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What do you make of this?

Migrated topic.
I do agree that there are more than likely other universes, just like there are other stars. But in my view, the same rules would apply, the conditions don't have to be the same, but there would still be a set of rules that you have to follow in those condictions, if the condictions where the same as ours, then the same reactions would occur.

Not necessarily. For example. Why is the nuclear force the strength that it is? If the nuclear force was 10,000 times weaker there would be no atoms. The nuclear force does not need to have the strength that it has it just does. If all fundamental forces are unified under very hot dense conditions (like the early universe) and as some theories predict when the universe expands why do the forces split up and take on the properties they do? These are interesting questions and people are trying to figure them out not just with theory but experimental evidence. The LHC will help shed light on this.

But uh perhaps something like the laws of thermodynamics can never be different. I dunno enough physics to know that though. Maybe the laws of thermodrynamics would be different in a universe with different values for the fundamental forces?

I don't think Einstein was wrong, i don't think that an atom cannot be seen, only thought of as numbers, that to me that is a leap of faith.

Your missing the point. Quantum logic does not have to be logical to human brains. Its not. But that does not make it not real. Quantum mechanics is real its been proven many times. Einstein was wrong about quantum mechanics. Even if something like string theory is real that doesn't change quantum mechanics it still holds that the universe is random and indeterministic at the quantum level. We can see atoms. Quantum tunneling microscopes can do this which use principles of quantum mechanics in this case quantum tunneling to work.

What I meant when I said we can only understand quantum logic via math I meant that math is a tool by which the human mind can work out these kinds of problems that are completely counterintuitive to our everyday understanding of our world.

Cheeto you might find this video very interesting. This guy often talks about the kinds of things I am mentioning.

Wow we've gone completely off topic again :)

oh yea and if you like the first lecture you'll like this one too.

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