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The Holy Grail of DMT and my quest Pt 1

22 years old!!!

I've been wondering if my tiny home-made batch (my first ever) would lose potency over time, but perhaps, it's like a fine wine and only gets better with age. Perhaps because it's not destroyed by the plant itself as it is constantly absorbed for whatever purpose, it continues to collect whatever mystery magic makes DMT such a powerful self-reflection tool.

Like the human brain cells in a petri dish that learned how to play pong over a period of time. Maybe DMT learns over time.

Anyways, it's fun to imagine that DMT is a living molecule, so I'm going to stick to that theory. :D
Haha its definately not better it lost all the OEV but I showed it off just because of how strong it still smells. I don't know a fragrance in the world that would still smell this strong after what its been through! Freezer is a good place to preserve stuff and even a vac seal could help but just like MJ, oxygen, temperature and light all degrade organic substances as mother earth brings them back to nothing.
I read it a few times and am liking it but I know I am red as I am the deadline guy and not caring about feelings too often. I am small business which means fighting for your life most of the time but have a well groomed infrastructure more similar to corporate in how thought out and planned it is. I will continue to study your color wheel as it could help me engage and understand others attributes and weaknesses, I am sure it will be easy to identify people once studied. I guess you have to decide where you are to heavy on the color wheel, and shoot for a balanced palette is the possible suggestion or just be your color? That part I am unsure of.
I think with us Reds *especially*, we need to try to figure out where someone we are dealing with is on the color wheel *before* we make an assumption about what the other person's motives are, and *before* we respond.

All the other colors have a long fuse, we don't. We are guns blazing 24x7. So you need to extend your fuse time by "assuming the best" about the person, while you try to figure out their color, so you know how to approach them for the best possible outcome. It's not always easy in a stressful environment, and worse when called out publicly. For a red, hitting the person up in a DM to get more input about their thoughts (assuming the best) takes the 'ego' off the table, and generally produces a better outcome. There is no pressure in a forum. You have as much time as you want to respond.
I think with us Reds *especially*, we need to try to figure out where someone we are dealing with is on the color wheel *before* we make an assumption about what the other person's motives are, and *before* we respond.

All the other colors have a long fuse, we don't. We are guns blazing 24x7. So you need to extend your fuse time by "assuming the best" about the person, while you try to figure out their color, so you know how to approach them for the best possible outcome. It's not always easy in a stressful environment, and worse when called out publicly. For a red, hitting the person up in a DM to get more input about their thoughts (assuming the best) takes the 'ego' off the table, and generally produces a better outcome. There is no pressure in a forum. You have as much time as you want to respond.
You are pretty smart on this topic I appreciate it and will study into it to further myself. I was arguing with the wife earlier and this may help me understand her better lol. I already feel like I did not "assume the best" from someone this week and misfired, and am now reflecting on that. Ty

U were also right about :l he is ok too. Well done with your insightful knowledge!
I recommend this a lot to people, and in case anyone is wondering I have no affiliation with this Youtube site.
This book really changed my life in how I think about where I spend my energy. It was written by a Russian quantum physicist/quantum computing guy turned writer.
There is nothing really *new* about the concept, but the way that he explains the pendulums of life, and how to get what you want out of life, really resonated with me. I put some of these things into practice within my own life, and I can tell you, the results were more than I could have even imagined.

If you're anything like me, it may change your life too. This is the audio book. There is nothing to buy. Everything you need you already have inside yourself.

So this post actually solidifies something. You are actually between blue and green on the personality wheel, probably more blue when under stress.
You are very analytical, BUT actually consider other people when making decisions.
And yet according to the criteria a focus on facts, rather than feelings, which is what I displayed in this topic and discussion places me firmly in the red.
Still, I confess that I believe the color stuff to be overly simplistic and somewhat nonsensical.

You wrote that corporate America uses Myers & Briggs personality type test to categorize people into 4 color groups.
I've taken Myers & Briggs tests, they have 16 different types, not four and they are the classic INFJ, INTJ personality types.
For the record I rather consistently score as INTJ.

Reacting badly when someone challenges ideas you have shared isn't a personality type, it is a personality defect.

People who resort to insults when their ideas are challenges are defective, at least in my opinion. Attributing that defect to personality type is itself something I find problematic. People can change and learn and grow over time, becoming better versions of themselves and sometimes psychedelics can play a major role in that progress or they can be and remain assholes and consider it to be a part of who and how they are. If your understanding of human personality and psychology is essentially that some people react badly to having their ideas challenged because that is just who they are then I admit I am strongly inclined to avoid and or ignore you entirely as I do most people with aggressive personality defects.

To be clear, I think resorting to insult because someone challenged your ideas isn't a personality type, at least to me, it is a sign of poor emotional and intellectual development. It is childish and immature. Justifying it and rationalizing it as just the way some people are seems to exacerbate and justify hostility rather than address it in a constructive manner.
You are pretty smart on this topic I appreciate it and will study into it to further myself. I was arguing with the wife earlier and this may help me understand her better lol. I already feel like I did not "assume the best" from someone this week and misfired, and am now reflecting on that. Ty

U were also right about :l he is ok too. Well done with your insightful knowledge!
Well, be the water label to your wife.
Go wrap her up in a big hug, and say the nice things about her that will turn the water in her body into beautiful molecular structures starting with "I'm sorry" and followed by "I love you". :D

Sneak attack, brother. She won't know what hit her, but she'll like it. You have to be willing to change. I reached that point in my life, and I feel I'm better for it.
And yet according to the criteria a focus on facts, rather than feelings, which is what I displayed in this topic and discussion places me firmly in the red.
Still, I confess that I believe the color stuff to be overly simplistic and somewhat nonsensical.

You wrote that corporate America uses Myers & Briggs personality type test to categorize people into 4 color groups.
I've taken Myers & Briggs tests, they have 16 different types, not four and they are the classic INFJ, INTJ personality types.
For the record I rather consistently score as INTJ.

Reacting badly when someone challenges ideas you have shared isn't a personality type, it is a personality defect.

People who resort to insults when their ideas are challenges are defective, at least in my opinion. Attributing that defect to personality type is itself something I find problematic. People can change and learn and grow over time, becoming better versions of themselves and sometimes psychedelics can play a major role in that progress or they can be and remain assholes and consider it to be a part of who and how they are. If your understanding of human personality and psychology is essentially that some people react badly to having their ideas challenged because that is just who they are then I admit I am strongly inclined to avoid and or ignore you entirely as I do most people with aggressive personality defects.

To be clear, I think resorting to insult because someone challenged your ideas isn't a personality type, at least to me, it is a sign of poor emotional and intellectual development. It is childish and immature. Justifying it and rationalizing it as just the way some people are seems to exacerbate and justify hostility rather than address it in a constructive manner.
There are several variations of Myers Briggs. The latest uses a color wheel (and degrees of those colors) because if you asked someone during a class who had taken Myers Briggs what their values were, nobody could tell you. People remember their color. The test itself to gather those colors is 100% based on the model of personality identified by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, which is what Myers Briggs also based their tests on.

As far as your color, I guessed. I could be completely wrong. It wasn't intended to be insulting. Apologies if you found it to be.
It won't be the first time I've been wrong, and it's not going to be the last.

We live in a diverse world. Lots of people think different ways, and react in different ways based on several different variables.
I've spent too much time in my life destroying other people so I could 'be right'. It's a lot of energy, that's better spent on building people up.
The universe reflects back onto you, what you put out into it.

Have a nice night/day my friend.

I enjoyed your posts. There is no doubt, regardless of your personality color, that you are an intelligent and knowledgeable person.
I wish you the best.
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And yet according to the criteria a focus on facts, rather than feelings, which is what I displayed in this topic and discussion places me firmly in the red.
Still, I confess that I believe the color stuff to be overly simplistic and somewhat nonsensical.

You wrote that corporate America uses Myers & Briggs personality type test to categorize people into 4 color groups.
I've taken Myers & Briggs tests, they have 16 different types, not four and they are the classic INFJ, INTJ personality types.
For the record I rather consistently score as INTJ.

Reacting badly when someone challenges ideas you have shared isn't a personality type, it is a personality defect.

People who resort to insults when their ideas are challenges are defective, at least in my opinion. Attributing that defect to personality type is itself something I find problematic. People can change and learn and grow over time, becoming better versions of themselves and sometimes psychedelics can play a major role in that progress or they can be and remain assholes and consider it to be a part of who and how they are. If your understanding of human personality and psychology is essentially that some people react badly to having their ideas challenged because that is just who they are then I admit I am strongly inclined to avoid and or ignore you entirely as I do most people with aggressive personality defects.

To be clear, I think resorting to insult because someone challenged your ideas isn't a personality type, at least to me, it is a sign of poor emotional and intellectual development. It is childish and immature. Justifying it and rationalizing it as just the way some people are seems to exacerbate and justify hostility rather than address it in a constructive manner.
I think you should realize how you played into things. You are considering insults to be a "defective" trait but were you not insulting when putting words in my mouth like I do not weigh my doses or I do not know what dose to administer to myself? Suggsting maybe testing batches would have been more appreciated then simply dismissing my thoughts as it is still pretty undetermined in my mind what my giant orange rocks were, if they were not 5_MEO. Speaking so authoritatively might not seem insulting from your factual point of view, but your comments lacked any understanding and you disregarded all the relevant points my story made by writing me off to some self harm category. You seemed bent on that being the answer to things when it was clearly not. You simply extracted what you wanted from my story and nothing else. When people act like their opinions are facts it is sometimes infuriating to me and you had not gained enough information to determine the things you said. You actually did not ask a single question about my story and made all inaccurate assumptions on your own with no quest to find all information needed. I have done some self reflecting on many things and do regret the way I reacted to your bold and inaccurate statements and will use this to learn to have greater patience for your spot on the color wheel, and move forward with how I interact with people, so this was all helpful in that way. Past that it was cool to hear of the Brazilian plantations, and info on tryptamines, and general knowledge but none of these things actually helped me with the lingering questions from my story which seemed fairly obvious to me. Like has anyone had old Mimosa and seen a difference or any differences in bark for that matter? That was the intent of my post and when I was battling all the details with you my points were muddled and lost.

I do not think Dexter meant anything bad towards you with the color wheel and when he described my own actions I was happy to hear an outside perspective and found this very helpful. I am ok with knowing I am not perfect and am always a student willing to learn in life. I get you did not mean to be condescending but that did occur when you picked apart my story. I think you saw with the crystals I extracted that this is not my first rodeo. How I obtained giant orange rocks in 2002 is also undetermined and the trip they provided sure seems closer in my eyes to 5-MEO then anything else. Nothing I stated was off "back in the day" memories as I still have both batches I refer to and have thouroughly compared them to existing bark extracts I am able to produce. I was very thourough in all my testing that formed these opinions and simply posed questions of "is this possible?" I will always be looking outside the box and not conforming to ideas written in stone. My thoughts and opinions are maluable and able to be bent into new positions based on the knowledge I will never stop pursuing.

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. - Bruce Lee
I think you should realize how you played into things. You are considering insults to be a "defective" trait but were you not insulting when putting words in my mouth like I do not weigh my doses or I do not know what dose to administer to myself? Suggsting maybe testing batches would have been more appreciated then simply dismissing my thoughts as it is still pretty undetermined in my mind what my giant orange rocks were, if they were not 5_MEO. Speaking so authoritatively might not seem insulting from your factual point of view, but your comments lacked any understanding and you disregarded all the relevant points my story made by writing me off to some self harm category. You seemed bent on that being the answer to things when it was clearly not. You simply extracted what you wanted from my story and nothing else. When people act like their opinions are facts it is sometimes infuriating to me and you had not gained enough information to determine the things you said. You actually did not ask a single question about my story and made all inaccurate assumptions on your own with no quest to find all information needed. I have done some self reflecting on many things and do regret the way I reacted to your bold and inaccurate statements and will use this to learn to have greater patience for your spot on the color wheel, and move forward with how I interact with people, so this was all helpful in that way. Past that it was cool to hear of the Brazilian plantations, and info on tryptamines, and general knowledge but none of these things actually helped me with the lingering questions from my story which seemed fairly obvious to me. Like has anyone had old Mimosa and seen a difference or any differences in bark for that matter? That was the intent of my post and when I was battling all the details with you my points were muddled and lost.

I do not think Dexter meant anything bad towards you with the color wheel and when he described my own actions I was happy to hear an outside perspective and found this very helpful. I am ok with knowing I am not perfect and am always a student willing to learn in life. I get you did not mean to be condescending but that did occur when you picked apart my story. I think you saw with the crystals I extracted that this is not my first rodeo. How I obtained giant orange rocks in 2002 is also undetermined and the trip they provided sure seems closer in my eyes to 5-MEO then anything else. Nothing I stated was off "back in the day" memories as I still have both batches I refer to and have thouroughly compared them to existing bark extracts I am able to produce. I was very thourough in all my testing that formed these opinions and simply posed questions of "is this possible?" I will always be looking outside the box and not conforming to ideas written in stone. My thoughts and opinions are maluable and able to be bent into new positions based on the knowledge I will never stop pursuing.

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. - Bruce Lee
I appreciate you @illa and your mindset of growth.

If you are interested in the details behind the differences of the Briggs Meyers and the more recent Insights Training that can be located here. I disagree with [:] that it is 'simplistic and nonsensical', as it is actually more advanced and has a significant advantage over MBTI due to it's ease of understanding and individual based unique perspectives. People generally cannot keep track of the MBTI codes for every member of their team, but they can easily keep track of their teams personality colors, for example, which is the entire point of the team building exercises. (You'll also get a slick set of legos to help you remember your preference so you can give those furthest from you what they need :D )

As you will see, INTJ personality types as [:] himself admits that he consistently scores as (and is helpful in knowing how to engage) is indeed 'Blue', however, I was incorrect in concluding he was Blue/Green. Instead he is Blue/Red with a Blue bias. It would be a mistake based on that personality type to engage in an analysis, as it will generally be met with hostility by someone in the "Reformer" category, and is energy best spent elsewhere.

If you happen to get a chance to listen to that audio book, I'd love to know your thoughts. Please ping me over DM if you'd like to discuss as I'm not sure there is a category for that on this site.IMG_4172.JPG
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I appreciate you @illa and your mindset of growth.

If you are interested in the details behind the differences of the Briggs Meyers and the more recent Insights Training that can be located here. I disagree with [:] that it is 'simplistic and nonsensical', as it is actually more advanced and has a significant advantage over MBTI due to it's ease of understanding and individual based unique perspectives. People generally cannot keep track of the MBTI codes for every member of their team, but they can easily keep track of their teams personality colors, for example, which is the entire point of the team building exercises. (You'll also get a slick set of legos to help you remember your preference so you can give those furthest from you what they need :D )

As you will see, INTJ personality types as [:] himself admits that he consistently scores as (and is helpful in knowing how to engage) is indeed 'Blue', however, I was incorrect in concluding he was Blue/Green. Instead he is Blue/Red with a Blue bias. It would be a mistake based on that personality type to engage in an analysis, as it will generally be met with hostility by someone in the "Reformer" category, and is energy best spent elsewhere.

If you happen to get a chance to listen to that audio book, I'd love to know your thoughts. Please ping me over DM if you'd like to discuss as I'm not sure there is a category for that on this site.View attachment 96672
I did start the book last night and it was ego shattering to have my life be summarized so easily in the first chapter. At points I felt like they were writing about me specifically which had great impact. I am not sure how others relate to this beginning of the book but for me it was somewhat humiliating to see how easily I fit into a category. Its ok though. It made me really want to listen to the rest. And I did till very late but as it drove deeper and deeper I started to lose focus and figured this would be something to listen to multiple times. I will surely DM once I have thoroughly understood what the book is offering and I know I will have questions, I always do. Ty you didn't have to do any of these things but you did.

Its funny how you stumble on to stuff, if this guy and I had not battled I would never have heard this from you. Something to be said for how life works like that as I surely learned from the situation in many ways. This might be an observation of the alternative in a bad situation as the book describes, maybe I don't know.
I'd like to add, that if those crystals resulted from pressurizing the process, that you elaborate and share about that, because those are spectacular and appear to be quite pure and impressive.

Rather than trap contaminants, I believe you produced a very pure product.

Incidentally numerous discussions about potency and dose at the old forum indicate that 25-35 mg is often quite effective and 50-60 mg doses can be excessive for some people, including resulting in blackouts. It depends on several factors but 60 mg of DMT has been reported to be excessive by some people.
If you dm me I will tell you what I know along side the precautions I would take in making these.
And furthermore, these were all theories I have had based off experience, I am not professing them as facts without data like you. I took down 40G of 5-MEO over ten years and know the effects quite quite well. 5 minutes of pure loss of self and mind expansion and then coming too with everything glowing and melting like the peak of acid. And this was the experience had by my many many friends that did it with me. Over 20 maybe 30. My theory that this Mimosa had trace amounts is based on how high the peak was every time and how amazing the visuals were upon re entry. And the fact that Acacia has been proven to have trace amounts, you can check Wikipedia which I trust more than some new member. No other Mimosa has come close. I have re-x'd multiple times and gotten the purest crystals comparable to what I have seen on this forum and never been as nearly as impressed as I have been during the duration of time I spent smoking my Holy Grail stash of CRUDE. Like I said pure crystal is a 2 and Full Spectrum is a 10, not fact, but IMO. Keep smoking your tiny hits of the fluff and make your own posts please.
Those who know, do not speak.
Those who speak,do not know.
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