mimosa hostilis root bark is likely what that was. From the plantation in Brazil. It is well regarded.

The method grabs a lot of the trace indole molecules that have that mothball odor, as well as DMT oxides and the traces of betacarbolines formed from the cycling of DMT.

Today the freeze precip methods have replaced the environmentally harmful and potentially toxic methods of exaporating NP solvent to recover alkaloids, but in the early 2000s the method was widespread.
The trips were absolutely nothing like NDMT and this was confirmed after I hit it again last year. I just am not sure why he would say it was the toad f it wasn't, and the smell was that intence that I believed it came from a living creature. The crystal was orange and rock hard, I have never seen evap or anything make something close. My hands would smell the next day from breaking it up. My secretary called me out as I always brought my dogs with me to work that they smelled like it one time after I smoked the night before. Trust me my dogs did not get high I would never intend that I loved them but they were with me on many trips. This stuff stunk so bad like DMT it was insane and 20 years later STILL stunk. How is that possible I wonder. My Grail stash also has had the jar opened 100's of times and still stinks in this different and special way. It was merely a guess that because it came form generations old Mimosa that something else was present with a tree alive and giving for that long. Something so special it drove me nearly insane not being able to replicate it. Ugh I will send my stash in for testing also and see if anything comes to light.
The crystal was orange and rock hard, I have never seen evap or anything make something close.
I am explicitly stating that I have seen STB and xylene evaps, done on Brazilian MHRB grown and harvested at the plantation, in the early 2000s, produce hard smelly DMT that was not rock hard, but was hard and waxy.

Threads of interest:
I will conclude with a some what comical story of a trip I had on some pure, during the time when I was desperate to figure out extraction.

I was thrust into space, maybe not cyberspace as it was not as colorful. Then THEY threw me into their lab. Cinematic scrolling of an electrified gray lab, with grays so beautiful it is not possible to imagine. All gray as opposed to an all white labratory. THEY were mixing something on a table and THEY said "do you see?" I was tripping so hard I could not communicate back I said nothing. I felt them grab my shoulder and shove me at the table (somewhat abusively lol) and THEY said "Do you see?" again. I possibly murmured something and they got even more frustrated and shoved me one last time and asked the same question. I couldn't see anything I was faced off the hit I took but I knew to agree and said "I see I see!" and then they left me alone and I came to. I had no idea what they were trying to show me and just agreed to be agreeable.

We obviously manifest these thoughts and realms we enter into but it is my belief that THEY try to offer you insight into your own self manifestations. One girl on the old forum said she liked having intercourse with entities a while ago, I thought that was hilarious. She went looking for it and manifested her own tailored trips. It is hard to decipher what our own mind has conjured up and what is actually possible communication with the spirit world, and I am inclined to believe that DMT taps into a sacred energy that is all around us and flowing beneath us like a river. All this is there and simply unobserved in the facade of human existence is my guess, life on this planet has reached a level of frenzy that makes us miss this spiritual connection.

Divine Master Teacher
This crystal is 22 years old and in my freezer now. This small portion was in a barn, in a cigarette cellophane for possibly 15 years or more, exposed to the extreme temperatures of the summer and winter on the East Coast US. It came in the form of possibly 2-3 rocks of orange crystal DMT totaling a weight of 40G. It is rock hard and can be pulverized into powder with enough pressure. 22years later it still smells heavily when broken up.

I do not have a take away from any of the 100's of trips took on this crystal, they were impossible to capture. But that is not to say they were not enjoyed as pure expansion of the mind. This is opposed to actual memories I have on NDMT. When lit this substance turned to thin oil and saturated anything beneath it. The trips were so intense in body high that the peak was like the edge of a rollercoaster, and then you were "all in". This was the moment practically everybody who took it felt like they were going to lose control of their bodily functions, most people would literally have to check themself after doing this trip. No space no entities nothing close to NDMT, this threw you through the universe at light speed, like I said no take away just like a vivid dream you awake from and cannot remember. It differs so much from the Mimosa that I struggle to understand how it could be that. It would deplete serotonin and you would feel it the next day. The Mimosa has been healing me compared to this, this orange crystal was more of something I had to prepare myself for mentally as it took endurance to withstand. It was a real strong journey. With so many differences between this and what Acacia and Mimosa produce I just am baffled as to what this is, only testing will prevail. Maybe some strong jungle spice but I don't know, its rock hard like salt crystals but does smell like mothballs. 20G rocks though are pretty big I am clueless honestly how they could have been made.
And yet your reported symptoms of the loud static noise, having terror such as thinking you damaged yourself and blacking out are typical and normal results of an excess dose.

The idea that you had hard stinky 5-meo in the late 90s, that came from toads, when toad venom resembles rubber cement and has only 15% or so 5-meoDMT, meaning that 40 grams of 5-meo would have come from 200+grams of toad venom, is extremely suspect. The idea that one can identify 5-meo by odor or short duration is likewise extremely suspect.

What contaminant do you imagine could make DMT stronger in terms of effect?
Lye can't even vaporize at the temps involved. Micrograms of solvent likewise would have little to no effect, in fact even being near a solvent you tend to ingest more by breathing it in than can be present in any crystalline material.

This idea you have, that these diamonds are somehow not actually crystals, is mistaken. In fact those crystals look rather nice.
Here is a thread about DMT appearance:

At this point I just hope that you are safe, that you use responsible doses and that if you overdo it again that you don't start hitting yourself with your fists.
So this post actually solidifies something. You are actually between blue and green on the personality wheel, probably more blue when under stress.
You are very analytical, BUT actually consider other people when making decisions.

Green is the 'least' favorite color of a Red, and I mean the hardest to get along with. Greens generally see Reds as big mouths who don't care about other people (and secretly wish they could produce as much as a Red who 'doesn't appear to give a sh*t and still gets stuff done'). Red's generally see Greens as not getting stuff done, like "Dude...this isn't a feelings factory, we have a deadline!' (and secretly wish they could be as calm mannered, outwardly caring and as well-liked as Greens).

The good news is that your personality color can change over time to whatever you want it to be, but you have to be conscious about doing it. You will generally go back to your default color under stress, but in a non-stressful daily situation you can consciously pull off another color if you have measured responses with 'intention' to better your own palette.

One of the reasons I like this forum, is that I can practice the things that I need to round out my own palette, and understand things from other points of view while not being under the heavy stress of corporate life. It's quite the enjoyable experience.
This crystal is 22 years old and in my freezer now. ...
22 years old!!!

I've been wondering if my tiny home-made batch (my first ever) would lose potency over time, but perhaps, it's like a fine wine and only gets better with age. Perhaps because it's not destroyed by the plant itself as it is constantly absorbed for whatever purpose, it continues to collect whatever mystery magic makes DMT such a powerful self-reflection tool.

Like the human brain cells in a petri dish that learned how to play pong over a period of time. Maybe DMT learns over time.

Anyways, it's fun to imagine that DMT is a living molecule, so I'm going to stick to that theory. :D
So this post actually solidifies something. You are actually between blue and green on the personality wheel, probably more blue when under stress.
You are very analytical, BUT actually consider other people when making decisions.

Green is the 'least' favorite color of a Red, and I mean the hardest to get along with. Greens generally see Reds as big mouths who don't care about other people (and secretly wish they could produce as much as a Red who 'doesn't appear to give a sh*t and still gets stuff done'). Red's generally see Greens as not getting stuff done, like "Dude...this isn't a feelings factory, we have a deadline!' (and secretly wish they could be as calm mannered, outwardly caring and as well-liked as Greens).

The good news is that your personality color can change over time to whatever you want it to be, but you have to be conscious about doing it. You will generally go back to your default color under stress, but in a non-stressful daily situation you can consciously pull off another color if you have measured responses with 'intention' to better your own palette.

One of the reasons I like this forum, is that I can practice the things that I need to round out my own palette, and understand things from other points of view while not being under the heavy stress of corporate life. It's quite the enjoyable experience.
I read it a few times and am liking it but I know I am red as I am the deadline guy and not caring about feelings too often. I am small business which means fighting for your life most of the time but have a well groomed infrastructure more similar to corporate in how thought out and planned it is. I will continue to study your color wheel as it could help me engage and understand others attributes and weaknesses, I am sure it will be easy to identify people once studied. I guess you have to decide where you are to heavy on the color wheel, and shoot for a balanced palette is the possible suggestion or just be your color? That part I am unsure of.
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