Words keep flowing out like endless rain into a pa
Hi guys, Has anyone seen any videos from the YouTube channel the truth is stranger than fiction ??
He's an American Christian dude, A flat earther, And he believes that dmt is a gateway to the spirit realm.
But........ he believes that the spirit realm is full of demons and fallen angels and nephilim posing as peaceful entities..
He has over 70 thousand subscribers, And he's quite thorough as far as finding bible verses to back up his claims.
Apparently dmt is referenced in the bible, It falls under the category of something called " Pharmakea "
So, My point is, What are your guys thoughts on this ?? Why would the bible try and keep people away from experiencing the spirit realm Aka hyper space ??
I just find this an interesting topic and am curious as to what the nexus community thinks.
Oh and btw, I believe that as long as you aren't hurting anyone that you can think and do as you please, I'm not asking if you think that dmt is morally wrong or right or anything. I'm curious
why dmt is demonized by some.
He's an American Christian dude, A flat earther, And he believes that dmt is a gateway to the spirit realm.
But........ he believes that the spirit realm is full of demons and fallen angels and nephilim posing as peaceful entities..
He has over 70 thousand subscribers, And he's quite thorough as far as finding bible verses to back up his claims.
Apparently dmt is referenced in the bible, It falls under the category of something called " Pharmakea "
So, My point is, What are your guys thoughts on this ?? Why would the bible try and keep people away from experiencing the spirit realm Aka hyper space ??
I just find this an interesting topic and am curious as to what the nexus community thinks.
Oh and btw, I believe that as long as you aren't hurting anyone that you can think and do as you please, I'm not asking if you think that dmt is morally wrong or right or anything. I'm curious
why dmt is demonized by some.