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The official "Is this chem ok to use? / Where can I find ...?" thread

Migrated topic.


Staff member
It is a common question that people ask, if a certain chemical is OK to use for extraction or not, and also where to find such and such chemical. Instead of cluttering up the forum with hundreds of threads about it, those who have these question can post here (and threads made with such questions will be merged here).

But before asking such questions, here's a few important links you should THOROUGHLY read:

Check what your solvent contains here thread

FAQ: Is my solvent/chemical OK to use ?

The Suppliers section
smellofneon said:
I'm planning to make some changa, and the only 99% isopropyl I can find is labeled as "99.9% Technical Grade" for cleaning circuit boards. Is this safe to use or should I go with 91%?
The 99% is good. Distil it if you're worried about purity.

(Yeah, that's probably a bit technical to start with :) )
Thanks i get 40-60 wundbenzin too i pull whit that so the 140 ist really better ?
In my most humble opinion, heavier (but still aromatics-free) naphtha has shown itself to be advantageous to use when pulling from warm base soup with a view to freeze precipitation. For one thing, it evaporates more slowly which could be considered a positive if evaporation is not part of your plan. It does mean that recrystallisation from a lower-boiling solvent is preferable, however.

I think the temperature/solubility gradient is more favourable with a heavier naphtha although that's only my anecdotal word.
I've been getting a consistent low yield on every extraction attempt, first pull always yields 250mg and the second usually 50mg or less (from 50g of MHRB). So far I've tried about 3 different A/B teks with 2 different root bark sources, both shredded and powdered and yet I still get the exact same yields. Only thing I haven't changed in each extraction attempt is the solvent, which has this composition:
[CAS 110-54-3] n-Hexane ≥25% - <50%
[CAS 142-82-5] Heptane ≥25% - <50%
[CAS 64742-89-8] Low boiling point solvent naphtha ≥10% - <25%
[CAS 111-65-9] Octane, all isomers ≥5% - <10%
Could this solvent be the reason I'm getting such low yields? If so, what should I use instead?
Hello guys - Ive been researching now for ages.. Live in Iceland so it's not the easiest to find naphtha.
I found something called Petroleum Ether that's supposed to be naphtha, BUT it says boiling point 20-75 celcius . Tek Im gonna use calls for heating naphtha in water bath. Will it start to boil then ? Isnt that dangerous ? msds on link;

edit: I've also found some "washbenzine" but it's c7-c9 and some say that evaporate slowly and aren't great for pulling.. also left water mark on evap test. But that one boils at over 100 degrees celcius
hanshotfirst15 said:
Hello guys - Ive been researching now for ages.. Live in Iceland so it's not the easiest to find naphtha.
I found something called Petroleum Ether that's supposed to be naphtha, BUT it says boiling point 20-75 celcius . Tek Im gonna use calls for heating naphtha in water bath. Will it start to boil then ? Isnt that dangerous ? msds on link;

edit: I've also found some "washbenzine" but it's c7-c9 and some say that evaporate slowly and aren't great for pulling.. also left water mark on evap test. But that one boils at over 100 degrees celcius
Get both. Pull with the wash benzine and recrystallise your product with the pet. ether. And don't worry about that boiling range, only tiny amounts will boil off at 20°C.
Hey Guys, i'm new here so I don't know which forum would be the most suited to this specific query that I have.

I'm trying to find research on the comparative difference between marijuana(as a whole) and DMT(also as a whole) for the reason being knowing people who don't exactly gel well with being under the influence of weed but in my belief would come to a great benefit with having the later of the 2.
To boil it down simply, I want to know if someone who has negative effects under weed, would that carry on to the experience of DMT?

As I said before, I don't know which forum to go to for this so either some directions or some Educated opinions or first hand testimony would be of significant help

Much Love to all.💖
Naptha pretty much doesn't exist in Australia as far as I know.
I found people saying that Shellite works perfectly fine for dmt, but does it have different properties? I was curious as to using it for lsa extraction as the ingredients for that also contain naptha.
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