Hello everyone. Today is my first day on the Nexus as an active user, and I joined because of this thread and some others like it. I was absolutely fascinated when I learned of the prospect of infusing spice with ejuice, and so I did A LOT of research on it before attempting to do it myself.
From the treads I read, it made it look like a difficult (or possibly impossible) task that may or may not pan out. Regardless, it looked like it would take a lot of trial and error.
I recently did an extraction from 1kg of AC and yielded enough spice that I can experiment a bit without worrying about it if a batch of ejuice doesn't turn out.
What I found quite quickly however is that I was mistaken. It actually seems to work much better and more easily than I would have thought.
So let me first back up and give some detail about how I came about this project:
I had a friend of a friend tell me about what he called "the light saber." He told me that a friend of his at a forest gathering had one and it was DMT infused in ejuice and scented/flavored with essential oil. The idea was that you could take a little puff, become psychedelic for 5-10 minutes and then either take another or come down--or you could take a few tokes and be way up there.
I thought that it would be a perfect way to have a bit more control over a trip and come down if things got too crazy. My friend of a friend wanted one so he could use it in public and not have anyone know that he had anything other than a standard ecig.
Anyways, I told this friend of a friend that if he had access, I'd love to have one. He never came through though, so I decided that if you want something done right, you do it yourself. And that's what I did.
I read pretty much every thread on the Nexus I could find about this topic and combined that with lore that was floating around my local circle about how this might be possible. Here are my results:
Attempt #1:
I didn't have access to pure PG, VG, or PEG, so I just went to a smoke shop and got some 50/50 PG/VG blend. It was "Menthol Mania" flavor with 0 nicotine. I really didn't expect that it would work, but I wanted to see how the spice would dissolve.
I put exactly 1 ml of ejuice into the pen. Then I slowly added spice. I first added .25 grams. It looked like a lot for the small amount of ejuice, so I stopped there and mixed it in. The spice dissolved very quickly (less than an hour), but I could not get a noticeable affect from vaping it. I could taste the spice in it, but the menthol was TERRIBLE, and there was no affect that I could tell after five or six "average sized" tokes. I could taste the spice though. And this was good, because it told me that this is possible, and it didn't immediately clog my atomizer.
Oh! I should have said earlier that I used the advice from posts on here about the ecig tank and battery. I used a 3.3-4.2 adjustable voltage battery and keep the setting at 3.5 (this seems to work very well, but I haven't really tried higher settings). For the tank, I just wanted something that holds at least 1ml and has duel coil. Again, this was all advised from the Nexus forums and it's worked perfect so far--far better than I even expected.
Attempt #2:
I used the same ejuice that I used for the last experiment. It was that 50/50 PG/VG blend with "Menthol Mania" flavor and 0 nicotine.
This one took just a bit longer to dissolve, but it did dissolve without too much trouble.
I dissolved a total of .5g of spice into 1 ml of the ejuice. It took a little under 2 hours to dissolve, made the juice a bit thicker and a bit yellow. There was a VERY slight increase in volume once I had a full .5g to 1ml of fluid.
The results: After 2 puffs I could feel threshold effects. Ears started ringing just slightly and I could tell that it was DMT. The taste was awful, and it tasted like medicine.
I should mention here that my friend of a friend recommended using essential oils to flavor the juice, but all the research I could find online said DO NOT DO THAT. It said that it would fuck up my atomizer. So I didn't do that, and hoped that the menthol flavor would cover up the DMT smell/taste. It did not though. It made it taste even worse than spice normally tastes because it had a mediciney taste. Absolutely horrible. But it worked.
Now this wasn't a blast off pen--I really don't think that you could do so with this mixture. What it did was put me in that psychedelic mindset and it was very pleasant after about 4-5 minutes when I started "coming down."
So I actually thought that I would stop there. I had achieved building my very own "light saber" and I was finished. BUT... in the time before I succeeded with the .5g emulsion, I also went onto Amazon and ordered containers of pure PG, pure VG, and Pure PEG-400.
When that arrived in the mail last week, I didn't think much of it. I had already succeeded, I thought, so I didn't jump right on a new recipe. Instead it just sat on the counter for a few days. I had heard somewhere however of people dissolving 1g of spice into 1ml of ejuice at a 50/50 blend of VG/PG, and I had enough DMT that it wasn't going to hurt to try.
So I took a shot glass (which turned out to be MUCH easier to mix in than the pen carterage, and I highly recommend). I took a syringe and sucked up .5ml of pure PG then put it in the shot glass. Then I did the same with .5ml of VG and put it in the shot glass.
So I had exactly 1 ml of a PG/VG (unflavored) blend to which I added EXACTLY 1 gram of spice. It looked like a lot, and I didn't think that it would dissolve fully, but I gave it about 48 hours. After two days it was still very slightly grainy, but mostly dissolved.
It wasn't flavored though, and I didn't want just straight spice in the pen, so I stopped for a bit (that's why I let it sit for a full 48 hours). And while it was sitting I spent a lot of time researching how to flavor ecig juice. (NOTE: I do not smoke cigs and did not know much about ecigs before starting these experiments). What I learned is that I should NOT use essential oil for the flavor as that would clog my pen. Basically, I learned that you need to use special ecig juice flavoring from online--couldn't get it anywhere in town.
But then I remembered that I do have this stuff that I bought about a month ago. It was called "ICE" and it was "hookah flavoring." It was mint flavor. The package did not have ANY information regarding the contents of the fluid, but I had vaped it out of a crack pipe once or twice as DMT "practice." My theory was that if I do this a few times with no spice in it, then I'd be less scared/intimidated/nervous going into real blastoff sessions.
Anyways, I took that "ICE" stuff and dropped 15 drops into the shot glass.
So the ending recipe was:
1ml ecig juice (50/50 VG/PG blend)
1gram spice (Extracted from AC, if you're interested)
15 drops of "ICE" for flavor.
I've been taking rigorous notes through this entire thing, and here's the notes that I took last night after trying the above recipe (yes, I was still tripping just a bit when I wrote this): "You are now asking to travel into a universe where there are no words and you cannot report back. You can come back, yes; you cannot and will not be able to report what you witness and behold. Before you proceed further, please spend some time meditating upon whether or not you actually, at your heart, want to do this."
So in other words... holy doodie.
I did not blast off on it, but I think that, despite my thinking going into this project, it might be possible to do so with this recipe. Here are the subjective effects that I had in the recipe.
-1 "average sized" puff: slight anesthetic/drowsiness. Not dizziness, but I can definitely feel something.
-Taste was NOT as bad as that "menthol mania" crap that I was using; it kind of tasted like toothpaste.
-2 puffs: obvious CEV and beginning to get OEV
-3 puffs: obvious CEV and OEV
-4 puffs: starting to get pretty heavy CEV and OEV
-5 puffs: not yet tested.
I was in my bedroom last night, and I don't like using spice indoors--I prefer it in a grassy field or something beautiful like that. So I will have to test beyond this, but I feel confident that at 5-6 heavy puffs, it will be possible to go a long ways with this.
I'd also like to note that I found a great use for the pen: Right after a blastoff. I had my birthday recently, so I went up on a mountain with a friend and had a blastoff ceremony. On the way down when I got back to this world, I started puffing the .5ml emulsion and it was so wonderful. It just kept me at that post breakthrough level where I could have COMPLETE control of whether I went back up a bit higher or came down a bit lower. It was heavenly.
So Nexus'ers--This is why I joined the site and I'm excited to share, but I didn't want to go straight to my normal stomping grounds at the shroomery, because the Nexus is how I got most of my information and seems a bit more safe to share here.
My question for you all: What's a better way to flavor the juice without diluting the mixture? Anyone have a home made recipe? Or should I go online and order some ecig juice concentrate flavoring? Any suggestions on what would mask the flavor/smell of spice? I was thinking maybe a HEAVY berry flavor or maybe go heavier on the mint, but I'm still skeptical, because it still does taste like burned plastic.
I look forward to y'all's replies