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The Secret-Alchemist Club Anti-Nausea Shot

Migrated topic.
It's ok to take essential oils internally? I thought it was more intended for external use and tinctures were internal? Would a chamomile essential oil have the same benefits as chamomile tea when taken orally?
Chamomile's sedative effects are largely from the flavonoid content and this is not something which gets carried over into the essential oil. I would not recommend ingesting essential oil of chamomile. Also, there are two different kinds of chamomile available, with different properties. German chamomile gives the pretty blue oil, whereas from Roman comes plain, boring, oil-coloured oil.
Chamomile's sedative effects are largely from the flavonoid content and this is not something which gets carried over into the essential oil. I would not recommend ingesting essential oil of chamomile. Also, there are two different kinds of chamomile available, with different properties. German chamomile gives the pretty blue oil, whereas from Roman comes plain, boring, oil-coloured oil.
Thank for the info on the chamomile oil! I will stick to tea!
Thank for the info on the chamomile oil! I will stick to tea!
Btw, the infamous 69ron was advocating ingestion of chamomile oil to activate things like nutmeg and elemi. My honest opinion is that one drop obviously won't kill you but the onus of any tests is entirely on the experimenter. A strong intuitive sense of the aspects of self-poisoning, along with a firm grounding in the relevant biochemistry is, in my view essential [no pun intended!]

Love the new(?) addition to your sig, btw!
This is really cool!! Thank you! 😁
I would love to try it.
I also wonder whether strong doses or extracts of 5-HT3 inhibitors would ever interfere with motility, or whether 5-HT2 overload could still indirectly cause nausea.
Do anti nausea plants affect your emotions (outside of the anti nausea) when tripping? I’d be curious…

If you really want guaranteed no vomit however, you could try routes and methods of administration that avoid the stomach altogether such as lungs, rectally, topically, IV&IM, buccal/sublingual, etc
I don’t see it often mentioned, probably because eating and water teas are most accessible & simple.

For instance for mushrooms or cactus, you could prepare a suppository full spectrum extract. It would also avoid first pass metabolism and have faster absorption this way as well. I’d love to see more discussion about this!
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For instance for mushrooms or cactus, you could prepare a suppository full spectrum extract. It would also avoid first pass metabolism and have faster absorption this way as well. I’d love to see more discussion about this!

I think the official term for this is known as "boofing"... I always suggest making a bullet mold out of aluminum foil then mixing your extract into a tiny bit of water, enough to fill the mold... then making a little ice enema.
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