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What do you make of this?

Migrated topic.

"Breatharians have seldom submitted themselves to medical testing, and currently there is no evidence to support their claims. In a handful of documented cases, individuals attempting breatharian fasting have died."

Thats why i say its bullshit, not because science dosen't have an answer, but because the phenomenon itsself hasn't even been proved. It would be pretty easy to prove you don't eat food to a group of scientists by simply not eating. I question it for that very reason, has nothing to do with a scientific explanation.
I read that, no doubt a good point but consider this: didn't science also make the comment somewhere along the time line of human history that human beings can only go a few days without water, yet here is a man that went ten days without drinking water. Hmm seems like the scientists were lacking an answer for that one.
That pitch fork he is holding may have a "secrete compartment" to store rice and urine ect. Someone visits him and trades one pitch fork for another.
Never been to India but from what I read there are many who sit in meditation for years and people bring them food. Try that in the US and see how far it gets you.

I have fasted hundreds of times for 48 hours of so. I have fasted for 5or6 days maybe 10 times or so. After the third day the hunger subsides considerably. Of couse I did drink fluids that contained calories fruit juice, coffee,Beer:shock: .

It is good before a trip because it kills nausea, emptys the gut, allows smaller doses to be effective. It also resets the "body clock"
so you can start fresh after your trip. It also shows respect for the psychedelic experience and inspires confidence in yourself because you feel you have already accomplished something even before the trip begins.

damiana said:
I read that, no doubt a good point but consider this: didn't science also make the comment somewhere along the time line of human history that human beings can only go a few days without water, yet here is a man that went ten days without drinking water. Hmm seems like the scientists were lacking an answer for that one.

Actually i think i've heard of tribes in africa who only consume very small amounts of water which they collect from roots. But thats not the point i'm making, forget about a scientists assumption, because so far there hasn't been anything to assume. They haven't proved that they don't eat food. Im sure scientists would like to observe something like that, so why dosen't it happen??
From working in the sun alot i can also tell you that if your body needs the water then you can drink small amounts and will not have to pee it out because your body absords it.
This guy they watched was one case of a man not eating for ten days. Yes there should be more case studies I agree, but ten days without water is bizarre. They watched him, he wasn't sneaking small amounts of water, he didn't get any water to drink for ten days. They couldn't explain it. I don't really know, but I would like to find out. Now I'm to lazy to look into it, just curious about it.
damiana said:
This guy they watched was one case of a man not eating for ten days. Yes there should be more case studies I agree, but ten days without water is bizarre. They watched him, he wasn't sneaking small amounts of water, he didn't get any water to drink for ten days. They couldn't explain it. I don't really know, but I would like to find out. Now I'm to lazy to look into it, just curious about it.

I think this could be true if you limit physical activity and are comfortable. It is true that many yogis and highly experienced mediators can drastically slow heart rate, breathing, metabolism ect in the lab. But like all other claims made by humans many tend to exaggerate.

This is a testament to the AMAZING power of the human mind not the supernatural.

For example we know for a FACT many animals hibernate in the winter. Some go to sleep for months with no food or water and wake up every spring. Animals do not meditate or attempt to control there own minds in certain ways as far as we know so humans may have potential beyond our wildest dreams. Many frog species hibernate in frozen mud underwater for months and are nearly clinically dead but they pop back up in spring so have sex and propagate there species. Its as crazy as some famous religious texts people believe in but this is true.

I agree, that is what I'm trying to say, the mind can have 'supernatural' properties, why do we have to make the supernatural into a 'magical' thing that is outside of us that science can't measure. Here is a wild thought, what if meditation could truly go as far as changing the physical properties of the body so that the body could go without water for longer, and maybe forever. UCLA studies(2009) done with fMRI tech. have shown that meditator's have larger more active regions of the brain that have to do with concentration and emotional control. Therefore meditation has already shown scientists that it is powerful enough to change the physical properties of the brain. Just wait and see what it will reveal in the coming decade.

Oh and I really want to point out that, not eating and drinking isn't a means to spiritual enlightenment(if that is how you see it your wrong, if that is how you want to achieve it you won't, only the middle way will work), but instead is rarely a result of becoming truly enlightened. As in: "oh shit i'm beyond everything, I no longer have to eat, so fuck eating, I'll just bask in my glory."
damiana said:
I agree, that is what I'm trying to say, the mind can have 'supernatural' properties, why do we have to make the supernatural into a 'magical' thing that is outside of us that science can't measure. Here is a wild thought, what if meditation could truly go as far as changing the physical properties of the body so that the body could go without water for longer, and maybe forever. UCLA studies(2009) done with fMRI tech. have shown that meditator's have larger more active regions of the brain that have to do with concentration and emotional control. Therefore meditation has already shown scientists that it is powerful enough to change the physical properties of the brain. Just wait and see what it will reveal in the coming decade.

Oh and I really want to point out that, not eating and drinking isn't a means to spiritual enlightenment(if that is how you see it your wrong, if that is how you want to achieve it you won't, only the middle way will work), but instead is rarely a result of becoming truly enlightened. As in: "oh shit i'm beyond everything, I no longer have to eat, so fuck eating, I'll just bask in my glory."

Yes damiana I think you got something there! Why must there always be a "higher power" that is ultimately attributed to any unusual or amazing accomplishment of man. Why in the hell do people feel so inferior? We may have many capacities for what would appear to be supernatural abilities and instead of honing these possible skills that are natural aspects of humans as a biological enitey we denie OURSELVES by attritubiting it to something beyond our ability.

Self mortification by fasting, whipping your back with a chain until you become delerious, spinning in circles, ect are all ways that religious pilgrims find god but in truth are simply ways of obtaining a altered state of consciousness. It is also important to note that taking drugs or psychedelics is but one of MANY ways to achieve a altered state of conciseness. Meditation is a fine example of this and once you master meditation you are able to enter a altered state at will using your own intellectual power.

The Maya for example would pass a cord of thorns thru the foreskin of there penis. No one will ever convince me this was done in a normal state of mind it would be impossible. So I am not surprised that visions would soon come after preforming this act because that person is definitely not in a normal state of mind but in a altered state were any number of unusual perceptions could be encountered.

People feel powerless in there lives so they turn to myths for validation of feelings and beleifes. They kill there self esteem and belittle themselves without realizing it. I think that is a shame.

Okay, I hear yeah, I just think some things science will never be able to understand because science is mind based, while somethings are no-mind based. Just me.

That doesn't make sense.

UCLA studies(2009) done with fMRI tech. have shown that meditator's have larger more active regions of the brain that have to do with concentration and emotional control. Therefore meditation has already shown scientists that it is powerful enough to change the physical properties of the brain. Just wait and see what it will reveal in the coming decade.

I don't think you understand what these studies are really showing. ANY THOUGHT OR ACTION produces changes in the brain. Meditation happens to induce a very specific kind of change because its a very specific kind of practice. What these studies are really showing is that any kind of so called transcendental experience happening from meditation is really just happening in your mind.

Also realize there is a HUGE difference between not eating or drinking for ten days and ten years. Ten days I think is possible if someone can have strong control over their metabolism. Its dangerous and could kill you but its possible I believe it. But more then that no way. Fake fraud more dangerous lies from so called guru's.

I found this video absolutely fascinating, I think that our bodies and our minds are far more capable of doing these things than the western scientific community gives the human body and mind credit for. There are many monks who have gone deep inside caves for many months and have survived just from the cave water alone. I'm not to sure on being able to completely and indefinitely survive only on air alone this does not seem likely to me at all. But i do think that we as human beings when we are mentally at our most focused and our bodies are finely tuned its amazing what we can achieve.

Much Peace and Happiness
I think most people can go along time without food, its water thats important to live, though going without food is causing you to use energy stored in your body, eventually you need to eat or you will die from starving. Can't you go about 2 weeks to a month without eating food as long as you have water? I think i learned something like that while getting a hunting license.
damiana said:
there could be something going on that science hasn't been able to measure or understand yet, but one day they might. Just a thought, I find it to be more plausible then some old dude trying to scam other people with camera's and materiel objects.

:shock: YOU DO?!?!?!?:shock:

I've got a magic, golden bridge for sale, would you like to by it?

People have been scamming people with this kind of crap since the beginning of time!!
Anyone ever seen the mysterious levitating yogis of old India?
Certainly looked like they were levitating...but it was also a scam, a magic trick using a metal frame supporting the Yogi.
Did you believe that one too when you first saw it? Was that not a scam?

This particular scam is all about morons joining this jerks church, so he can live off of them believing his scam.
(Same with most other religions BTW)

Why would you believe this for even one second?

Give it a try...see how it works out for you!

Cheeto said:
WSaged said:
I've got a magic, golden bridge for sale, would you like to by it?

WOW! How much do you want for it?? LOL!

:lol: HAHAHAHAHA!!:lol:

I accept payments through PayPal.
Act now...supplies are limited.:d

Tell ya what...If you buy my bridge within the next 24 hours,
...I'll even throw in a free, all expense paid, 4-course dinner for 2, of official Breatharian oxygen!!!!

^Don't be a jerk. I'm not buying into this crap as if i'm going to fast and try it or give my money to them, that would be idiotic, I know that.

I'm not enlightened yet and I can't do it. It isn't a means to enlightenment either, but a result of it(I believe). Just me.

Also realize there is a HUGE difference between not eating or drinking for ten days and ten years. Ten days I think is possible if someone can have strong control over their metabolism. Its dangerous and could kill you but its possible I believe it. But more then that no way. Fake fraud more dangerous lies from so called guru's.

Okay this too I of course realize, never have I said people can go 10 years without food and water, I simply thought about how interesting that statement is without jumping to conclusions like everyone else did. And then I wanted to point out that we shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly is all. For that would be a poor scientific approach.

What I did say however, is that a man who can go ten days without WATER is amazing, duh, I'm not talking about food at all, I could go a month without food. If the video was a scam and they paid these scientists to act then fine I was wrong, but I truly don't think that is the case. I've read several things about it, they weighed the water, he didn't drink. Okay? So now I will admit it may be possible for a man with many years of meditation practice to go ten days without water but not much more, and in that way he has scammed everyone, very possible. This I of course realize, What I'm trying to point out however is that meditation is extremely powerful and the west is only just realizing its power.

I don't think you understand what these studies are really showing. ANY THOUGHT OR ACTION produces changes in the brain. Meditation happens to induce a very specific kind of change because its a very specific kind of practice. What these studies are really showing is that any kind of so called transcendental experience happening from meditation is really just happening in your mind.

Okay I do realize what the studies really showed, I studied them extensively. I know any thought or action produces a change in the brain, any idiot would know that. Meditation has show to enlarge the brain if done extensively, its like excercise of the brain, it strengthens specific regions and all around causes more activity in those regions, even when not meditating.

What these studies are really showing is that any kind of so called transcendental experience happening from meditation is really just happening in your mind.

Wow that is a very bold statement. Are you really going to try and argue that. For starters, I could go off that idea and say every experience of perception is just happening in your mind. Well that is fine, but its wrong. Every experience needs an environment, how could one meditate without an environment to sustain the need for it, the desire, the conceptual framework. The brain can work two ways, neurons fire and a thought or memory is produced, we have seen this with electrode devices like the stereotaxic instrument. Also a human could try to remember a memory and that would cause the neurons to fire. So we have the brain working both ways, if your going to argue that transcendental experiences are simply a cause of brain activity, you would simply be wrong. Someone had to sit in meditation and try to induce those experiences. If your trying to say all experience is a result of the brain, then well duh, the brain does put it all together for us.

Anyway, what those studies actually are saying, are that many years of meditation has lowered stress, blood pressure, antibody titers, and increased brain function and more. That is powerful in my mind, but others will through it out with the bath water.

Okay, I hear yeah, I just think some things science will never be able to understand because science is mind based, while somethings are no-mind based. Just me.

That doesn't make sense.

Glad you said that, cause it kinda does and kinda doesn't. Ever experience no-mind, that is why it doesn't make sense to you. Science will never be able to make sense, re-cognize what is experienced with no-mind. This is another discussion though.
"they weighed the water"

how could they weigh the water and end up with the same amount, sounds like a fraud. If you splashed the water all over you surely some of it would evaporate, some would absorb in your skin, and you would have to be extra careful to not spill any. Surely after bathing with the water you wouldn't end up with the same amount.
"People have been scamming people with this kind of crap since the beginning of time!!
Anyone ever seen the mysterious levitating yogis of old India?"

What?.. haha so mean this guy isnt for real!
Cheeto said:
"they weighed the water"

how could they weigh the water and end up with the same amount, sounds like a fraud. If you splashed the water all over you surely some of it would evaporate, some would absorb in your skin, and you would have to be extra careful to not spill any. Surely after bathing with the water you wouldn't end up with the same amount.

Actually I thought the same thing. Good point. I'm sure he could be absorbing some through his skin as a means of drinking, considering they watched him to make sure he didn't drink any.
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