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The official "Is this chem ok to use? / Where can I find ...?" thread

Migrated topic.


Staff member
It is a common question that people ask, if a certain chemical is OK to use for extraction or not, and also where to find such and such chemical. Instead of cluttering up the forum with hundreds of threads about it, those who have these question can post here (and threads made with such questions will be merged here).

But before asking such questions, here's a few important links you should THOROUGHLY read:

Check what your solvent contains here thread

FAQ: Is my solvent/chemical OK to use ?

The Suppliers section
Gowpen said:
Unfortunately and apparently this same substance (NaOH) can be, and is, used for other nefarious drug related uses, Meth for example uses a similar process. Its a 'watched' chemical mostly used domestically for drain blockages.

Imagine if the sale of it (NaOH), as the bar code is scanned, sends a photo taken of the buyer to the facial recognition software in the sky. Similar to the Pharmacist/Chemist ID thing now, taking your license number for flu medication and putting that info on a national database. scary.


Are you saying that NAOH/ lye is a watched substance and that say buying at a local store or ordering online can lead to trouble?

Is there a limit at which names are gathered I mean buying 1 lb is ok but buying 10 or 100lbs gets one on the list?

thanks for any answers
I had searched before for an answer but I looked for an up to date complete list, I did find this. I thought some new people like me would like to know. I guess I won't be buying sodium hydroxide/lye online, maybe sodium carbonate can serve as a substitute.

69ron said:
If you buy sodium hydroxide and you live in the US, be very careful who you buy it from. SWIM is not joking about that. He has friends currently in federal prison who extracted DMT for home use by using sodium hydroxide and got busted because they bought sodium hydroxide on-line from a soap supply store. This was used as evidence in court. According to SWIM’s friends they stated in court that buying sodium hydroxide on-line as well as internet sites visited was what triggered a search warrant!

Worth reading if you haven't before.https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=postmessage&t=1751&f=25&q=14827
Meh all the gratuitous and (excusez le mot) stupid paranoia.

We do not know enough details about the case 69ron mentioned. Already, he allured to the suspects behaving like a bunch of grade-A mef kooks, including stumbling into sting operations. Even if we could reference the full court proceedings, whatever the prosecution claims to have been the cause for suspicion, would not necessarily have to be so. Often, an investigative trail is recreated from scratch after all the evidence needed for conviction has already been collected, in order to obfuscate the original incriminating information and its sources or the means of sourcing.

The sane advice here is to not act like a druggie or a blatant cook. When buying NaOH for soap making, also buy some other products related to soap making. When buying KOH (hint, hint) also buy some other products related to biodiesel processing. Actually make some soap or biodiesel if you feel that it would help to keep neighbors' prying eyes and friends' curious questions satisfied. Order yeast and other brewing supplies along with the distillation rig. Incidentally, alcohol is a great solvent for making changa.

Don't be paranoid. Be careful, be aware, be considerate. Be reasonable. Be a good neighbor and an upstanding citizen. Always buy cash if you can.

Don't buy lye, naphtha and a milligram scale from ebay or amazon at the same time (witness the suggestions on amazon to get an idea of the amount of naives who actually do - and probably never got caught anyway). Finally, don't throw acid parties in the acid lab.
I wouldnt go so far as calling it paranoia. People are watching and jerks who dont like you may be willing to report you for very obvious probable crimes. So vigilant caution is warranted.
But I agree on every other point expressed in the previous post.
People tend to be VERY obvious about what theyre doing, often because its simply the only thing theyre doing! I cant count the number of people whos interests and life skills can fit in my back pocket. The guy who cant or doesnt do anything with his day beyond drive a forklift, cook meth, and play his xbox.
As pitubo said, group purchases to make you look more normal. Normal people do buy this stuff, thats why its in stores. I delay my purchases until I can get lots of stuff for various projects at once. My last trip to the hardware store got me wood sealant and two paint brushes for my deck, xylene for my mescaline, roofing tar for my garage, lye for my mescaline, windshield washer fluid for my car, ammonia for general lab use, and a bird bath. No one looked at me funny. One of my friends works at such a store and confirmed speeded out guys really do come in and buy just a turkey baster, solvent, and lye. Dont be that guy.
And dont be the guy who just goes to work, makes DMT, and plays xbox! Be a polymath, a 'renaissance man'. Explore life, develop diverse interests, experiment with more than just drugs. It makes life more rich and full and gives you more resources to come off as knowledgeable, interesting, and legitimate. Once I had to have a laborer walk through my home lab. His eyes got wide and he visibly rocked back, then he got this confused look and said "hey wait, this isnt a meth lab!". I just chuckled and said no, and proceeded to tell him about formulating specialty fertilizers, researching plant growth regulators, and making herbal medicine. I then showed him my garden. He might have noticed I was making THC for my sick father if thats all I was doing in there. I didnt even lie, that was just one of the herbal medicines I was making.

Try your hand at herbal medicine, and not as a cover, really use it. Its quite handy.
If you drink, brew your own. It'll impress others, it'll save you loads of money, it'll give you variety, and its just fun to do. I actually regret that I dont like drinking alcohol, because I love brewing it!
If your getting distillation gear, make essential oils. Its fun. Its also good cover. When you bring that new prospective special-someone home dont be shy, show them your still, show them the organic lavender-and-rose massage oil you made from scratch, then give them a demonstration 😉 Afterwards promise them next time you'll have a batch of organic geranium massage oil ready, "the egyptians used it to keep their skin radiant, you know". That person will love your still.
Have a garden, make your own fertilizers. A phenomenally healthy diet can be absurdly cheap if the vegetables are essentially free. At peak harvest times you'll have excess veggies to give to friends, you can make artisan grade pickles to give as gifts at holidays, you can grow your own herbs and medicines. My garden produces all kinds of stuff. I make my own organic lavender flower hair conditioner, sage flower vinegar for cooking, cold medicine, syrian rue, mescaline, curry, squashes, mint tea, salad, etc.
Mix up your own window cleaner to save money, if you need something try building it instead of buying it, make a flute and then learn to play it!
Try painting. Its fun!
Read poetry. It has nothing to do with buying precursor chemicals but, screw it, why not?

And talk to some old people. You'll notice the interesting ones tend to be the highly experienced and knowledgeable people with diverse interests and fun stories. Not the ones who spent the last 60 years just playing card games and watching football.
I got a aromatic free mix called Lösin 600
can anyone please have a look on the sheet and tell me what he thinks?
From what i read it will evaporate compleately and is a mix of hepthan and some (iso)-alkanes, free of methanol, non mixable with water. so should be ok IMHO, but not shure....
der-seemann said:
I got a aromatic free mix called Lösin 600
can anyone please have a look on the sheet and tell me what he thinks?
From what i read it will evaporate compleately and is a mix of hepthan and some (iso)-alkanes, free of methanol, non mixable with water. so should be ok IMHO, but not shure....
That stuff is high boiling point synthetic alkanes. It'll probably extract well but you'll want to recrystallise with wundbenzin or (proper!) n-heptane.
Siedepunkt/ - bereich : ( 1013 hPa ) 175,0 - 185,0 °C
That'll take forever to evaporate.

The "heptan and iso-alkanes" in there are pentamethylheptane, which is also stated as being hydrogenated triisobutylene - a twelve-carbon molecule made by joining together three four-carbon units.
hi there...

i searched some but cant find a clear answer about it unless that someone said (98,5% is a good grade to have clearer product)

i would like to buy some limonene to change my tek to a more ecofriendly one
but unfortunately i can't find Foodgrade limonene here where i live, but the most i can find is 97% limonene (Orange terpenes) stuff.
i will backsalting it but i would like to know if that 3% could be a problem...
i asked the manufacturer for what is it that 3% and if it contains any surfactants or additives but still not answers...
if the answer will be unsatisfactory ill aim to apcp.com but even there the purity is 96% and i still have same issues even in the msds there are no surfactants or additives so
what that 4% could be?

thanks everyone!
Yeah was trying to do c12c12 tek for as ‘natural’ as possible but after consideration and the difficulty/expense of limonene I am going the naphtha route. I got some Primus brand camping fuel (39% Naphtha 39% Pentane 22% n-heptane) and it passed the evaporation test clean! Now just waiting on the main ingredient :d
(re conversion of sodium bicarbonate into sodium carbonate):
downwardsfromzero said:
There's no need to use an oven. I've heated baking soda in a stainless steel frying pan; it sort of levitates while decomposing. Stirred it around with a stainless steel implement a bit and heated for a little while longer after it stopped levitating.
To test if the conversion is complete, I put a lid on the pan for say 10-15 seconds. If condensation forms, that means water is still evaporating and it needs more time. I wipe the lid with a cloth and wait another couple of minutes.
If the lid has been on for 30 seconds and no condensation has formed, I take that as an indication that the conversion has completed.
^That's a good tip, Jagube. I was observing the evolution of water vapour, too, but forgot to mention this.

Four_Statues said:
Yeah was trying to do c12c12 tek for as ‘natural’ as possible but after consideration and the difficulty/expense of limonene I am going the naphtha route. I got some Primus brand camping fuel (39% Naphtha 39% Pentane 22% n-heptane) and it passed the evaporation test clean! Now just waiting on the main ingredient

You should be able to do a hybrid q21q21, just using naphtha instead of limonene - if you've already got the lime, I see no reason not to give it a try.

(Naphtha is natural - I mean, it oozes out of the ground in some places, right? 😉)
Not sure if its been said before but if you have a proper still set up, anti spatter spray for welding is 98% methylene chloride. Also much easier to clean up than the goop from stripper.
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