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*Water Only* Tek -- work in progress

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So SWIM has been mulling this over for a while. He's been having trouble with other teks, and has so-far 'wasted' 150g of MHRB powder in his experiments. So he's been reducing and reducing the steps of extraction to try and find the simplest way, and he's found it!

That's right, folks! No more petrochems, no more siphoning and separating layers, no more acetone or acids, none of that nasty stuff! Just simple water and a wee-bit of hydroxide ions (Lye).

So if that sounds like what you want, follow these simple steps!

The DMTea Tek

Tools of Ye Trade

* Water
* Plant Material for Extraction
* A Saucepan
* Lye (Or Pickling Lime or maybe Na2CO3? Stick with lye until these are confirmed)
* Coffee Filters
* Love!

Ye Process for Glory!

Step One
So you're going to want to grab a saucepan of sufficient size, and tenderly pour some tasty plant material into it. Throw the pinky-finger out for good measure. After this, pour some water into the saucepan and, with the aid of a classy tea-time spoon, stir it up. Now put it on some heat and bring to a boil. Be careful not to let it boil over (like SWIM did!). If it's MHRB, it's going to smell a bit funny, so make sure you're cooking Indian food at the same time if you have suspicious roommates -- maybe some delicious curry... mmm!

Step Two!
After the tea has been brewing for some time (30-60 minutes should do), let it cool off a bit and let the plant material settle. Now pour off the water through a coffee filter and collect the delicious tea in a separate container. This should separate out the particulates and any oils. If its MHRB, it's going to be a nice purple-mahogany color. The filtering process can take a long-time, so make sure you have a nice book to read. After it's filtered, boil it down to about a quart or so (or more, depending on how much MHRB you used). I'd say 150g/quart is good, but whatever volume you choose, it should be of low enough viscosity to be able to be filtered easily. The heat shouldn't damage any of the tastiness in the Tea at this point since they are still in their natural salt forms.

Step Three
After it's been boiled down nicely, let it cool. Filter again if you'd like (SWIM didn't). Now take this remaining fluid and carefully add some lye. You will notice that it immediately makes the fluid turn opaque and a cream color, but stir it up and it will turn black (for MHRB). Keep adding lye until it's really nice and dark blackish-brown (or until no more cream-color forms when it's added).

Step Four
After adding some lye, you will notice some strange layer separating from the fluid, which almost looks like oil. Do not be alarmed, this is merely the tastiness coming out of the tea. The hydroxides break the salt-form of the tastiness into its freebase, which is insoluble with water. So now put the lye-tea somewhere pretty cool (not freezing) like the refrigerator (SWIM used his basement). Let it sit for a few days (2-3 days for SWIM). You will notice crystals forming out of the "oily" layer that formed on top of the tea after the lye was added. After the crystals are pretty well formed (.5-1cm across), you're ready for the next step.

Step Five
Now take the crystally tea and pour it through another coffee filter. This time the crystals will be trapped in the filter. After most of the blackish liquid has drained out and you are left with dirty-looking crystals. Fear not! To clean them, simply get fresh, clean water and drip it over the crystals (slowly). An eyedropper works well for this. None of the tastiness will be lost since the crystal structure is fairly robust so long as the water isn't superheated. This will clean all the lye-filled coffee-looking tea from the crystals, and they should be clear-to-yellow in color.

Now simply take the coffee filter and let it dry. Your extracted crystal magic is now ready!

So Why Does it Work?!
Good Question!

Simply put, there is little need to use any acid in the process because DMT (and related alkaloids) are already in salt-form naturally, and are thus water soluble. Boiling the plant-material allows it to flow freely from the cell walls, but if you are paranoid you are going to lose yield, boil it for a long time. Now after lye is added, the salt-forms of DMT are liberated into their freebases, which are insoluble in water. No need to siphon them off in an oil layer, as they will do so on their own given enough time and a low enough temperature.

SWIM has tested this method and it works well. He got very good yields from MHRB.

So that's all I got from SWIM. If anyone has any questions, SWIM would love to answer them.

Have a fun tea-time!
-- Wanderer
Woah! Potentially awesome stuff here.

Did SWIY try this method with both lye and calcium hydroxide or just lye? What were SWIY's yields with this method? Results from bio-assay?

Seems almost too good/easy to be true :)
SWIM did Lye, but has a Na2CO3 batch in the works. He sees some crystals forming in the Na2CO3 solution, but isn't sure if it's just precipitated excess carbonate.

Attached is a picture of the spice extracted from about 30-40 grams of MHRB on the first boil (I haven't reboiled the powder for a final extraction yet). It's about the size of a quarter when all gathered together.

He will update with the carbonate extraction later. He hasn't "tested" the goods so to speak, but judging by the look of the crystals, he'd say its the real-deal. SWIM is waiting to go into hyperspace with a friend soon; he hasn't dabbled with spice just yet, so he wants a buddy to join him.

-- Wanderer


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Another update from SWIM:

So he did want to see if the crystals were really DMT. He took a small amount and put it in a small pipe (with some copper mesh as a heat substrate). It melted at a low temperature. SWIM then decided to take a bit of a draw on the pipe to see if he'd feel anything. He felt something -- no visuals, but a definite sense of 'difference'. Sort of like coming down off of a shroom trip (or coming up). SWIM takes this to be slight activation of the 5-HT serotonin receptors, so he's fairly confident this definitely is spice.

-- Wanderer
Let me know if you have any technical questions. I may have left some extraneous procedural information out. Also, SWIM's recommendation for filtering is to use mason jars and standard coffee filters. Simply push the coffee filter into the mouth of the jar some distance (the more the better I suppose) and fold the residual filter over the lip of the jar. Simply screw on a band to secure the filter in place and, voila! A secure filtration vessel.

Also, SWIM must reiterate the importance of setting the basified tea in a cool place and *waiting* for the crystals to coalesce. This can take up to a week, depending on the concentration of spice and volume of liquid involved, but generally less. Some of the crystals should float on the surface of solution, while others will sink to the bottom (and thus not be visible). Keep an eye on the surface of the solution for determining when the crystals are sufficiently big enough not to fall through the filter.

-- Wanderer
Oh excellent! Another master tea-steeper up to the plate. Let us know how it goes :D

-- Wanderer
I reduced and filtered the brew after it has cooled down. Started with 20g of mimosa and reduced the liquid to 120ml. Then I added lye until no more changes in color and then some. pH at about 12.6.

I notice there are small puddles on the surface, it does look like liquid dmt, but I cannot be sure. Probably melted from adding lye, which heated the liquid.

Can't wait to see the results.
Awesome work Wanderer! What was the yield, do you know/

But btw, I dont think pickling lime will work because its very poorly water soluble.. I know sodium carb doesnt work when trying to precipitate dmt from an acetic acid solution but maybe the no-acid thing will make it work? Would be interested if someone tried.
I took a picture of it after it had been standing for 90 minutes.
It does seem like more and larger puddles are created as time goes by.


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If this turns out to be legit, i may celebrate, and smoalk for you my friend.

*EDIT* If one keeps the original materials used in the beginning, he should be able to do this again and again to extract more yes? Also, whats the story with bark pieces in this tek? Would it be better ground up as per usual? (of course it will, but is it quite as necessary this time?)
It doesn't have to be that clean to be used in Changa. This could also use a good frozen ammonia wash me thinks...
gibran2 said:
You may want to take a look at this thread: Separating DMT Without Any Solvent.

The general consensus was that this isn’t a very good way to get clean, high yields.

Well yeah thats the theory and also my experience at least with sodium carb and acidified brew, but if Wanderer gets a reasonably pure product and decent yields (he didnt state yields yet), thats all that counts no?

Maybe not adding an acid is essential, as well as some more thorough filtering, and only using lye as base and not sodium carb?

I will love to hear about more people testing this.

Dagger, Im really curious on what happens.. maybe adding to the fridge will help dmt hardening up ?

and yeah later one should def wash the crystals but I wouldnt wash with ammonia.
Endlessness said:
Dagger, Im really curious on what happens.. maybe adding to the fridge will help dmt hardening up ?
I have experimented with liquid dmt before. It appears like it will crystalize in a matter of days to a weeks time. This happens from room temperature all the way down to freezing, although at freezing temperatures the crystallization will take longer time. In this case, the dmt does seem to be pooling together as a liquid, but if you let it stay for a few days it will crystallize, which will make it harder and much easier to filter out.

Hopefully the yield will be high. I have extracted in this way from dmt acetate water and had a yield as high as 2%, so I have high hopes.
endlessness said:
Awesome work Wanderer! What was the yield, do you know/

But btw, I dont think pickling lime will work because its very poorly water soluble.. I know sodium carb doesnt work when trying to precipitate dmt from an acetic acid solution but maybe the no-acid thing will make it work? Would be interested if someone tried.

SWIM is going to try with some pickling lime very soon just to see. Will use like 20g of MHRB to test it out.
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