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What are your experiences with the plant spirits?

Migrated topic.


What is?
Im going to go on a shamanic journey soon, and have chacruna ayahuasca and am going to get mapacho. I also have brugmansia but am not going to jump right into that.

Ive read a lot about the personalities of mapacho and aya, but what about chacruna? Ive read its a softer more gentle spirit, but what gender is it?

What communications have you had and how did the spirits go about teaching you?
For me it wasn't at all like that even I thought initially the same as you.
Naive, in a charming way, but then again we're always naive.
I love this post, because how do you explain a plant spirit? But I enjoy trying to explain it. Just remember, this is my my experience, so take what resonates and leave the rest (except for the part about respecting toe, always keep that in mind).

A plant spirit is something like a higher self ime and they can be connected with energetically, not just by consuming them. Caapi is feminine in my experience. I first encountered caapi (and I call her caapi btw) on a vine only brew. I saw a vision and could sense her standing over me, then in a ceremony, but it was different with the other plants as well. Caapi is a very powerful plant. I'm pretty deep into the spiritual stuff and she's saved me from myself on more than one occasions. She's full of love.. I haven't connected so deeply with chacruna, but I grow all three that you mentioned, and my plants are getting bigger.

Toe deserve its own section. Respect is the name of the game with this plant, it can punish you for lack of respect. Very small amounts until you have a relationship. But Toe seems to be balanced between masculine and feminine. It has a very powerful spirit. Just like caapi, toe spirit has pulled me out of negative spirals, but it also teaches lessons. It like a hard teacher, but you learn quick, you just have to accept a certain level of risk for the speed up of learning.
It's all about working with them, and doing something for them, it's not a one way way street, you should give back somehow. For me it's growing them, and spreading ideas and so forth. Do that and you can form a connection that remains even in your everyday life.

And the most important thing is intent. Never forget that part, because the plants seem to magnify intent.
Thank you for your replies.

BundleflowerPower i read your posts in the recent kundalini thread. What can you tell me in relation to using the medicines for energy working and meditation? Im still learning mindfulness and concentration but cannot feel chakras. I feel centres of consciousness for example when i go deep into my heart (centre) i feel things.. but have never been able to activate or open a chakra.. well except one time i may have felt one activate for a second but it certainly didnt open/flower. Ive been working with meditation for a couple years but my psychic power is both weak and strong as in i cannot control my psychic/mental power but am learning to tap into it and feel that once i do i will probably be quit strong.. but i need to do a lot of healing and training/strengthening. This is one of the things im using the medicines for. Tools in this respect. But also medicine.

And im giving back in my own way with my intentions to help heal the planet and solve the problems the world has (mainly suffering). And i believe these plants are here to help us in many ways so im helping them by doing what im doing. Which i think will help establish respect between me and the plant spirits. Because they know im not here to get fucked up, but the opposite.

Also what can you tell me about toé? Ive read this plant is often abused for its power.. and can make a person mad with power. I do want power. But not at the expense of balance or losing sight of my intentions. My work with the plant will be at a later date though so my wisdom and self control by then will keep me from this.. but i want to know as much as possible. Do you know any good books? I read about datura in carlos castanedas writtings saying that it often sent brujos mad with power much like toé (tropane alkaloids need to be used properly it seems, i have no fucking clue how to do this and am slightly apprehensive to try)
BundleflowerPower said it very well. Ayahuasca feels like a very loving/patient feminine energy. Chacruna also feels feminine for me. Mapacho feels male to me very strong, like a brother who watches over and protects. Be careful with Toe, seriously. I'm not going to make out like she, (I thought she was a he when I first started working although at the end of the day they aren't shes or hes they are just energies that feel masculine and feminine) is something to never be worked with but she's not something to be worked with early on without personal guidance from someone very experienced with her present in that space as you journey. Very stubborn mental patterns are what I feel Toe helps with but you'll have enough to work with drinking Ayahuasca alone without adding her in. Not only that but Toe gives the medicine alot of room to run. Instead of 4 hours you maybe journeying for 12 hours or longer, not something you may want if you're just starting out with mama. If you are really feeling Toe talk to you then put a flower or two next to your bed as you sleep, she comes through very clearly in dreams this way. I love Toe, she's been powerful medicine for me, cleans out mental patterns and loops like no other. She reveals the dark and the light. Believe me, the dark can be very dark. You should have a solid foundation before even thinking about Toe.

To me I think you should drink Ayahuasca first without any admixture...not even Chacruna is necessary at this point but wouldn't hurt. It sounds like you have never worked with Ayahuasca before and I would urge you to get to know her before adding in plants like Toe and mapacho, especially Toe. Although smoking Mapacho in ceremony is ok and I would recommend that :d
Thank you for the advice, ive never worked with caapi before. Only Rue and Mimosa.. not much though.

I have very little caapi to work with at the moment:( but am in the process of aquiring more:)

Also the chacruna i have is nexus strain, because that is a cross between Carthagenesis and Viridis im wondering if the energy of its spirit will be different or have different lessons..

I have two Brugmansia plants, one is called Aztec gold and has an orange flower. The other is the tantra plant from the Australian site herbalistics which has a white flower. Ive experimented with both of them and their effects are pretty different which tells me they have different tropane alkaloids in them. But in spirit/energy they must be pretty different because they look very different, different leaves and flowers.. texture and everything. I think even the smell is different. The smell of them is really like "holy shit what the fuck thats weird" not in a DMT way where its good its like "holy shit that smells like fucking poison" hahaha.. and it pretty much is e.e
But dosage makes the substance either poison or potion/medicine of course.

I read that the indian yogis use ganja/hashish in combination with some kind of tropane bearing plant.. and they say it is conducive to deeper meditation, and thats just the tropane plant alone.... I will experiment with this cautiously soon, when my meditative capacity has improved some and i feel the call.
Oh yeah im also planning to acquire some light bearing acacias to work with too! Does anyone know anyone who even knows anyone thats worked with these plants, even just extract. I want to know as much as possible before i embark upon this shamanic journey.

Also if someone knows someone who can hook me up with some acacia material i would be very grateful. I know there are Australian members on the Nexus like myself but dont know any.
TheAwakening said:
To me I think you should drink Ayahuasca first without any admixture...not even Chacruna is necessary at this point but wouldn't hurt. It sounds like you have never worked with Ayahuasca before and I would urge you to get to know her before adding in plants like Toe and mapacho, especially Toe. Although smoking Mapacho in ceremony is ok and I would recommend that

And your guts will thank you! There's a lot to be said for learning the vine (Force) first, and getting the first purges/nausea out of the way, before blending some Light into the mix, IME :thumb_up:
"What can you tell me about toe?"

Toe is POWERFUL, which I suppose is why some have abused its power, although I wouldn't know because my intent is good. I know a shaman from Peru, and according to her toe has an overall male spirit but also some sort of goddess in it. This seems to be the case in my experience as well.

And I think all of these will help you become better with controlling the flow of energy. It seems like each plant, and not just the entheogens, unlock some part of the self, and bring shit up to be worked through, and really that's what holds us back with this stuff, subconscious blocks.
TheAwakening said:
BundleflowerPower said it very well. Ayahuasca feels like a very loving/patient feminine energy. Chacruna also feels feminine for me. Mapacho feels male to me very strong, like a brother who watches over and protects. Be careful with Toe, seriously. I'm not going to make out like she, (I thought she was a he when I first started working although at the end of the day they aren't shes or hes they are just energies that feel masculine and feminine) is something to never be worked with but she's not something to be worked with early on without personal guidance from someone very experienced with her present in that space as you journey. Very stubborn mental patterns are what I feel Toe helps with but you'll have enough to work with drinking Ayahuasca alone without adding her in. Not only that but Toe gives the medicine alot of room to run. Instead of 4 hours you maybe journeying for 12 hours or longer, not something you may want if you're just starting out with mama. If you are really feeling Toe talk to you then put a flower or two next to your bed as you sleep, she comes through very clearly in dreams this way. I love Toe, she's been powerful medicine for me, cleans out mental patterns and loops like no other. She reveals the dark and the light. Believe me, the dark can be very dark. You should have a solid foundation before even thinking about Toe.

To me I think you should drink Ayahuasca first without any admixture...not even Chacruna is necessary at this point but wouldn't hurt. It sounds like you have never worked with Ayahuasca before and I would urge you to get to know her before adding in plants like Toe and mapacho, especially Toe. Although smoking Mapacho in ceremony is ok and I would recommend that :d

I agree with you about toe, I love toe, and I get emotional writing that. I'd say to grow toe before considering using it. The plant has such a strong energy, you can really feel it's electrify just sitting next to it.

And I totally agree about toe being good for mental loops, although it can also bring shit up to be worked trough, which may seem at the time to be negative. I started out with in eating little peices of leaf tips, very small amounts, or mixing it with cannibis. I think I've used it a aya once. I've never taken a large amount of it, because it's not nessisary.
While we are on the topic of Toe, the first time i ever ingested it, i was at a nursery.. and i saw the brugmansia trees and was like oh fuck yes.. came back the next day and when no one was looking i took a whole orange flower.

When i got home i ate it (if i did that now id probably puke, my stomache has gotton much weaker) and it felt stimulating almost like meth but with a different type of euphoria, it was just cool to be 25 percent more aware and present... i bought the plant and planted it in the front garden of my house.
Since then ive consumed the leaves and flower bits in smaller doses but theyve never given me anything similar... i think the spirit of Toe was showing me its power and that it knew in the future it was going to help me...

My Tantra (white flower) Toe plant just makes me feel out of it and acts more as a deleriant. Only consumed its flowers tea once i believe and havent since then.. because i was sitting next to a tree on the tea and i heard it talking to me and i thought it was my mum and i was like.. yep deleriant af im going home.

I actually cut down both trees because i realized there are so many kids on my street alone that if a kid ate a flower or some leaves they could die so i was like fuck man and cut them down AT THE ROOT.. they both grew back.. when i saw that i was like haha fucking hell thats powerful spirit.
I reckon the universe did that to show me the power of its life force.
WannaBeShaman said:
Im going to go on a shamanic journey soon, and have chacruna ayahuasca and am going to get mapacho. I also have brugmansia but am not going to jump right into that.

Ive read a lot about the personalities of mapacho and aya, but what about chacruna? Ive read its a softer more gentle spirit, but what gender is it?

What communications have you had and how did the spirits go about teaching you?

What a wonderful journey you'll be undertaking, how excited I can imagine you are 😁 For the questions, Chacruna, I really feel is a gentle male. Male but very softly, carrying female essence.

The communications I've had so far have been uncovering layers of emotional pain before I can explore deeper. It truly is awe inspiring how the tea can bring to surface long hidden emotional pain. As painful as it's been so far, they've always brought forth, communicated that pain with love~
Why come people are always extolling the spiritual benefits of things like aya, cruna, sananho, and the like? Talking about dieting the plants and being visited by the spirits. Yet you don't here the vegetarian talking about the medicine of romaine lettuce or hear of people being visited by the spirit of kale on their juice fast?

How come people can only learn from the spirits of exotic plants from half a world away? What if we were to listen to the songs that apples and celery have for us? What if we were to diet the lessons of the mango spirit?

dreamer042 said:
Why come people are always extolling the spiritual benefits of things like aya, cruna, sananho, and the like? Talking about dieting the plants and being visited by the spirits. Yet you don't here the vegetarian talking about the medicine of romaine lettuce or hear of people being visited by the spirit of kale on their juice fast?

How come people can only learn from the spirits of exotic plants from half a world away? What if we were to listen to the songs that apples and celery have for us? What if we were to diet the lessons of the mango spirit?


I couldn't agree more! We have so much healing and spiritual food and plants right where we live, in our own backyard, yet it seems like we're always searching in other yards. People seem to think that the next yard has something better.

With that being said, these "extollations" happen mi thinks because ancients pass down their knowledge and, thanks to the Internet, the ancients words of wisdom and knowledge can now be discovered by any who seek. In certain lands, there's certain plants that have learned other traits, other abilities. While the kale is delicious, providing vitamins and food, the kale can't provide what the chacruna can, in lessons.

Each food item, plant, etc. , should be learned from. Each person has a gift. So does every lettuce. Everything should be consumed with awareness for the lessons it brings and gratefulness for the delicious gifts given with love~
I am a totally ignorant person on this topic but I will tell you about an unexpected encounter with a plant spirit. In my introduction I talked about entering into a deep meditative trance state with the help of cannabis.

After that some strange things happened I started becoming dazed and confused I can tell that the spirit of cannabis can be very strong teacher of the nature of duality and it can make you see the world in black and white or totally make you see the world in a rainbow spectrum.

I started experiencing a spiritual crisis where everything I believed and thought was real and everything that I defined my identity with changed.
I started seeking knowledge in the Qur'an and took everything I read out of context and then the encounters with the spirits started, without being intoxicated in one morning I woke up at 6:06 hearing a deep male voice saying that I am wrong, multiple times,
Than I started walking in a wooden area near my house and saw a humanoid like creature like 4 meters tall and instantly disappeared.
I did not listen to the voice that told me I am wrong as I thought it was just a sleep paralysis kind of phenomena, and continued to misinterpret the Qur'an to the point I became delusional.

After some times, one night walking through the forest I saw a group op people like shadows like 25 meters away from me, shouting and telling me:"We swear by your soul that we do believe in you,We swear by your soul that we do believe in you". This was pretty creepy but from the delusional thoughts about my identity that the spiritual crisis caused it made me further believe those delusions.

I think that it was the spirit of Cannabis that started taking revenge that I did not listen to him and did not respect him, and since then every time I smoke I get terrible anxiety and delusional thoughts.

At some point I thought cannabis was the plant of the hidden the plant of forbidden knowledge :lol:
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