Hi, I'd like to add a little bit
first off, they now are selling "dMT ecig"
I'm not sure about whether or not it is a good idea, I'm not sure if I intend to try
However, I believe there must be much better results awaiting, down the "rebuildable dripping atomizer" route, where you have nothing than a wick of organic cotton and a heating coil around it
this is what it looks like
single coil
dual coil
Rebuildable atomizers can now effectively be used with variable wattage devices (not all, I'm still talking battery mods here, not your "ego twist" or "vision spinner")
Those are much, much more efficient at vaporizing PG or VG than your regular/popular ecigarette.
Also, these aren't expensive nor hard to come by (fasttech, maybe about $40 for a full setup not including the battery/charger)
Variable wattage devices can now get you at, or even over 100W for under $100 (sigelei, pioneer4you etc...)
The ecig world has evolved, maybe there weren't good options a few years ago, but I believe now it could be just good enough to try and experiment again with some of the new, more efficient stuff.
Also, we talk a lot about solving in PG, but anyone actually tried in 100% VG, 0nic base? VG is much smoother on the throat and lungs than PG is (also produces much more vapor)
I wish I could help furthermore, I'm supposed to get my MHRB soon, and I'll probably save a bit of extract for ecig testing sake