I've heard an argument lately on whether or not it is good advice to eat before tripping DMT. Personality, i wouldn't in a million years smoalk on an empty stomach, even with harmalas, but I'm hypoglycemic. Marijuana can easily trigger a LBS episode and I've passed out a few times where i think i would've been okay if not stoned.
On the other hand i heard an argument having to do with serotonin that i didn't quite grok that advised smoalking FB DMT on am empty stomach. It wasn't because of nausea, this person seemed to be saying something about the empty stomach affecting serotonin somehow that favorably influenced DMT.
Sorry that is so vague, it was at a discussion group awhile ago.
What are your thoughts? And I'd rather keep the information in this thread reenac relevant to vaping freebase n, DMT with or without MAOIs, but not oral routes. Thanks, for the sake of custod curiosity. It would be nice to have a better consensus.
On the other hand i heard an argument having to do with serotonin that i didn't quite grok that advised smoalking FB DMT on am empty stomach. It wasn't because of nausea, this person seemed to be saying something about the empty stomach affecting serotonin somehow that favorably influenced DMT.
Sorry that is so vague, it was at a discussion group awhile ago.
What are your thoughts? And I'd rather keep the information in this thread reenac relevant to vaping freebase n, DMT with or without MAOIs, but not oral routes. Thanks, for the sake of custod curiosity. It would be nice to have a better consensus.