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What does your User name mean to you? And Why?

Migrated topic.
Mine is the name my friend came up with to describe people who are just spacey and kinda float through life on a day to day basis. Back then I laughed at how stupid those people were. Now I see they weren't stupid they were just happy and in a world of there own and didn't let bad energy bring them down. So now I try to live up to being a "floatei"
This post taught me a lot about social behavior... long story lol.
Anyways, chose my name because I believe in personal freedom from the government, and leaving us people alone. I'm sure that's a view most of you share too 8)
the nut of a rudraksha tree is used by hindus (and buddhists) in the creation of a mala (rosary), in very basic terms in hindu culture it symbolises respect of shiva.

the rudraksha seed for me reminds me to always have care and respect for every action, and to focus on the important things.
Nathanial Dread is simply my name. I have three of them, depending on who I have to be at the present time.

There's my birth name, which I use with family, and most wholesome, legal situations.

Whenever I'm doing something a little bit different, or just don't feel like being my bland, normal 9-5 self, I am Nathanial Dread, who is a totally different person.

Inside both of us is some terrible thing named Carnival, who comes out very rarely (mostly under the influence of hypnosis).

Obviously my wholesome, law-abiding-upstanding-citizen name doesn't belong here, and I try to keep Carnival under wraps (but give Him the respect he deserves), so Nathanial Dread is who I am on these forms.

The time that elapsed from when I decided to join the Nexus and when I chose a name was very little. I just thought, "I need a name!" I put in the first thing that popped into my head.

Later, the more I analyzed my choice, the more I realized why it was a good one. Mr. Peabody was a cartoon, and one of the side shows on the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show". Mr. Peabody was a dog that took his boy, Sherman, to various times and places in history. He was a time traveler, a guide, and taught Sherman many things. He took Sherman on extravagant journeys through time and space.

So, I realized, after the fact, I am not Mr. Peabody. I am actually Sherman, and mescaline, DMT, and pilocybin are Mr. Peabody.
I found the Nexus while searching for information on San Pedro. The night before, I had a DMT trip along the lines of, "we are all one, we are all connected". It was the first thing that popped into my head at the moment of registration.

Funny enough, someone in chat pointed out it can be read two ways:

We Are People

Wear E People

hehe. wear E people. give me a hug and here's a piece of gum and a cup of water for ya. hehe.
Psychelexium is a blend of Psychedelum & Colexium or Colexium & Psychedelum:thumb_up: And 528Hz is the love:love: Frequency ...And all of that in the form of "star" or Astrix which is my imaginary vehicle to navigate the mind and therefor be my psychonaut ship :) ...As Carl Sagan put it "A Spaceship of the imagination". :d
Mine comes after my very first psychedelic trip, on fresh cyanescens. I turned into a ferret. My perception of mustelids has changed after having experienced being one.
I thought my name was a clever play on FUNGI. I really love those and if I say anything more about it, it would be incriminating. On the Internet of all places. :-D
The collective unconscious's archtypal images occur with a lot commonality in those having taken the DMT molecule. I suspect DMT=doorway to this universal realm thus the name. :d
When trying to think of a username, i remembered this quote from Macbeth that i thought was interesting from when i studied it in highschool. Basically, Banquo and Macbeth were meeting the three witches for the first time, who were described as 'visions'. in a small quote Banquo says "Have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner?" i wonder if it was a DMT containing plant that Shakespeare was talking about. either way "Insane Root" sounded pretty neat. 😁
Mine refers to the Dao or Tao of Taoism.

It translates roughly to 'The Way'.

I am not a bird thrashing in the river. I have calmed myself and settled into life to become the whole river itself. I am 'The Way'.
The name is descriptive. I am mostly nocturnal, and I like plants ... in particular those with interesting alkaloids. It also reflects my respect for Mother Nature. Nightshades can feed you, kill you, save you, or enslave you.
I don't remember exactly why I picked purelyscientific as my user name. I started using it at the beginning of 2011 when I joined another forum. I suppose I picked it because I try to take a out-of-the-box scientific approach to problems. I think it represents me/my persona well.
Just inverted mi-mo-sa -> sa-mo-mi , and I enjoy it, cause it sounds a bit like word from the languages of "Oceania" (fe Vanuatu, Kiribati, Tuvalu, ...)
Mine is the punch line to a Bill Hicks bit where he talks about (he hopes) California sinking into the ocean, leaving beautiful beachfront property along the coastline of Arizona--aka Arizona Bay. It's also referenced in the Tool song, Ænema. I discovered Bill well after he passed on, but he clicked with me right away. I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor that flirts with cynicism. I'm positive by nature, and I also enjoy pointing out the humor/irony/stupidity in everything life throws at me. So in that sense my humor is like his. A lot of people think he was solely negative, but in my opinion that isn't the case at all. He wouldn't have made it as a comedian (well overseas anyway) if he got up on stage and listed off everything he liked. His goal was to challenge his audience to think more, and that is a great overlap with what Tool does. I'm trying to further my own knowledge. Arizona Bay is just my own little reminder to keep learning, but don't forget to laugh every now and then.
Ice House said:
Once upon a time I had an 18pack a day habbit, ice house beer.
I quit drinking 44 months ago. The nickname stays.

I like it. Im a survivor.

Congrats man - keep up the good work.

Pip is a shortform version of my first name & I got bored with people on the interweb asking me if I was a lady...
Zen + Spice = Two things I have had an interest in for a long time..

Zen philosophy and mindsets for about 20 years, Spice for about 10 (though only introduced myself to it properly a few months ago).

Not sure if I am pulling the spice out or it is pulling me in.. Either way I am happy to go along for the ride and hope I learn something along the way.

I think attaining a state of "no mind" could be key to deeper insights of a DMT journey. However simply not giving into the astonishment is the hardest tasks I have attempted, often seeming futile while still feeling it is somehow vital.

One day perhaps :)
When I got my first crystals and started to learn the art of vaping I was like a child with a new toy. I was astonished at the range of experiences the substance could give, it just seemed unlimited and seemed to delight in showing me impossible things with my eyes wide open in broad daylight. So when my wife asked me, "what is it like", I raved about it like an excited child and concluded, solemnly "What a substance". My chicken pic just seems to resonate with me, his expression says it all...the pupils (wide), the cockscomb (esoterically suggestive of an ancient pineal type growth); the wattles (like a wise mans beard) (OK, that last one is stretching it a little)...here he is...check him out and see...his eyes are checking you out.


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