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Thoughts on the 'real world'

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
You know that western thing we live in. The society, the social games, our family, capital. Social identity. TV. Consumption.
I don't participate much any more. I tell people I no longer have agency.

I'm paranoid enough now, I think all agency is a deception anyhow. I have days I cease to make sense of myself. I just take it in stride - that the ship is sinking - and quickly return to my meditations and daydreams. I make more sense than agency. Sometimes I daydream I will be a great shaman and talk other people out of agency as well.

What do you make of 'their' world? For me it's not an option. I can't stomach it without becoming subversive.

How exactly are you going to help someone, be a shamanistic leader, if you can't handle the 'real world'? Do you want to lead others into the same state of depression you are in? Would that be a good thing?

We must lead by example.

Instead of expecting the world to change for you, you must adapt and work to change it. Even if you can only make a small positive impact, that is better than nothing. Small steps!
dunno if this applies to this subject, but eh..

the "real world" as far as socially, is more fake then real if you ask me. You can just sit back and observe, and see right through it.

It doesn't matter what "scene" it is, they are all the same fundamentally. They all rest on the same blocks, just the paint is different. We all seem to strive to break into a certain scene, to feel welcomed by others into it. Or perhaps we grew up and just sort of fell into place with a scene, or a lifestyle.

Real life..socially speaking, just doesn't seem very real to me anymore.
ive been struggling with this as well. seems that you cant help but be a part of society today. its been set up to work against people straying against the heard. we went drastically wrong somewhere.... we should focus on loving one and other and living in harmony with everything, but our society has taught us all our lives to strive to be BETTER than everyone else. It was a competition to get good grades in grade school, to get into a good college, to get the best job, to make the most money, to be the "happiest"


I participate in society in that I have a job that allows me to support myself, but I knowingly observe the hipocracy and shameful society that I am a reluctant part of.
I think all that you can do is live to love and be loved and set a good example for the rest of the mindless sheep.
Yea.....dealing with the "day to day" after "awakening" is very interesting.....The daily news that I used to fret over now means less than nothing to me.
This reality has been exposed for what it is....just an illusion.
The powers that be use the media to peddle fear (so they can "protect you" ), and convince you that you "just gotta have" that newest car, TV, house, whatever, in order to keep up with the Jones', and feed the leviathan that has all but consumed Mother Earth.
Don't you all notice that time has been speeding up dramatically lately? No-one has time to relax or do much besides work anymore! This isn't the way it used to be....even our parents didn't live like this!! This is the hidden plan that is designed to spank us all while we beg "Thank You Sir, May I have another?"
NOW is the time to jump off the hamster wheel and get out of the rat race. Trust me...you don't need that $600 car payment, bigger house, or plasma TV. Get out of debt if you can, slow down, make some art, read philosophy in a park in the sunshine. Live in the NOW. People search thier whole lives for that "something" they know is missing from thier lives....when it is right in front of thier face! When I "awoke"...it was the most natural shift in perception....It can happen literally from one step to the next....and you see everything in a totally new way. And you feel so freakin GOOD that you can't imagine. And as you realize you are God (like everyone is) you tell yourself "OMG....I REMEMBER." And you realize you have only been playing hide & seek with yourself! It's all a game we (as God) play with ourselves to stay entertained. So...since it's all a big game, why the hell worry about it???? Remember what games are about? Having FUN. There. That's the secret of the universe you create! HAVE FUN as long as you're in the game!
indeed. this is why maybe people like us try to find things like our spice to give us more answers i think - we look at the world around us and just can't accept that it's really 'real' and that it is all there is. i've got a steady job, a mortgage, and i know that to a certain extent (but a hell of a lot less than most people) i'm materialistic, but i losing the trait and i'm finding 'normal' life makeing me more and more miserable. the fact that most of your family and friends just can't understand makes it hard.

return to simple. live, grow/husband your food. explore your art and talents. share with other nice people. fuck the system. it seems so simple yet sometimes so hard.

any good communes out there?
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