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This is merely a joke to obtain further insight on said joke

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(This is in no way intended to be conspiracy, entirely for entertainment and to gain a new perspective on things.) INPUT ENCOURAGED :)
Say that there is an elaborate system that is in use at the start of birth all the way to death, intended to keep us in some sort of a cycle. Our ego, along with our senses, and many other aspects in life keep us distracted and also give us a sense of self (rather than oneness). Say reincarnation is in fact truth and is part of this elaborate system but is taught in many religions to be a positive aspect to life and a necessity for karmic Balance (embedded form of control).

Upon death, there is a tunnel of light and an almost instinctive pull towards that tunnel. 'Celestial' beings or 'passed family members' (negative beings with an agenda to decieve) are at the tunnel calling for us to join them. There is an overpowering feeling of love (artificial intelligence technology designed to gain our full trust) . We oblige (as we must agree to some extent due to universal laws involving us being a form of consciousness) by going into the tunnel and our energy is recycled; we are reincarnated and the process repeats itself. Total amnesia at birth.

Say we are met with multiple dilemmas in daily life (minor annoyances, even false flags through media manipulation) to stir up negative energy which is fed on by the intelligence behind this system. All that we are taught to believe is merely illusion to keep us ignorant. Through these incarnations, our soul obtains wisdom from past lives and may even recall some memories throughout time without being able to pinpoint exactly what it is. The soul may even have full recollection during the death to tunnel experience.

Say the soul through many instances of trial and error has embedded wisdom into the consciousness (for the future incarnation) that stems an interest in the journey of 'enlightenment' with the use of psychedelics to eventually stumble upon DMT (an attempt to overcome this cycle) . DMT is this key to seeing behind this matrix and perhaps being able to escape this cycle or strange loop. Some of the bit of truth we learn in our physical existence is to be brought into hyperspace to keep us on our toes when dealing with whatever may occur. Such as seeing through distractions (perhaps the Machine Elves or other occurrences are a programming meant to keep us intrigued to the point we are not able to ascend to the level of awareness we need to escape?) One could even say that those who have ceased to physically exist while under the effects of Ayahuasca are actually ones who have achieved the escape from whatever our captors may be and this is the reasoning behind their deaths. Then DMT is given a bad name to keep others from unearthing the truth.

Love is the one gift we are given by the Source to truly liberate us from all bonds, it is found in the present. The heart will guide us out. See things for what they really are. Love dissolves culture and all other systems of belief to open our eyes and help us see through these systems. It is simply by being love that we are liberated in the present. We are nothing but at the same time, everything. This is oneness. Spread the love. Wisdom is the stone which remains undisturbed by the storm. This truth will help us WHEREVER we go. :love:
I like your theory. The always occurring problem is that we do not know if those in power of the cycles are somehow under control by something even ‘higher’ in command.

Somewhere in your post you bring up the point that the soul has embedded wisdom into consciousness. Not sure about that because I believe that soul = consciousness.

The last paragraph is not clear to me. It all sounds too woolly for me.
strtman said:
I like your theory. The always occurring problem is that we do not know if those in power of the cycles are somehow under control by something even ‘higher’ in command.

Somewhere in your post you bring up the point that the soul has embedded wisdom into consciousness. Not sure about that because I believe that soul = consciousness.

The last paragraph is not clear to me. It all sounds too woolly for me.

That is very true. We do not know if there is some sort of heigharchy but I could imagine that everything is balanced, due to us all being from one Source of consciousness(could be part of the system or the system put in place has become under the control of something else aside from the original programmer?); we are cursed with ego, as a test, to experience the illusion of separateness. Understanding can only come from seeing past the veil, to know that we truly are One. I and you are no longer a thing. Just Us.

Love is the one thing that brings that feeling of true connectedness together because it is freeing and has long been the 'glue of mankind'. Through all ups and downs, love is the driving force. If you've ever been spoken to by the Voice on any psychedelics, you are familiar with its tendency to teach you certain pieces of lifechanging knowledge you need at that point on your journey? There are many cases of this happening, just Google if you are finding yourself to be skeptical. This voice has spoken to me and others many times through the use of LSD or any psychedelic and has always given some type of information from the collective conscioussness that was needed in order to progress this journey, perhaps information that had become foreign along the way; simply a refresher. It is information that gives a feeling deep within that it is significant and was truly a message from the Source. It's a moment where you can feel your ears perk and this funny feeling, there is some subtle change but unmistakable nonetheless.

Speaking on consciousness and soul, I feel the same way. It just may have come out wonky, as I have trouble putting these ideas into words. It's easier to feel than to express these notions. Bear with me :)

To correct that error, the consciousness has embedded information in itself over long periods of trial and error in efforts to correct past mistakes. It's as if it has known it would mess up at some point, with the system being able to gain trust through the use of false love and wiping the memory; it is the consciousness' hotfix or defense mechanism against a clever contraption.

The last paragraph traces back to this voice that has been heard by many through the use of psychedelics, it is thought to be something of a higher frequency. It is felt to be the Source or at least something very close. Through numerous trips, the final paragraph was information obtained through these trips; specific information designed for liberation. Become aware of the present moment, learn to live within it, understand Love is your liberation. Love requires you to be HERE or present (conscious/aware). Through being aware, you have placed yourself within the present.

The present is the only thing that liberates us. If you have been caught in the loop, try focusing on the present. It requires you to let go and that letting go allows the flow of energy to pass and you are free. Love is freedom. The only tool given by the Source to liberate us. Simply a mechanism that brings US together to remind us of how close WE really are. In the present, we see things for what they really are. When we have the chance to do that, we transcend illusion. To become aware of illusion is more freedom than having never been aware of it in the first place.
downwardsfromzero said:
This may be interesting; please consider adding a few moar line breaks and it'll be easier for us all to read.

Thanks for the help! There you are! Hopefully it is a bit easier to read without feeling you're being bombarded.
This is my understanding. We are like jets, just on the brink of taking off, to where the ground is no longer needed. It was needed, soon it won't be.

In your mind you have two options (and millions within those two). Serve flesh, or serve spirit. Now we need to eat, drink water (the last reminants of the runway). But that's about it at this point. Some people want babies, whatever. So your two options are this. Indulge in flesh, or indulge in spirit. That's really all there is, in my understanding.

You can do a quick google search and get examples of people taking each option to the max.

Here's the thing, the runway is going to end. Period. Nobody can prove otherwise it's just a matter of fact, the runway runs out. The sky runs on forever..

In this example the runway is your body, the sky is your spirit.

It's not very clear for some people. But this life is you being given some runway so that you can take off. You either love the runway and never look at the sky, or you see the sky and you shoot for it.

Some will crash and burn. Some will fly high and soar with the eagles, so to speak. It's up to you. What comes after that, depends solely on the choice you make right here right now.

Blue skies brah 8)

(and yes I know jets eventually need to land, but that doesn't apply here.)
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