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What does your User name mean to you? And Why?

Migrated topic.
Well, most spice users are familiar with the Jesters that one is apt to encounter in hyperspace...

I suppose after a time of interacting with them, I have come to think like they do somewhat.

Also, I am a fool for hyperspace... though extremely reverent and respectful.

Many of you will know that THE FOOL card in tarot is number 0 and in some ways the most potential laden card in the deck. The even more significant ancestor of the Joker card in today's playing cards.

The fool can accomplish the impossible because he doesn't recognize obstacles and trusts the universe implicitly. Fools and fool archetypes (from shamanism to hollywood) are often the wisest of all characters... mostly because they never get caught up in taking things too seriously.

I guess that only scratches the surface, but there it is.
BTW You spelled "does" wrong in the title of the thread...

Though considering that this is the Nexus, perhaps you wrote "dose" on purpose? ;-) Freudian slip perhaps?
Mine is fairly self-explanatory, my name is tony.

It was originally something else but I asked for it to be changed after I started posting here more often (originally just signed up for guidance on first extraction). It used to be the name I used for graffiti when I was a teenager, also for making tunes, and is my usual username for sites, so I thought it may be worth changing it for here. A wee bit extra anonymity and all that jazz :D
Mine simply is Scudge. No reason behind the alias, as I use many. Although I enjoy the way its carried through space when mumbled. I regret not using my actual nick name given to me by my grandmother, which is Travlin Trav.
My first trip... although not a full breakthrough... was how I came up with this name. When the experience hit me... it felt as if I was a psychonaut floating above Earth, right above the ozone layer. It felt as though I was tethered by some invisible umbilical cord (my ego), connecting me to mother Earth itself. I was somehow in orbit, floating right above the cradle of life, while in this psychedelic state of mind. So, Psychonaut in In Orbit. :d
Digest Yourself: An on going assimilation of one's self; Self constructive criticism; Mental and spiritual growth.

C12N2H16 will certainly will help.
Tokapelli said:
Hyperspace fool: i really like the way you explained that, thats a pretty cool way to look at things.

Thx Tokapelli. I like ur combining the Toltec stuff with the Kokopelli motif. Always dug that flute playing mofo. 8)
I am poor, so i can't afford to go on some wild expedition to some jungle or a deep sea dive where no one has gone before. After having an out of body experience on K i found that i didnt have to have money to be an explorer. I can explore and better myself through psychedelics.
Hyperspace Fool said:
Well, most spice users are familiar with the Jesters that one is apt to encounter in hyperspace...

I suppose after a time of interacting with them, I have come to think like they do somewhat.

Also, I am a fool for hyperspace... though extremely reverent and respectful.

I love it and feel the same way. Jesters/tricksters/fools, and the aspects of it in myself, have become very prevalent since I encountered DMT.

As for VIII, I spotted the name when I was getting into art as a kid and it really engaged me for some reason unknown to me. I knew of roman numerals and it represented 8, but still it engaged my subconscious for some strange reason. I would think of it at seemingly random times. VIII was not popping into my head, but gently appearing as a thought of wonder and then fading into the background. I was pretty young and can't remember what exactly I thought of the idea in terms of my subconscious or what my understanding of that term was at that time.

As a young budding artist attentive to senses and perception and with a strange subconscious attraction, I adapted the name to my experience. To me, VIII represents my 5(V) senses and 3(III) eyes. No doubt a part of the whole, the 'I' furthest from my 'V' senses is my 3rd eye.
When I heard about psychoactive lichens, someone here speculated that it may explain why ancient peoples would move large stones miles upon miles to build sacred spaces (ala stonehenge) and it really struck a chord with me.
My Nexus name is a reference to Quantum Physics/Mechanics.

It's a phenomena that has to do with unlimited possibilities, and what collapses an endless potential wave into a forced position particle, strictly due to the act of observing. The physicists refer to this as the "Measurement Problem"

Or somethin like that.

Check out the double slit experiment on you tube.

Much Love.
Once upon a time I had an 18pack a day habbit, ice house beer.
I quit drinking 44 months ago. The nickname stays.

I like it. Im a survivor.


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Aegle a nymph, one of the daughters of Asclepius the daughter of the Sun. She is said to have derived her name Aegle from the word "Brightness". Her name means radiance and is today used in art to refer to the brightness of color or light.

I thought it was very fitting as my parents called me sunshine when I was young and they still call me sunshine or my sunshine girl as a nickname.

Much Peace and Happiness
"Vodsel" is the word for Human in one of my favorite modern novels, "Under the Skin" by Michel Faber. I took it as a nickname once and it stuck.

I won't tell more about who would call humans "vodsels" or why, to keep this thread spoiler-free :)
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