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Using cigars as smudge sticks?

Migrated topic.


"Psilocybin makes nicer people
Since it's pretty difficult and/or expensive to get shamanistic tobacco in Australia, I'm wondering if SWIM could use cigars for their mapacho smudging purposes instead? Should SWIM be looking for a particular type of cigar to use for clearing negative energy and protecting a space?
Rock.0 said:
Since it's pretty difficult and/or expensive to get shamanistic tobacco in Australia, I'm wondering if SWIM could use cigars for their mapacho smudging purposes instead? Should SWIM be looking for a particular type of cigar to use for clearing negative energy and protecting a space?

SWIM should go find a pool of water, jump in and swim around.
I have no answer to the OP, but am writing to elaborate on DmnStr8's post. SWIMing is looked down upon here. One must own up to their own actions, SWIMing delegitimises our foothold as intrepid explorers, and makes it seem like we are doing something wrong.

As far as smudging goes, i like using incense or Palo Santo.
0ne(1) can easily grow mapacho 0ne(1)self, it's seeds are like a dust that easily be sent in a common letter envelope (10.000's) and it grows really fast. That being said, all tobacco is ''shamanic'' we think since there is HRML (holy substance) in both, but you suppose to dum a dum smoalk/blow both (not smudge) maybe no need to inhale but it has to nourish the La Flema spirit/khidr/kikker in your throat, no?
Anyways we are not into this, however we believe 0ne(1) can clean-clear any substance-adopted eveil intention, or deveil-grown nature-stuff, by saying/blowing the Basmala over it and make it submit that way (give it some time to submit) and after, be thankful by means of Hamdala. 😉
I am a big fan of cigars. They provide their own ceremonial experience among folks who indulge together. It's a chance to really TALK to other human beings, void of distraction. It's impossible to have a superficial conversation while smoking a cigar with another human being. It can be powerful medicine in this way alone. Premium cigars are made using pure whole-leaf unadulterated tobacco, descended from plants the natives used in ceremony for centuries. If you can't find Nicotiana Rustica, pure cigars made from Nicotiana Tobacum will suit your purpose just fine. I recommend finding a Nicaraguan cigar. I am intimately familiar with their growing processes, have visiting their farms, and can attest to the pure quality of the leaf grown there.
Psilosopher? said:
I have no answer to the OP, but am writing to elaborate on DmnStr8's post. SWIMing is looked down upon here. One must own up to their own actions, SWIMing delegitimises our foothold as intrepid explorers, and makes it seem like we are doing something wrong.

As far as smudging goes, i like using incense or Palo Santo.
Well thanks for the lesson, I appreciate the explanation, and I'm totally onboard with what you're saying, I'll own it.

Intezam? said:
0ne(1) can easily grow mapacho 0ne(1)self, it's seeds are like a dust that easily be sent in a common letter envelope (10.000's) and it grows really fast. That being said, all tobacco is ''shamanic'' we think since there is HRML (holy substance) in both, but you suppose to dum a dum smoalk/blow both (not smudge) maybe no need to inhale but it has to nourish the La Flema spirit/khidr/kikker in your throat, no?

Anyways we are not into this, however we believe 0ne(1) can clean-clear any substance-adopted eveil intention, or deveil-grown nature-stuff, by saying/blowing the Basmala over it and make it submit that way (give it some time to submit) and after, be thankful by means of Hamdala. Wink

Appreciate the info, I'll read up on the links you provided :)

Jupitor? said:
I am a big fan of cigars. They provide their own ceremonial experience among folks who indulge together. It's a chance to really TALK to other human beings, void of distraction. It's impossible to have a superficial conversation while smoking a cigar with another human being. It can be powerful medicine in this way alone. Premium cigars are made using pure whole-leaf unadulterated tobacco, descended from plants the natives used in ceremony for centuries. If you can't find Nicotiana Rustica, pure cigars made from Nicotiana Tobacum will suit your purpose just fine. I recommend finding a Nicaraguan cigar. I am intimately familiar with their growing processes, have visiting their farms, and can attest to the pure quality of the leaf grown there.
I did enjoy the Nica cigars when I travelled there, I actually visited a cigar factory near Esteli, it was fascinating. Not sure if I can get Nica cigars in Australia, but I'll see what's around.
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