Rising Star
WSaged said:Gondrio said:fractal enchantment said:I would much much rather not "fall on christ"..id deny anyone that expected me to blindly follow..I dont care if they are jesus or "god"..id still tell them to get lost.
Is it any coincidence that Christ went about Jerusalem healing blind eyes? yet you take this so superficially...
Those who follow Christ do not do so blindly.
So you yourself saw this happen then?
Or did you read about it in a 2000 year old book & have church leaders tell you about it?
....what don't you do blindly?
obviously no, but there are many other evidential arguments that substantiate the account of these miraculous healings. For Example: The resurrection evidence, and the other various arguments for the divinity of Christ. the prophetic fulfillment (numbering in the 100's -- all fulfilled in a sequential order of the context), the arguments for creation, archeological data, and then theres the philosophical profoundness (which isnt an argument in and of itself, but does become a strong argument when examined in light of the fact of how the Bible was written.)
the presuppositionalist argument would say that unless you accept the bible as true you cannot ultimately make sense out of life, ethics, science, or anything. The proof of scripture then involves assuming that the bible is false and finding out whether or not you can make sense out of life, ethics, science, and etcetera given an antibiblical starting point. There are only two choices. If the antibiblical choice fails, you must accept the biblical one.
Now, unbelievers of all sorts do make sense of life, ethics, etcetera, but presuppositionalists argue that they do this because they are using borrowed capital from a biblical worldview.
Though in spite of these many reasonable arguments, ultimately only the spirit of God can remove our prejudices against His word, and teach people to embrace Christ.