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What does your User name mean to you? And Why?

Migrated topic.
I figured I'd shed some light on my name.

I came up with it when I was on a website for cannabis growing after I became interested in natural herb medicines like Lion's Tail and others which eventually led me to DMT plants and here. It was also an homage to Bob Marley's African Herbsman which is one of my favorite songs. The name Muskogee is to represent my Native American roots, I am not Muskogee but my tribe is related to them, I didn't want to be specific about what tribe. Just tryin to stay incognetus :D
I chose my name because im the son of darkness, I come from the unknown, and am shrouded in my own mystery and beg to question it always. I have great morals, a line of them to live by. The lord who is my father, my teacher, the one who enlightens me silently, I am, the "DarkLordsSon"...
My user name was given to me by a Native American friend, 33 years ago. For myself, it symbolizes mankind's innate urge to ascend into higher frequencies of experiential being, traversing beyond the known into the mystical.
Had I given more thought to an appropriate user name on this forum, I probably would have gone with Long Wind. :)
I thought I was being clever by choosing this name, and playing around with words, sounds and thoughts. Maybe one day I'll change it, if name changes are allowed. Maybe not.

Sometimes I find it entertaining to be creative in the initial naming process, but then eventually get bored with my own creativity and move back to simplicity.
My username contains the name of a band I like "Therion" meaning Beast. So to me it means "Psychic Beast" lol. Because I like to delve as deep as possible regardless of the content to find the Truth. I try and go through whatever is needed at the time.
I want to change my name and messaged The Traveler about it about 2 weeks ago, but he must be out exploring because it hasn't even been read yet :p I wasn't feeling very creative when i made this one hahaha
The human brain-heart(mind-spirit) connection and the 'knowing' space that abides within the balance of these highly, incredibly intricate organs.

A piece of mail showed up addressed to my name, minus the N. I've used it occasionally as a username ever since.

It didn't occur to me until after I opened this thread to have my username be my nickname, which is Worm Shit. What I was before I was this physical manifestation of consciousness, and where I'm headed.
My name expresses my desire to gain knowledge and enlightenment through the (mostly) responsible use of dmt. I do tend to push my own limits at times, though...
I chose my name because I only joined this website because I was expecting to just ask one question about a ACRB extraction. I was about to give up when I decided to join so I chose the name hopefull to best express my present feelings. Unfortunately I spelt it with an extra l and kills me every time I see it. Ha
El pato means "the duck" in Spanish. I chose this name as ducks are some of the most regal and majestic birds to have waddled God's green earth 😁
Okay maybe not, but El pato brand tomato sauce does make for some heavenly chicken chicken tacos.
So I am el pato. The duck in my chicken tacos.
Literally "complete circle" the zen principle of the highest form of knowledge attainable.

I think the reason I chose this speaks for itself.
Eudaimon is Ancient greek, literally translated as 'eu' = 'good' and 'daimōn' = 'spirit'. Eudaimonia being the word used to describe human flourishing or happiness. Heard the word first in a class on Aristotlian Ethics and thought it had a ring to it :)
elverkonge is the danish word for king of the elves. I do not consider myself king over anything or anyone. However I do tend to communicate with elven-type entities whenever I enter hyperspace, hence the name xElverkonge
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