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What does your User name mean to you? And Why?

Migrated topic.
Mitakuye Oyasin means "All my relations" and "We are all interconnected." It comes from the Lakota Nation. It is usually spoken during prayer and ceremony and is meant to call attention to the fact that we are all interconnected with each other, not only the humans present at the ceremony, but everything everywhere.

From Silver Wolf Walks Alone...

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin....All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in this prayer....

To the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.

To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all foundations of life experience, I thank you.

To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.

To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.

To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.

To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages. I thank you.

To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.

You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.

Thank you for this Life.

The above was just one prayer where it is used. This is also from Silver Wolf Walks Alone...

To most of us today, relative means a blood relation or another human in the family lineage. We have not been taught that an entity, other than human, could be a relative. Understanding this simple statement and contemplating it, could change your outlook on life forever. If you love and honor your relatives, you would be loving and honoring most of what is on this earth, if you lived by this meaning of “relative." What a different world we would be living in!

Sit with this statement, see the Truth in it. Everything is related because it all emanates from one source and has purpose. Truth can be found in Native philosophy, Buddhism, Christianity, Judism, Islam, all belief systems, because they are all related. I have studied Buddhism and found Christ. I have studied Native philosophy and found Buddha. I have studied Mother Nature and found self.

Truth does not owe homage to humans. Humans owe homage to Truth.
My username is perfect. It IS me through and through in so many areas of my life.

Pandora was given a box by the Gods/Goddesses but told not open it. But, . . . . yes the box was soon thereafter opened. . . . .frankly could not resist . . . .

And out of the box came horrors called furies and they spread all across the world. The world was forever changed and Pandora lay spent by her box. . . .

But, being who she was, she could not help but take one more peak inside that box and lo and behold there was in fact one single thing left. . . . . and what did she see . . . . ?

I stole my moniker from the Shpongle song "Divine Moments of Truth".

I'm sure most of you have heard this song. Its a psychedelic classic! It is by no means my favorite Shpongle song, but it seemed fitting for this forum. : )

For those of you who aren't familiar...


hopefully the embedding works!
Hey Moment!!!!

have you seen this version?....I perfer it to the studio version...

it's even more "DMT alien" like IMO, especially at the end of the song
....well to me anyway it sounds just like the E.T's talking, reminds me of that time when they named me.......:)

Oh yeah! I've watched about all of the Shpongle stuff that i could find on youtube! Simon is a musical GENIUS! I absolutely love watching him perform live. There is one video called "Live at the roundhouse" where simon is playing the hang drum and doing "Nothing is something worth doing"...

One of my favorite live videos of shpongle.


I want one of these hang drums SO BAD!!!!
Get ready for this shocker. I go spearfishing.

When your under water you are in a different world. You have to use your common sense and instincts to catch fish. It's not like fishing with a rod and reel (but I like doing that too) You have to respect the environment around you. There's a whole new set of rules when your under water. You gotta know when to stand your ground and when to retreat. The way I describe it to my friends is, your like an underwater caveman. Its not for the faint of heart. I hate sounding like a hippy but you really learn to respect nature. There have been times when I'm in an area where I'd see fish but I didn't spear em because I knew it was a delicate ecosystem. And I want to be able to catch more fish the next year. I would just swim around and enjoy the underwater scenery. There was a time when a shark grabbed a fish off my stringer which was attached to my weight belt. So ya like I said, I learned to respect nature. There's many reasons spearfishing just suits me well and I have a lot of interesting stories. But I think I'll end this post with a quote from Hunter S. Thompson

“It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.” - Hunter S. Thompson
URBY is my actual name. Although I consider myself creative(*snicker*), I will never claim my words to be anyones other than own. Incriminating or not.

My friends call to me as this. My family calls to me as this.

So too, do the strangers I meet.
SpearFisher said:
Get ready for this shocker. I go spearfishing.

When your under water you are in a different world. You have to use your common sense and instincts to catch fish. It's not like fishing with a rod and reel (but I like doing that too) You have to respect the environment around you. There's a whole new set of rules when your under water. You gotta know when to stand your ground and when to retreat. The way I describe it to my friends is, your like an underwater caveman. Its not for the faint of heart. I hate sounding like a hippy but you really learn to respect nature. There have been times when I'm in an area where I'd see fish but I didn't spear em because I knew it was a delicate ecosystem. And I want to be able to catch more fish the next year. I would just swim around and enjoy the underwater scenery. There was a time when a shark grabbed a fish off my stringer which was attached to my weight belt. So ya like I said, I learned to respect nature. There's many reasons spearfishing just suits me well and I have a lot of interesting stories. But I think I'll end this post with a quote from Hunter S. Thompson

“It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.” - Hunter S. Thompson

Spoken like a true hunter. In my opinion a TRUE hunter respects nature to an extreme degree.
It's not really about hippie-ness, it's more about the finely tuned degree of awareness that an efficient hunter needs to possess in order to maintain optimal efficiency.

Hippies just so happened to be aware of nature....you know....because of the acid.. and then it just caught on from there. :lol:
I took the it from the Om Namah Shivaya which basically means (roughly) ''I bow to the shiva within me''. ''Shivaya'' is ''the Shiva within me''.

It's an ode to him...
Just thought it sounded neat. I was thinking of the lexicon in Skyrim that held all the ancient Dwemer knowledge. I kind of relate that to DMT being this vast source of knowledge that is also sacred etc.
blackdust is slang for pcp.
at the time (10 years ago) one was playing lots of shooting video games and watched some black guy on youtube punch through a fence like the hulk and he was on pcp. So one figured that pcp made him invencible then one would want a name that can make people feel like the hulk. :twisted:

btw, pcp is bad, mmmmmmkay :x

I wanted to incorporate the letters dmt into my name wheni signed up, and the word demented describes how i feel when i think of current drug prohibition :)
This is my birth given name and it suites me.....my mother gave it me. Cause I had pointed ears when I was born my mother's name is Pandora I often joke that I am what came out of pandora's box.
i chose my name because after a very strong mushroom trip in which i died i started seeing the all seeing eye everytime i tripped on anything and i kind of built a special connection with it as i felt it was the presence of god. i substituted the eye for ike because my wifes nickname is ike ( she looked like ike from southpark in one of her baby pics) it was a funny sounding name and i just liked it alot rigth away

The removal of leftover water after the wash and rinse cycles. Implications as a metaphor will be left to your imagination.

See also:
Spin, rotation, circle, loop, spiral, cycle, etc.

See also:
I have been active on a popular mycology forum for quite some time.
While there, I had an avatar and signature of the hookah smoking caterpillar.
Recently, I changed my name there to the one I bare here.

I chose A caterpillar, because it is humble; and "The Caterpillar" was already taken 😁
It is pleasant to think of oneself as a mere insect in the grand scheme of existence.
i believe i chose this name, just out of the blue. Its a combination of the words of 'mind' and 'illusion' (obviously) But not, however mindIllusion too many l's and i's for me...

I think I was referring to my mind, not having any real physical value, or any real physical connection to my body, therefore, i have no real evidence it exists, besides my own mind, telling itself it exists.

I choose to keep my mind and body dis-associated from each other

So to me its nothing but an illusion
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