BundleflowerPower said it very well. Ayahuasca feels like a very loving/patient feminine energy. Chacruna also feels feminine for me. Mapacho feels male to me very strong, like a brother who watches over and protects. Be careful with Toe, seriously. I'm not going to make out like she, (I thought she was a he when I first started working although at the end of the day they aren't shes or hes they are just energies that feel masculine and feminine) is something to never be worked with but she's not something to be worked with early on without personal guidance from someone very experienced with her present in that space as you journey. Very stubborn mental patterns are what I feel Toe helps with but you'll have enough to work with drinking Ayahuasca alone without adding her in. Not only that but Toe gives the medicine alot of room to run. Instead of 4 hours you maybe journeying for 12 hours or longer, not something you may want if you're just starting out with mama. If you are really feeling Toe talk to you then put a flower or two next to your bed as you sleep, she comes through very clearly in dreams this way. I love Toe, she's been powerful medicine for me, cleans out mental patterns and loops like no other. She reveals the dark and the light. Believe me, the dark can be very dark. You should have a solid foundation before even thinking about Toe.
To me I think you should drink Ayahuasca first without any admixture...not even Chacruna is necessary at this point but wouldn't hurt. It sounds like you have never worked with Ayahuasca before and I would urge you to get to know her before adding in plants like Toe and mapacho, especially Toe. Although smoking Mapacho in ceremony is ok and I would recommend that :d