Infinite I said:
My mate found one yesterday :roll:
All the usual haunts round Glasgow are kinda dead, was similiar last year, swim and his friends were lucky to find one decent patch last year but they had to get in a car and search for a whole day. There was a guy on the shroomery who had a few thousand a month ago, so theyve been out for a while in some places. Swims friend found a load of fly agaric so we have plenty of them, just have to get some libs.
You're too late IMHO. Its frosty in Edinburgh.
SWIM was picking with some friends from the
10th of september, got plenty in horse feilds.
Then on the 29th we took 'em up north to a
certain free festival which shall not be named,
near fort william. and EATED THEMS!
But seriously, bad luck. Be earlier next year!
Put it this way, if you go out early in september and
you don't find any, too bad - atleast you've not missed them yet!
why wait for halfway through october when its starting to get frosty
and then cry about not having any libbies?
On the plus side, I've heard roumers that they persist long
into the frost in some places. Horse and cow pastures are your
best bet! Also remember you need to train your eyes up too