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The official "Is this chem ok to use? / Where can I find ...?" thread

Migrated topic.


Staff member
It is a common question that people ask, if a certain chemical is OK to use for extraction or not, and also where to find such and such chemical. Instead of cluttering up the forum with hundreds of threads about it, those who have these question can post here (and threads made with such questions will be merged here).

But before asking such questions, here's a few important links you should THOROUGHLY read:

Check what your solvent contains here thread

FAQ: Is my solvent/chemical OK to use ?

The Suppliers section
Thank you for such fast and detailed response, I really appreciate it!

>This gets us down to iso-octane, n-heptane and ligroin - all of which are basically naphtha; n-heptane is the classic recrystallisation solvent, and iso-octane is an ambiguous name: it could mean, as in the case of isopentane, the isomer with a branching at the end of the chain, 2-methylheptane, or it could refer to theisomer 2,2,4-trimethylpentane which is the "iso-octane" of motor spirit/petrol/gasoline and lends its name to the octane anti-knock rating system.

It is the 2,2,4-trimethylpentane.

>Finally, ligroin is a petroleum spirit mixture and you'd best check its boiling range to get a picture of its suitability for extraction: 85 - 110°C would be optimal (imho) and much above or below that would present potential issues of being too slow or too quick in evaporation, respectively. One can successfully extract DMT using medium-heavy naphtha, but it's then necessary to recrystallise the product with something more volatile, like heptane.

Unfortunately that specific boiling range is not available. The closest one is 100-120°C. Below that only 60-80°C.

In this case if he boiling range is higher, the evaporation will be slower and precipitation more difficult?

>If you're planning on doing something other than DMT extraction your choice of solvent would depend on what you're exracting. Also, your choice of plant material could be of relevance too.

At the moment I will be focused only on tryptamines and harmalas. But I have many plant sources. MHRB, ACRB and some Acuminata phylodes.

I usually go with acid>base route since the long cooking times allow me to "ritualize" the process and work with prayer and intention while preparing the medicine.
I was thinking more both the 60-80 and the 100-120 but mostly because I'd imagine them to be cheaper than heptane (being a cheapskate and all). Before getting the 60-80 stuff (as potential re-x solvent), I'd also check the hexane content, since that stuff is neurotoxic (or metabolises to neurotoxic hexan-2,4-dione, at least). Another thing to consider is that it will evaporate more readily, so another option might be the heptane plus the 100-120, especially if you live somewhere that tends to be on the hotter side.

Then (urgh!) there's the part of me that's dying to know how 'iso-octane' would fare as an extraction solvent, since you'd have the option of directly comparing a branched-chain alkane with with straight-chain heptane 🤓

And the TCE thing would really just be a matter of seeing how well it pulls harmala alkaloids from rue seed, lab tinkering for another discussion elsewhere.
I was thinking more both the 60-80 and the 100-120 but mostly because I'd imagine them to be cheaper than heptane (being a cheapskate and all). Before getting the 60-80 stuff (as potential re-x solvent), I'd also check the hexane content, since that stuff is neurotoxic (or metabolises to neurotoxic hexan-2,4-dione, at least). Another thing to consider is that it will evaporate more readily, so another option might be the heptane plus the 100-120, especially if you live somewhere that tends to be on the hotter side.

Then (urgh!) there's the part of me that's dying to know how 'iso-octane' would fare as an extraction solvent, since you'd have the option of directly comparing a branched-chain alkane with with straight-chain heptane 🤓

And the TCE thing would really just be a matter of seeing how well it pulls harmala alkaloids from rue seed, lab tinkering for another discussion elsewhere.

Well I'm already happy to know that the extraction solvent is on the cheaper side. If I use the heptane only for re-x it should last so it's worth the investment.
Where I live is usually not to hot unless it's the peak of summer.

I'll admit you sparked my alchemist curiosity. I will definitely experiment with your suggestions in the future.
As for now I'll have to familiarize myself with the whole extraction universe again, I've been away for to many years.
why not just ordering the real stuff instead of getting some cleaner with added chemicals that can screw your extractions up? check the suppliers subforum in the nexus. In USA there is a lot of people ordering from greenterpene, I think, seems to be a trustable supplier
Greenterpene seems to be in UK tho.. am I wrong? That’s what all I could find about it. I’m in Cali and wondering if I can use lighter fluid:’light petroleum distillates’?
Greenterpene seems to be in UK tho.. am I wrong? That’s what all I could find about it. I’m in Cali and wondering if I can use lighter fluid:’light petroleum distillates’?
Hi there!

Aside from the fact that you're quoting a post from fourteen years ago, and thus some of the relevant details may well have changed a bit since then, I'm wondering if you've considered typing the term "light petroleum distillates" into a search engine - we even have our very own one in the forum here.

Anyhow, here's a special selection, chosen by yours truly, from the list that came up using that particular set of search terms:
(This one's of a similar vintage to the post you quoted!)

What can I use insted if distilled vinegar as we can't get it here in Nova Scotia
These guys seem to be able to get hold of it:
Maybe you need to look a little harder?
Hi, about that subject, I have a question. I am also in France and started an extraction with essence C, and I can't find it anymore in shops nearby. Can I use essence F considering it will be mixed with essence C, wich remains in a small portion in my bark solution ? is it safe to mix both types of solvent ?
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