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Migrated topic.
just out of being bored I decided to Google "Entheogenic gnosis" and found that there's a Facebook account and some blogspot.com site that have the same name...

I guess it's a common enough phrase or name...

Which is a Bummer, because I don't think I can change my username on this site.

I don't know how to get Facebook to work so I can't explore the page, but I want to see who this other Entheogenic gnosis is...

As for the blogspot Entheogenic gnosis, it looks like some mushroom grower, regardless, I don't want a name that's already being used by others unrelated to myself or my friends.

DMT-nexus is the only website I ever use, aside from National Center for Biotechnology Information, PubMed, MAPS.org, erowid, and other research resources, I'm fairly illiterate when it comes to technology, and I'm a very grumpy and reclusive person otherwise, so it's not like I would ever be in a hurry to learn to use use sites meant to socialize...the nexus is the only site which involves interacting with others that I can handle...

they steal my real name, and my nexus user name, so many imposters, who apparently have way to much time on their hands, the imposter comment was about my real name, the entheogenic gnosis stuff probably coincidence.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
just out of being bored I decided to Google "Entheogenic gnosis" and found that there's a Facebook account and some blogspot.com site that have the same name...

I guess it's a common enough phrase or name...

Which is a Bummer, because I don't think I can change my username on this site.

I don't know how to get Facebook to work so I can't explore the page, but I want to see who this other Entheogenic gnosis is...

As for the blogspot Entheogenic gnosis, it looks like some mushroom grower, regardless, I don't want a name that's already being used by others unrelated to myself or my friends.

DMT-nexus is the only website I ever use, aside from National Center for Biotechnology Information, PubMed, MAPS.org, erowid, and other research resources, I'm fairly illiterate when it comes to technology, and I'm a very grumpy and reclusive person otherwise, so it's not like I would ever be in a hurry to learn to use use sites meant to socialize...the nexus is the only site which involves interacting with others that I can handle...

they steal my real name, and my nexus user name, so many imposters, who apparently have way to much time on their hands, the imposter comment was about my real name, the entheogenic gnosis stuff probably coincidence.

you can ask trav for a name change also that blog and the facebook page look pretty empty to me. not really much going on there.
Ulim said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
just out of being bored I decided to Google "Entheogenic gnosis" and found that there's a Facebook account and some blogspot.com site that have the same name...

I guess it's a common enough phrase or name...

Which is a Bummer, because I don't think I can change my username on this site.

I don't know how to get Facebook to work so I can't explore the page, but I want to see who this other Entheogenic gnosis is...

As for the blogspot Entheogenic gnosis, it looks like some mushroom grower, regardless, I don't want a name that's already being used by others unrelated to myself or my friends.

DMT-nexus is the only website I ever use, aside from National Center for Biotechnology Information, PubMed, MAPS.org, erowid, and other research resources, I'm fairly illiterate when it comes to technology, and I'm a very grumpy and reclusive person otherwise, so it's not like I would ever be in a hurry to learn to use use sites meant to socialize...the nexus is the only site which involves interacting with others that I can handle...

they steal my real name, and my nexus user name, so many imposters, who apparently have way to much time on their hands, the imposter comment was about my real name, the entheogenic gnosis stuff probably coincidence.

you can ask trav for a name change also that blog and the facebook page look pretty empty to me. not really much going on there.

I was actually just curious as to who these individuals were...

I don't know how to get Facebook to work... do you have to join Facebook to explore it? If so than screw that.

I don't think I'll change my nexus name...

...It bothers me that people might look at the stuff that these other "Entheogenic-gnosis" individuals are doing and assume that it's me.

But no matter, anyone who actually knows me will know that this "Entheogenic-gnosis" only uses the nexus...

...for those who don't know me, assume away I guess...

e-g, IMO, small beer. I suspect it will have nil pragmatic effect on your true identity, material or mystic. Have a super Holiday season!

That's good to hear.

There's a group of immature (though in reality most are older than me) individuals that do all that they can to go out of their way to make me look bad, it's a total obsession for these people, I dont even know these people, I have to stand in a line with them for around 45 minutes every morning, I don't even know their names, yet these people are obsessed with me, I guess they don't have much of a life or something, because I've never done anything to any of these people*, it comes down to some type of perverted jealousy, because all I ever do is work in my notebook, so at no fault of your own people will hate you, and try to get others to do the same through pure slander.

(*Some of them are friends with a vindictive, angry, and jealous ex-girlfriend of mine, take this as a warning, if you get involved with a crazy girl they will stalk you and cause problems for you for your whole life)

It's never really bothered me, because nothing they say about me is true, they have to make fake accounts on sites I don't use to try to make me look bad, because they know everything they say about me or any of the malicious things that they do is based off of 100% pure nonsense, it's all lies, they know that if people talked to me personally they would naturally see that everything said about me is the fabrication of some group of pervert stalkers who have nothing better to do than follow me around and try to make me look bad.

I never really pay attention to any of this, but it is kind of creepy, and not creepy as in "scary" but creepy as in "I can't believe how pathetic this is"

...you should see the stuff they do in my real name, I would stop them, but in showing my friends and family what these people are up to it confirms that I'm telling the truth, it shows what lengths these people went through, and over nothing, seriously, over nothing, I have heard the stuff they say to others, but there is no truth in it. it's a perverted obsession driven by two or three individuals that have influence over a bigger group of people who believe their lies and allow themselves to be manipulated.

So what to do about it? Nothing. It doesn't affect me in any real way, it doesn't have any effect on my life or research, or my relationships, it just shows that there are sick people out there, who will.invent reasons to hate you, then they will scramble to keep everybody on their side by any means, they have to say anything they can to keep others from talking to me, because they know if others found out the truth, and realized that they were lied to and manipulated by some petty and jealous individuals who don't have a life of their own, they would turn on those who have been slanderizing me.

I've actually been getting some laughs out of it, though I feel kind of bad for these people as well. They obviously have no self-esteem, these are they type of people who can only laugh when it's at others, and it's been shown that this generally derives from frustrations based on their own insecurities, and they obviously have far to much free time, meaning they don't have much of a personal life...

I have taken this as a lesson, I've learned about being unjustly victimized without provocation, I've learned a good deal about the psychology related to these behaviors, and I have identified means by which i would never treat another human, every time I come close to committing such an action, I think "do you really want to be like those people?"

As a result, I researched these behaviors, and rounds methods which would prevent me from.ever engaging in them, I've also found solace regarding others who treat me in this manner, I've realized their true motivations, and rather than be angry with them I pitty them, I feel.sorry for them, I wish that they could find true comfort witht hemselves and happiness from within, because people who are comfortable with themselves, and who are happy, do not treat others in such ways...


A Buddhist perspective on these situations

In the Zen tradition, this is one of the bodhisattva vows. For fully ordained monastics the same principle is expressed in the payattika vow to abandon slander. It is also contained in the Buddha’s recommendation to all of us to avoid the ten destructive actions, the fifth of which is using our speech to create disharmony.

The motivation

What an undertaking! I can’t speak for you, the reader, but I find this very difficult. I have an old habit of talking about the faults of others. In fact, it’s so habitual that sometimes I don’t realize I’ve done it until afterwards.

What lies behind this tendency to put others down? One of my teachers, Geshe Ngawang Dhargye, used to say, "You get together with a friend and talk about the faults of this person and the misdeeds of that one. Then you go on to discuss others’ mistakes and negative qualities. In the end, the two of you feel good because you’ve agreed you’re the two best people in the world."

When I look inside, I have to acknowledge he’s right. Fueled by insecurity, I mistakenly think that if others are wrong, bad, or fault-ridden, then in comparison I must be right, good, and capable. Does the strategy of putting others down to build up my own self-esteem work? Hardly.

Another situation in which we speak about others’ faults is when we’re angry with them. Here we may talk about their faults for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s to win other people over to our side. "If I tell these other people about the argument Bob and I had and convince them that he is wrong and I’m right before Bob can tell them about the argument, then they’ll side with me." Underlying that is the thought, "If others think I’m right, then I must be." It’s a weak attempt to convince ourselves we’re okay when we haven’t spent the time honestly evaluating our own motivations and actions.

At other times, we may talk about others’ faults because we’re jealous of them. We want to be respected and appreciated as much as they are. In the back of our minds, there’s the thought, "If others see the bad qualities of the people I think are better than me, then instead of honoring and helping them, they’ll praise and assist me." Or we think, "If the boss thinks that person is unqualified, she’ll promote me instead." Does this strategy win others’ respect and appreciation? Hardly.

Some people "psychoanalyze" others, using their half-baked knowledge of pop psychology to put someone down. Comments such as "he’s borderline" or "she’s paranoid" make it sound as if we have authoritative insight into someone’s internal workings, when in reality we disdain their faults because our ego was affronted. Casually psychoanalyzing others can be especially harmful, for it may unfairly cause a third party to be biased or suspicious.

Holy cow, you know, had i not experienced something similar I'd probably react with sheer incredulity over your account, but... Yeah, although my experience occurred during the time i attended a methadone clinic (there's your standing in line analogue), and those i was cued with were addicts that suddenly had to find a way to fill the hole left by the absence of not only the substance, but the drama that accompanies the lifestyle. Honestly, many of us (self included) find ourselves making very poor decisions trying to fill that void. I don't have a clue what that motivation behind your retinue of jerks is, but you know... People.

.(*Some of them are friends with a vindictive, angry, and jealous ex-girlfriend of mine, take this as a warning, if you get involved with a crazy girl they will stalk you and cause problems for you for your whole life)

Oh god, sorry, but I'd cry if I didn't laugh.:( :| :) 😁 :lol: :lol: :lol: :|

One the poorest decisions i made during that time was getting involved with a girl from the clinic. I'm not going to get into details (some were unfortunately presented to this community as i asked for advice and guidance, when I should have taken the advice every one of my friends who met her gave me-leave, now. Her professions of love, and the sex, which at my age with a beautiful 25 year old girl i find more than tempting and, well, blind) other than this to illustrate: at some point in time, unbeknownst to me, she went crying to a guy from the clinic, told him that i was making her prostitute herself pay for my gigantic heroin addiction and beating her all over her body in a way that prevented bruising, to explain the lack of wounds. She did this so that she could persuade him into giving her $100 to get a motel room to get away from me.

I remember her coming to me one day all happy because some guy gave her a hundred bucks, i was suspicious, but... Blind. I only figured it out when i was attacked the guy, in her presence, and even though she said then that i hadn't hurt her, in his mind i was a controlling monster. And if course, word spread, but anyone who mattered to me knew the entire story but only bullshit, but impossible for my character . This was all at least three years ago, and just a couple months ago, i saw the same guy on the street and he took a swing at me, that thankfully missed.

Something one has to realize is that the people who do these juices things are either one, suffering themselves and so it if touch that instead if addressing the root just spread it around, or two, as in the case with the guy so intent on protecting and rescuing the obviously lying party, are guilty of the crime they progress to despise. Pretty sure you are ashtray aware of these things by your words however, eg.

In my case, it was extremely difficult to get through the anger at the false accusation, especially since i truly feel that i walk the walk when it comes to gender politics, and to not let that anger cliff perceptions and judgement. It was only after removing myself a distance in tune and space from the abusive and caustically toxic person and people that i began to be able to sympathize with the Iain within her that causes her to do these things. She did it to her boyfriend prior to be and continues to do so as she has moved into another victim. The whole experience left me with a decision to tension celibate for a period of time, as i address the issues that led me into such a place, and until someone finds me attractive for the right reasons.

That is revealing how out of touch i was/am/can be with myself; despite having been on the path of entheogenic healing i was and am still capable of really messing things up out of far from enlightened sources. That said, this path has allowed to take stock of these things, some of the new glaring character flaws I've been able to address without having to go through consequences for repeating them, find their source and address the causes.

Oh geez, sorry for continuing this post into the wilderness...

And saddened that you're dealing with such jerks, eg.
null24 said:
Holy cow, you know, had i not experienced something similar I'd probably react with sheer incredulity over your account, but... Yeah, although my experience occurred during the time i attended a methadone clinic (there's your standing in line analogue), and those i was cued with were addicts that suddenly had to find a way to fill the hole left by the absence of not only the substance, but the drama that accompanies the lifestyle. Honestly, many of us (self included) find ourselves making very poor decisions trying to fill that void. I don't have a clue what that motivation behind your retinue of jerks is, but you know... People.

.(*Some of them are friends with a vindictive, angry, and jealous ex-girlfriend of mine, take this as a warning, if you get involved with a crazy girl they will stalk you and cause problems for you for your whole life)

Oh god, sorry, but I'd cry if I didn't laugh.:( :| :) 😁 :lol: :lol: :lol: :|

One the poorest decisions i made during that time was getting involved with a girl from the clinic. I'm not going to get into details, other than this to illustrate: at some point in time, unbeknownst to me, she went crying to a guy from the clinic, told him that i was making her prostitute herself pay for my gigantic heroin addiction and beating her all over her body in a way that prevented bruising, to explain the lack of wounds. She did this so that she could persuade him into giving her $100 to get a motel room to get away from me, i remember coming back one day all happy because some guy gave her a hundred bucks, i was suspicious, but... Blind. I only figured it out when i was attacked the guy, in her presence, and even though she said then that i hadn't hurt her, in his mind i was a controlling monster. And if course, word spread, but anyone who mattered to me knew the entire story but only bullshit, but impossible for my character .

Although at the time i did post here seeking advice, all the advice i should have ever listened to was that that all my friends told me the second they met her:"get away from her!". I was pulled in by professions of love, and sex, which at my age with a beautiful 25 year old girl was hard to resist.

That revealing how out of touch i was/am/can be with myself; despite having been on the path of entheogenic healing i was and am still capable of really messing things up out of far from enlightened sources. That said, this path has allowed to take stock of these things, some of the new glaring character flaws I've been able to address without having to go through consequences for repeating them, find their source and address the causes.

Oh geez, sorry for continuing this post into the wilderness...

And saddened that you're dealing with such jerks, eg.

I never talk about this, mostly because it really doesn't bother me, but also because most people will feel that I am somehow exaggerating or not telling the whole story... and because all that "drama" discussion and thought is bad mental hygiene, focusing on the negative acts of others that you would otherwise pay no attention to is letting them intrude into the sphere of conscious-being unwelcomed, by paying them attention, a person who would otherwise never cross your mind, has managed to slither their way into your thought stream.

As for the girl, I was with her for 3 years, we have been broken up for over 8 years, she broke up with me, because I didn't have any money at the time, but insists on slanderizing me and trying to turn others against me to this day...and everything she says is a terrible lie, designed to turn others against me and gain sympathy for herself, all these guys think they need to be "her hero" and go after her ex, they never even consider that they are being manipulated to enact her vindictive and unjustified victimization of an ex who really did nothing to deserve it, she doesn't want anybody to even talk to me, and she will spread lies to keep girls from talking to me...it's ridiculous, it's "middle-school" crossed with "psychopath" behavior, the best i can do is ignore it, I honestly hope that she can eventually grow up and move on, and live a happy life where she doesn't ever think about me, but that's probably too much to ask...

I enjoy my solitude, and simply want to be left alone. I have a few close friends, and family, and research associates, but other than that I generally just want to be left to my business. I never talk to anybody unless they speak with me first, and I'm often so engrossed in my research to even take much mind of the others around me, I never bother anybody, I never do anything but read books, write in my notebook, and listen to music, how this bothers anybody is beyond me.

"Standing in a line analogue" is an interesting way of putting it, it's more like a homologue in this situation, it's one of the few topics which I'm apprehensive to discuss, so the less said the better.

... though you would assume that I would hold a good deal of resentment towards these people, that's not the case, when it comes down to it, I actually feel bad for them, I wish that they could be happy, I wish they could love themselves and be comfortable with themselves, because people who are comfortable with themselves, people who are happy, do not feel the need to treat others in such a way, specially just based on slander of for no reason at all, so rather than pray for negative things to befall these people, I pray for their happiness, "sarva mangalam" is a frequent mantra for me, which roughly means "happiness/fortune to all beings".

I'm really not interested in what their issue is, because honestly, it is their issue, it has nothing to do with myself, I know I have done no wrong to any of these people or anybody they know, and I'm honestly so engrossed in my research that I don't even notice the people around me, and all and all their negative actions towards me are a minor nuisance at most, a good test of my commitment to my spiritual values, a good change to review wise individuals words regarding the situation....

I always feel like arjuna in chapter two of the gita:
Sanjaya said: Shri Krishna then spoke the following words to Arjuna whose heart was overwhelmed with pity and whose eyes were filled with tears.

Chapter 2 - Verse 2

Bhagavan Shri Krishna said: Arjuna, how has such illusion overcome you at this crucial moment? This is not appropriate for an honorable man, nor does it lead to higher planets. It is the cause of infamy.

Chapter 2 - Verse 3

O Partha, give up this unmanliness. It does not befit you. O chastiser of enemies, get up and do not yield to this petty weakness of heart.


Sanjaya said: Having thus addressed Shri Krishna, the vigilant conqueror of enemies Arjuna declared, “O Krishna, O Govinda, I will not fight!” and became silent.

Descendent of Bharata, there, between the two armies, Shri Krishna (Hrishikesha) smiled and spoke the following words to the grief-stricken Arjuna.

Bhagavan Shri Krishna said: While speaking like a wise man, you are actually grieving for that which is unworthy of grief. The wise neither lament for the living nor the dead.


O Partha, only the most fortunate warriors are favored with the opportunity to engage in such a war, which has come of its own accord to you as an open door to the higher planets.

Chapter 2 - Verse 33

But if you decide not to take part in this war of righteousness, your principles of dharma will be lost, fame will abandon you and impiety will be incurred.

Chapter 2 - Verse 34

For all time to come, people will speak of your infamy, and for one who is great, infamy is worse than death.

Chapter 2 - Verse 35

Illustrious warriors will believe that you ceased fighting out of fear. You will fall into disgrace in the eyes of those that hold you in great esteem.

- Chapter 2 - Verse 36

Your enemies will insult you with slanderous words, condemning your prowess. Alas, what could be more painful than that?


Chapter 2 - Verse 37

O son of Kunti, if you are killed you will attain the higher planets, and if you are victorious you will enjoy the Earth. Therefore, be confident of your success – stand up and fight!
sanskrit text...
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 2 - Verse 38

Maintain equanimity when faced with happiness and distress, gain and loss, victory and defeat – fight, and in this way you will not incur impiety.

I remember that arjuna was forced into battle, it was going to happen whether he wanted it to it not, he had no choice but to fight...and when put in such a position it's not violating your spiritual convictions towards non-violence and selflessness, but acting as the situation has forced you, leaving you with no other choice....

I only fear that I will be put in such a position, and will have to defend myself. I'm strictly committed to non-violence, to peace. I would rather separate myself from and ignore negative and violent individuals rather than engage them, like I've said, it's their issue, not mine.

Buddhism has been an amazing help, as has the advice of the I ching, shamanic practice, the gita, and even terence McKenna...it seems that by trying to bring me down, they have inspired me to further educate myself and improve in spiritual and ethical standings.

I fully believe that we will all reap what we sow in regards to our karma, which gives me comfort, as well as further motivation to maintain my own good karma and block out the negative influences of intruders.

EDITED for clarity

. though you would assume that I would hold a good deal of resentment towards these people, that's not the case, when it comes down to it, I actually feel bad for them, I wish that they could be happy, I wish they could love themselves and be comfortable with themselves, because people who are comfortable with themselves, people who are happy, do not feel the need to treat others in such a way, specially just based on slander of for no reason at all, so rather than pray for negative things to befall these people, I pray for their happiness, "sarva mangalam" is a frequent mantra for me, which roughly means "happiness/fortune to all beings".
Yeah, that's what i was getting at, i had to work through the anger and sense of betrayal. Which in my case was thoroughly misguided, one has to have had another's loyalty to have been betrayed, and i filled the same void i used heroin to fill with false love. She never had any loyalty at all to me, or anyone but herself and her needs, she is incapable-literally- of any form of empathy. The only reaction i ever saw her give to another's suffering in any form, save for on TV, was laughter. But at the same time is able to make another, namely me at the time, feel loved, cared for and wanted just enough to stay around. And then, yeah, i ran out of money.

The whole experience taught me alot, and was frankly humiliating. It hurt and was hard to learn, i thought i was pretty sure on my path, this all went down within the first couple years off heroin, after my first transformative experience with 5meo DMT. I fell prey to a sociopath, something I wasn't prepared for and was vulnerable to. Removing myself from such a toxic culture as that which exists at the methadone clinics I attended-even while being a client, just not socializing-went a long way towards fixing the problem. To paraphrase you, it wasn't old-school, it was middle-school.

I thank entheogens and a practice of meditation for revealing to me the eternal perfect love of my true self, something i need constant reminder of in such a gross material culture. But it's not been a straight path for me, but often-and with great purpose and intent, it seems-thrown me completely off balance, leaving me to put the pieces back together, hopefully in a better formation than before.

Perhaps one day the tests will be completed and the rewards of peace will be great.

"Standing in a line analogue" is an interesting way of putting it, it's more like a homologue
I was trying to sound smart and prolly used the word wrong.
null24 said:
EDITED for clarity

. though you would assume that I would hold a good deal of resentment towards these people, that's not the case, when it comes down to it, I actually feel bad for them, I wish that they could be happy, I wish they could love themselves and be comfortable with themselves, because people who are comfortable with themselves, people who are happy, do not feel the need to treat others in such a way, specially just based on slander of for no reason at all, so rather than pray for negative things to befall these people, I pray for their happiness, "sarva mangalam" is a frequent mantra for me, which roughly means "happiness/fortune to all beings".
Yeah, that's what i was getting at, i had to work through the anger and sense of betrayal. Which in my case was thoroughly misguided, one has to have had another's loyalty to have been betrayed, and i filled the same void i used heroin to fill with false love. She never had any loyalty at all to me, or anyone but herself and her needs, she is incapable-literally- of any form of empathy. The only reaction i ever saw her give to another's suffering in any form, save for on TV, was laughter. But at the same time is able to make another, namely me at the time, feel loved, cared for and wanted just enough to stay around. And then, yeah, i ran out of money.

The whole experience taught me alot, and was frankly humiliating. It hurt and was hard to learn, i thought i was pretty sure on my path, this all went down within the first couple years off heroin, after my first transformative experience with 5meo DMT. I fell prey to a sociopath, something I wasn't prepared for and was vulnerable to. Removing myself from such a toxic culture as that which exists at the methadone clinics I attended-even while being a client, just not socializing-went a long way towards fixing the problem. To paraphrase you, it wasn't old-school, it was middle-school.

I thank entheogens and a practice of meditation for revealing to me the eternal perfect love of my true self, something i need constant reminder of in such a gross material culture. But it's not been a straight path for me, but often-and with great purpose and intent, it seems-thrown me completely off balance, leaving me to put the pieces back together, hopefully in a better formation than before.

Perhaps one day the tests will be completed and the rewards of peace will be great.

"Standing in a line analogue" is an interesting way of putting it, it's more like a homologue
I was trying to sound smart and prolly used the word wrong.

No, you used the right word. Analogues are comparable to one another, homologues are the same except for a single differing feature. It's the same situation, the differing feature would be the location.

It's a joke, these people think they know think they know "everything" about me, they follow me around, spread lies and slander, they spy on me, they sneak around taking pictures of me with their phones, and they go to great lengths to insure that others never have the opportunity to get the truth. Seriously, it's creepy how far these people will go to convince others of their lies about me, and again, not creepy like "scary", but creepy like a child-molester, specially from my perspective, because I (and my friends and family) actually see all the effort they put into this...you think they would have their own lives, you figure they would have better things to do, but in reality it's obvious that thinking about me, and trying to plot against me, takes up a huge amount of their time.

And why?

Actually, I know exactly why:

What lies behind this tendency to put others down? One of my teachers, Geshe Ngawang Dhargye, used to say, "You get together with a friend and talk about the faults of this person and the misdeeds of that one. Then you go on to discuss others’ mistakes and negative qualities. In the end, the two of you feel good because you’ve agreed you’re the two best people in the world."

When I look inside, I have to acknowledge he’s right. Fueled by insecurity, I mistakenly think that if others are wrong, bad, or fault-ridden, then in comparison I must be right, good, and capable. Does the strategy of putting others down to build up my own self-esteem work? Hardly.

Another situation in which we speak about others’ faults is when we’re angry with them. Here we may talk about their faults for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s to win other people over to our side. "If I tell these other people about the argument Bob and I had and convince them that he is wrong and I’m right before Bob can tell them about the argument, then they’ll side with me." Underlying that is the thought, "If others think I’m right, then I must be." It’s a weak attempt to convince ourselves we’re okay when we haven’t spent the time honestly evaluating our own motivations and actions.

At other times, we may talk about others’ faults because we’re jealous of them. We want to be respected and appreciated as much as they are.In the back of our minds, there’s the thought, "If others see the bad qualities of the people I think are better than me, then instead of honoring and helping them, they’ll praise and assist me." Or we think, "If the boss thinks that person is unqualified, she’ll promote me instead." Does this strategy win others’ respect and appreciation? Hardly.

Some people "psychoanalyze" others, using their half-baked knowledge of pop psychology to put someone down. Comments such as "he’s borderline" or "she’s paranoid" make it sound as if we have authoritative insight into someone’s internal workings, when in reality we disdain their faults because our ego was affronted. Casually psychoanalyzing others can be especially harmful, for it may unfairly cause a third party to be biased or suspicious.

That's all there is to it...

I think they know this as well, which is why they have to invent such colorful slander to keep others on their side. They have to make fake Facebook pages because they know that nothing they say about me is true, and they know I would never do anything close to anything that they could use to talk.bad about me with, so they make it up, they have to pretend to be me to try to make me look bad, because NOTHING they say about me is even close to being true, it also shows their issue has nothing to do with me, because they have to invent stories and slander about me, if anything they said was true they wouldn't have to impersonate me to embarrass me...I can easily prove that everything these people say is a lie...which is probably why they never directly confront me, they settle for passive aggression because if they were to confront me directly I might be able would expose their lies and their perversions and obsessions regarding myself, and being exposed for who they truly are is their worst nightmare, obviously the focus on me because they don't want anybody to know who they really are, and what kind of sick things they have been doing and I could expose every one of these people.

Which is why it doesn't really bother me, it's not my problem, and it has nothing to do.with anything I did, all I'm doing is keeping to myself, staying focused on my research, and living my own life, and were it not for all the negative minor inconveniences these people caused, they would never even cross my mind...I mean if you don't like a person, but that person ignores you on every level, than what's the problem?

Oh yeah:
At other times, we may talk about others’ faults because we’re jealous of them. We want to be respected and appreciated as much as they are.In the back of our minds, there’s the thought, "If others see the bad qualities of the people I think are better than me, then instead of honoring and helping them, they’ll praise and assist me." Or we think, "If the boss thinks that person is unqualified, she’ll promote me instead." Does this strategy win others’ respect and appreciation? Hardly.

Though I still feel bad them. I wish they had something positive to consume their time. Maybe when you spend all your time projecting hate towards an individual, whether they deserve it or not, you don't have to look at yourself, you don't have to look at your own life or your own troubles...and trust me, these people seriously need to look at their own lives.

I honestly pray that these people can find comfort with themselves, I hope that they can find happiness, and lead productive lives full of activities to fill their time, I pray they can find passion for something positive in life, I pray that they can be shown compassion and learn to show compassion, I pray that they can let go of their insecurities and allow those who are not hurting or bothering anybody to.exist in peace, I pray that I never cross their minds again and that they can go about their lives focused on themselves and their own families, I pray for happiness and fortune to enter their lives, I pray that they become less amenable to the manipulation of others through slander. I truly hope they are shown the truth, and I truly hope that they can find peace and comfort...like I said, the problem.is theirs, not mine, and I hope that the universe is able to allow them to get over whatever it is and simply leave me to my own life.

null24 said:
EDITED for clarity

. though you would assume that I would hold a good deal of resentment towards these people, that's not the case, when it comes down to it, I actually feel bad for them, I wish that they could be happy, I wish they could love themselves and be comfortable with themselves, because people who are comfortable with themselves, people who are happy, do not feel the need to treat others in such a way, specially just based on slander of for no reason at all, so rather than pray for negative things to befall these people, I pray for their happiness, "sarva mangalam" is a frequent mantra for me, which roughly means "happiness/fortune to all beings".
Yeah, that's what i was getting at, i had to work through the anger and sense of betrayal. Which in my case was thoroughly misguided, one has to have had another's loyalty to have been betrayed, and i filled the same void i used heroin to fill with false love. She never had any loyalty at all to me, or anyone but herself and her needs, she is incapable-literally- of any form of empathy. The only reaction i ever saw her give to another's suffering in any form, save for on TV, was laughter. But at the same time is able to make another, namely me at the time, feel loved, cared for and wanted just enough to stay around. And then, yeah, i ran out of money.

The whole experience taught me alot, and was frankly humiliating. It hurt and was hard to learn, i thought i was pretty sure on my path, this all went down within the first couple years off heroin, after my first transformative experience with 5meo DMT. I fell prey to a sociopath, something I wasn't prepared for and was vulnerable to. Removing myself from such a toxic culture as that which exists at the methadone clinics I attended-even while being a client, just not socializing-went a long way towards fixing the problem. To paraphrase you, it wasn't old-school, it was middle-school.

I thank entheogens and a practice of meditation for revealing to me the eternal perfect love of my true self, something i need constant reminder of in such a gross material culture. But it's not been a straight path for me, but often-and with great purpose and intent, it seems-thrown me completely off balance, leaving me to put the pieces back together, hopefully in a better formation than before.

Perhaps one day the tests will be completed and the rewards of peace will be great.

"Standing in a line analogue" is an interesting way of putting it, it's more like a homologue
I was trying to sound smart and prolly used the word wrong.

For me there's no anger or sense of betrayal involved in the situation. I can't say that I have ever been betrayed, and I don't hold onto any anger towards anyone.

With my ex-girlfriend I'm actually glad we broke up, it wasn't an emotional brake up in any way, but then again it was never a serious relationship, and the messed up part is, she broke up with me, and it wasn't over anything emotional, she broke up with me because I didn't have any money at the time, which is why I don't understand why she feels the need for "revenge" and the need to turn others against me...she is really the least of my concern, my main issue with her is the lies she spreads, we were never in a serious relationship, and were not really friends before we got together, so I didn't loose anything when we broke up... except for the 3 year head-ache she induced by constantly screaming at me, and hitting me, and throwing fits and tantrums, and breaking things, and causing drama and discomfort of every kind, seriously, just getting away from her was absolute bliss, I could finally have peace, the stress was finally gone, I could finally live in peace and happiness, no violent tantrums, no screaming in my ear, no drama, it was like having a giant abusive tumor removed, I was finally free of that malignant wretched cancer that had been plaguing and destroying me...

And when we broke up instantly my life improved, I was able to quit using drugs except for entheogens, I spent every minute of my time in study or doing research, I reconnected with my spirituality, I got a nice place to live, built up a modest but nice stash of personal belongings, and was able to dedicate my life to entheogeinc research and tryptamine/phenethylamine chemistry, and now I live comfortably.

I have amazing good hearted friends, loving family, and I spend my time researching psychedelics and practicing organic chemistry, I have a nice place to live, I own some really nice things, and I have the opportunity to do what ever I want when ever I want to do it, my life is awesome, and no amount of outside negativity can change that.

Like I said, if there's a problem, it's entirely theirs.

This thread is actually the most thought I have put into this...holidays I guess, I'm confined to note-book chemistry and projects I can work on from home until the holiday season ends and normal life resumes, gives me time to think through the issues I have been to busy to think about othrrwise, it gives me time to pray, specially for these individuals.

Again, my prayers go out to all of those who were mentioned in this treaf, I pray that they can find true happiness, I pray that they can find balance and learn to love themselves as well as their fellow living beings, I pray that they find fortune and can know and show compassion and love. I pray that they find inner peace and acquire all that they desire from this existance, Sarva mangalam, peave, fortune, and happiness to all beings, it can be a cold and heartless world, but I will always have love for all my fellow living beings, and I hope that all my fellow living beongs can know love, peace, harmony, bliss, fortune, and comfort, I pray that they find the strength and wisdom to show them the truth, and I forgive them for all of their misguided actions towards me, had they known the truth, had they known happiness, had they had love for themselves, they could never have done such things, and while you reap the karma which you sow, you are already forgiven in my eyes.

Welcome to the internet my friend. I've used a unique screen name for many sites/services (not this one) for about a decade. Within the last 3 years or so it seems to be a common one. If I were to of googled it in the past, I would have come out empty handed.

C'est la vie
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