Rising Star
Hello! I read cybeks tek but one thing conflicted with other teks and another conflicted itself. Here goes:
1. For 50gr MHrb he adds 50 ml naptha per pull. He does 5 pulls. That is a total of 250 ml npatha in the freezer (for 50gr mhrb). Isn't this excessive and counterproductive?
2. For each pull, let naptha separate. This takes one hour for the first time. After 4 later shakes/separation (ON THE SAME PULL) it says this will take 45 mins. How is it possible to take 1 hr for the naptha to separate on the 1st shake, and then on the next 4 shakes it only takes 45 minutes?
1. For 50gr MHrb he adds 50 ml naptha per pull. He does 5 pulls. That is a total of 250 ml npatha in the freezer (for 50gr mhrb). Isn't this excessive and counterproductive?
2. For each pull, let naptha separate. This takes one hour for the first time. After 4 later shakes/separation (ON THE SAME PULL) it says this will take 45 mins. How is it possible to take 1 hr for the naptha to separate on the 1st shake, and then on the next 4 shakes it only takes 45 minutes?