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What is ok to talk about with the public?

Migrated topic.
It depends on the type of person in front of you. For now the only person I know with whom I have talked about it has put an end to our friendship. :lol: :lol:
I can remember this topic coming up during work. I didn't bring it up though and I took part more passively than actively in that conversation. I was surprised how they pulled their faces, as if they are talking about something really disgusting. I couldn't help but think how wrong they were in their ideas they created around the psychedelic experience and what they are missing. How beautiful this experience is.

I don't talk to a lot of people what I am doing. Only close friends and a few family members know and even then it's tricky sometimes. One friend for example (who used to be my tripping buddy two decades ago) got so excited about the stories I told him, he wants to try it out. He told his wife and she wasn't super happy about this initially and called me "a bad influence". Now she familiarized herself with the molecule and seems ok with it. This could have resulted in more serious problems between my friend and his wife and I am glad it turned out to be a happy ending. From that I learned to rather not actively talk about DMT unless it feels absolutely right to do so. I like to believe DMT will find it's way to whomever is supposed to see hyperspace.
it breaks my heart that somebody can end a friendship over this. maybe, in a way, you dodged a friendship that is meaningless anyway.
the media can be a very persuasive tool.
PedroSanchez said:
it breaks my heart that somebody can end a friendship over this. maybe, in a way, you dodged a friendship that is meaningless anyway.
the media can be a very persuasive tool.
To specify, I think this was the straw that broke the camel's back, it wasn't the only cause (I think).
It was a meaningful friendship and it still is for me, sadly or fortunately. But in the end it is normal that life takes something away from you, it is part of the game. I try to see it like that.
I mean this is how I view this... Screw the rules screw the politics judgement or anything you personally think about over 1 time in all honesty I am nothing and I view everyone as a reflection of myself so if I reflect everything then everything to me is how I view myself but now is nothing bad? I guess that's determined on my connotate'd (no clue if that's a word dropped out in 3rd grade 🤣) definition of bad which honestly is nothing because I don't believe in judgement derived from self cuz honestly fuck what I think shits usually wrong 🤷 so thinking like this has made it very easy to quickly and efficiently calculate and solve these expressions that are very slight in their variable changes. Ie.) What if you tell the wrong person and they choose to have a bad trip or use responsibly easy math problem so let's break it into numbers let's say pros and cons pros I have no idea so let's say 0 cons I have no idea so let's say 0 now here's where I take my solution to the teacher for a real answer cuz they always have the correct ones so I ask hey is this right if not what's the better solution wait for your answer when you get it decide if it matches up to what your wanting aka in this example it would be to make sure someone isn't harmed and uses responsibly or is ready... Generally speaking from my very limited mundane experience that is very much clueless and constantly 99% wrong I would say your trying to do shaman work spiritual enlightenment whatever you may call it but aka produce a substantial experience into someone's life and your worried well there's a few things you can do to lower the worry and potential of giving it to some lunatic that will learn some shit about space travel and then go spill all our spaceship secrets and teach the silly humans our super duper secret of space travel done correctly and freak out a ton of normies and share our huge endless space with them anyways I diverge if this is not the outcome you wish then I can see a few scripts you could run on the robot ( I mean human) 1 being to prepare a prompt of questions leading to specific calculated results that depict whether they are going to be a fit for the type of journey 2) give them the steps to produce the rocket fuel for the ship and allow them to personally push persist risk all and leap off everything they once new for something new (my favorite choice this will always be the best choice they will learn so much more appreciate it all so much more I mean there's a reason these steps are written in text on a very old html format and produced in such a way that is very tedious and informal and not developed yet these guides are written by truly intelligent beings that don't do non sense shit for no reason but more likely to have purposefully calculated everything they do to yield specific calculated responses either way best choice) 3) be very blunt talk completely crazy let them know this is the craziest shit you ever tried and list what it has done for you but make it sound bad if they still choose to be curious I think it's probably meant to be lol as for the other solutions really you just have to figure out how to give information without giving information don't go telling people how you wank it to base and acid solutions hiding from the world until it produces precious spices out of whatever the fuck happens during the wanking... They will not care or believe you or follow you anyways instead maybe give them a link a little teaser porn like oh I got it uthis and let the universe do the rest you really don't have to work hard when it comes to providing people paths like if they are meant to be or meant to try it simply offer a way to the path let them decide it's usually always the best route when you just provide what you can and let them travel themselves to the destination they may take longer whatever but it will give the best results honestly and you don't have to do hardly anything also I found very interesting results sharing knowledge with people typically they reject almost everything but accept almost all things they personally come up with so idk hope this finds either a laugh or helpful information much love from a alien traveler wishing to be something else besides a ending but never getting to end but always never ending eternally ending with ING 😵‍💫💜
While in senior year my buddy invited me over for a smoke session. Just killing time talking about life and endless possibilities stoned he drops this one on me "I've seen aliens, they are real and I can prove it" I immediately became suspicious of his mental health and concerned for his well being and much worse concerned for MY safety being that this was an abrupt proclamation. Some time afterwards I would come to realize he was referring to "dmt elves" and that be had been producing large scale amounts of the substance for multiple people under the guise of running a hydrodipping start up. We slowly parted ways after that. He knew he had approached the situation a bit... oddly and at the time I really had no clue how to take such a proclamation. It genuinely was abrupt. One second we're talking about day to day life and then he tells me aliens are "real" and he's conversed with them etc.... please don't do what he did. Had he approached the situation differently maybe he wouldn't have made me uncomfortable. A little more elaboration. Would have made a world of difference in the situation.

I don't tell anyone unless I know they have YEARS of enthrogen experience under their belt. I don't mention dmt, knowing how to extract or any of it. You simply don't know who to trust with this knowledge. To this date my partner and this forum are the only ones that know and I intend to keep it that way. People lie and deceive and I'd hate to allow someone to hurt themselves with something I've extracted under the guise of being experienced ready or otherwise. A while back a friend showed me some copious amount of spice. Having trusted him I asked I'd he would be willing to allow me to try some and be my guisde/sitter he immediately and vehemently disagreed. It wasn't like I offended him or asked too much but it was genuine concern and I owe him a call and thank you because at that point in time I simply wasn't ready and he knew it so he said no and that was that. I feel this is the appropriate approach. If someone wants to know the secrets to this world they MUST search for them on their own volition. You simply can not hand such a profound substance to just anyone it simply isn't safe for either party what so ever.. what do you do when you give someone the spice, they freak out, and potentially report you or worse they end up psychologically or physically injured.

Dimitri to me is like a secret boyfriend. I'm allowed to enjoy him in privacy but he simply must remain in the closet for fear of causing undue problems. This is how I equate it as a bisexuality Individual. Not everyone needs to know our "dirty little secret" or what we do in the privacy of our homes that's for us and no one else.
As far as with new people or acquaintances I've always left it at yea I like cannabis and may share some with you as an adult, and beyond that I saw reasons to not put anything in their path because I sometimes can't know their intentions and reasons for being curious beyond marijuana. Sharing the 'gateway' but not playing gatekeeper. :)

What little mescaline and dmt I've shared has been with family members and a couple close friends. And they liked the experiences but never developed the deep interest that I have.

Since 2004 I've used internet forums and chats as a way to more openly discuss what my interests are and what I've done. It's kinda like 'cool beans' that are nice to be able to spill. But first and foremost, do no harm, even if you're not a doctor.
[Edited and improved!]

Loveall said:
(...) However, What would have happened to the gay rights movement if everyone had stayed "in the closet"? It could still be repressed with archaic indecency laws. Inhumane chemichal castration for being gay could still be a thing today.
Some scientists' analyses indicate that psychedelics connect us to nature which could be important for our health and survival as a species on this planet.

I think that you're bringing up a perspective surrounding intersectionality. In an intersectional review and assessment over prohibition you wouldn't separate the significance of race and classism from prohibition and the taboos and stigma of using drugs, altered states of consciousness, and psychedelic healing. Many people do keep these topics and concepts separate and I think that they are things that are different yet I make the argument that they do have a lot of correlation. If you instead look at how they intersect in patterned ways you can understand the larger reason for why it's taboo to talk about substance use of any type whether or not that is about drug addiction, drug policy reforms, psychedelics, or otherwise any part of a decades long toolset that fixtures traditional and dominant hierarchical caste structure in contemporary U.S. society. (i'm focusing largely on talking about the U.S. but would be interested in hearing from the people who don't live in the U.S. if anyone here has a different perspective over this)

"Kimberle Crenshaw is a professor at Columbia Law School who directs the Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies and co-founded the African American Policy Forum (AAPF). Twenty-eight years ago, Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” to help explain the oppression of African-American women.0 She argues that intersectionality recognizes multiple oppressions as a single, synthesized experience" as described through this article

Consider an analogy to traffic in an intersection, coming and going in all four directions. Discrimination, like traffic through an intersection, may flow in one direction, and it may flow in another. If an accident happens in an intersection, it can be caused by cars traveling from any number of directions and, sometimes, from all of them. Similarly, if a Black woman is harmed because she is in an intersection, her injury could result from sex discrimination or race discrimination. . . . But it is not always easy to reconstruct an accident: Sometimes the skid marks and the injuries simply indicate that they occurred simultaneously, frustrating efforts to determine which driver caused the harm.

This probably gives a lot of key insight to why it's difficult to talk about with other people and why you risk putting yourself into harms way in discussing DMT; not just and only because DMT is potentially a hazard for someone whose unprepared and misguided in intention but also because of the connotations that drug use has. I actually see how smoking DMT in basically a crackpipe could carry more stigma than mushrooms which look like a food due to the anti-black prohibition on crack-cocaine which largely targeted blacks in the U.S. war on drugs.

Intersectionality could be one avenue of discussing psychedelics. From an intersectionality framework you can say that climate change and psychedelics intersect together in the same way that you can make correlation with the connection between environment.black maternal health as one example. Climate change, environment, and pollution such as that seen in flint michigan; most affects people of color and marginalized communities than it does people who are typically whiter and wealthier and much of this is able to be examined through a critical race theory lens. The existence of class struggle, caste system, racial bias in medical care derived from traditional and dominant caste system norms; and as well as geographically and demographically where pollution occurs, where different groups of people live, and what the response by the government is for the representative constituency all intersect and can be taken together to help understand the complexity.

You can use the lens of intersectionality to better understand the social benefits that psychedelics could pose to society through how humans who integrate with psychedelics create stronger bonds with other people and the environment. It could be plausible that the benefits of integration with psychedelics, especially integrating with intention; outweigh risks.

Loveall said:
(...) However, What would have happened to the gay rights movement if everyone had stayed "in the closet"?

Loveall, this is what happened...

I think that prohibition harms everyone just as institutional racism harms everyone. In one part of this interview John Lewis talked about and mentions how racism harms white people and bankrupted a white man because he'd married a black women and was disowned by his family which ultimately targets the idea of multiracial equity but has to also go through and harm the mentioned white man in order to begin assaulting the idea of multiracial equity.

Classism even intersects pandemics, just as it does every aspect of healthcare.

You may even have seen this regarding people who perform work for the entire of society like low wage workers, immigrants, women, and people of color.

You can see that beyond psychedelia. You can see how everything stems together. That's essentially the concept of intersectionality, loveall.

Through this framework I return to ask any of you how do you think psychedelics intersect with something else? What do you think and what are your reflections with that? Can you see the way that psychedelics were used to scapegoat and strong man against the beat generation subculture of the 40's and 50's and then the hippie subculture of the 60's and 70's? I want to mention too that many race and gender equity social reforms were parallelly happening in the same time as counterculture movements that surrounded LSD and psychedelia and there were a lot of intersection between LSD, Beats and Hippies, and social reforms during that time and where the entire war on drugs began and eventually became an export internationally. How psychedelics and classist Cannabis prohibitions became a toolset and excuse to bring harm to groups of people that supported ideas like multiculturalism and anti-war sentiment or immigrants coming from Latin America which would change voting demographics ; ensuring, asserting, maintaining and dominating control around demographic voting blocks. Can you see how this lens could critique and caution toward psychedelics that could bring harm to other people, perhaps even through an intersectional lens you can see how the combination of prohibition, poor mental health care, widespread misconception, and class warfare; that the discussion alone could bring harm to an individual wanting to bring about a genuine discussion over how psychedelics like DMT and many others are capable toolsets and capable experiences that provide socially positive influence.

I want to add as a conclusion that I think it's important to generally avoid talking about drugs unless you are doing specific action like activism to legalize or to decriminalize drug prohibitions and focus on creating systemic changes. That's just my personal opinion

NeitherHere said:
While in senior year my buddy invited me over for a smoke session. Just killing time talking about life and endless possibilities stoned he drops this one on me "I've seen aliens, they are real and I can prove it" I immediately became suspicious of his mental health and concerned for his well being and much worse concerned for MY safety being that this was an abrupt proclamation. Some time afterwards I would come to realize he was referring to "dmt elves" and that be had been producing large scale amounts of the substance for multiple people under the guise of running a hydrodipping start up. We slowly parted ways after that. He knew he had approached the situation a bit... oddly and at the time I really had no clue how to take such a proclamation. It genuinely was abrupt. One second we're talking about day to day life and then he tells me aliens are "real" and he's conversed with them etc.... please don't do what he did. Had he approached the situation differently maybe he wouldn't have made me uncomfortable. A little more elaboration. Would have made a world of difference in the situation.

I'm fascinated by cults among other things....... Are you willing to talk more about this? It's off topic so that can be in pm. If you aren't wanting to discuss that in broader depth with an anonymous stranger or if you don't have more to add because of a lack therof i'd understand. lol haha yeah, it sounds a lot like a destructive and harmful group. I recommend "Cults Inside out: how people get in and can get out" by Rick Alan Ross if that interests anyone...
Depends on the person. A Christian would have no trouble talking at church; amongst a group of atheist's however, he should not be surprised if he becomes the subject of ridicule & mockery.

It is the way it is unfortunately.
jungleheart said:
I think it is ok to talk about your own experience using a lot of "I" statements. Karmically you don't want to push people too much in any direction imo.

"Nah man you should TOTALLY try DMT, you just gotta smoke a super strong dose. It will be the best thing you've ever done and change your life, you really have to do it, you'll regret it if you dont! You'll see spirits, entities, get psychic downloads from aliens, meet God and travel to other planets in different galaxies! We should go back to my place right now!"

"I donno I've always had bad trips and I dont like the way psychedelics feel"

"It's totally cool, i order the bark directly myself and I extract it in my own kitchen lab at my apartment. It's got only good vibes because the mushroom grow I have in my second bedroom protects the energy"

"I'm not sure man, you're a random guy I just met at the smoke shop, I only wanted to buy a vape. Why are you buying one of those glass oiler pipes anyway?"


Sounds like a joke, but I've encountered it. Like people that get back from their first Burning Man... some users do turn into DMT prophets and will, in the first few minutes of meeting them, just go on and on about it including how they "make it" themselves. It's as if the DMT itself triggered such a mystical experience in them that they have a little bit of a mental break and can't stop trying to preach it non-stop... This is not the way.

When someone has an interest, they will talk with others, and the DMT will find them.

Also there's a variety of psychedelic and non psychedelic spiritual people who believe in entities, other worldly beings, hyperdimensional space, the astral realm or some form of magic... It's always good to feel out where the person stands. If they have an open mind to this stuff, maybe explaining how DMT opens those portals is a good conversation route. If they have no experience with any of it, are very grounded in the material world and/or religious... It's just going to sound crazy to them, and/or demonic... and ones enthusiasm may even turn them away...

Not saying conversations shouldn't be had with those types... but it has to be built up slowly, with an underlying framework that works with their mental construct of reality... and doesnt push them away with too-much-too-fast or scare them away from a crazed push or enthusiasm about a 'drug'...
CL said:
"Nah man you should TOTALLY try DMT, you just gotta smoke a super strong dose. It will be the best thing you've ever done and change your life, you really have to do it, you'll regret it if you dont! You'll see spirits, entities, get psychic downloads from aliens, meet God and travel to other planets in different galaxies! We should go back to my place right now!"

"I donno I've always had bad trips and I dont like the way psychedelics feel"

"It's totally cool, i order the bark directly myself and I extract it in my own kitchen lab at my apartment. It's got only good vibes because the mushroom grow I have in my second bedroom protects the energy"

"I'm not sure man, you're a random guy I just met at the smoke shop, I only wanted to buy a vape. Why are you buying one of those glass oiler pipes anyway?"

Yep, this is very familiar. There's a reason that I say DMT found me. I had a buddy who let some of our mutual friends know that I had been eating 7g of mushrooms. They told him to tell me I was going to try DMT. I didn't look up much about it other than how much it takes to overdose (in my naivete, that was my way of being safe; I did the same thing with mushrooms...). It was a couple days after my friend told me I was trying DMT that they came over to my place and we got down to business... things got real on the third and fifth trips for me and is where my utmost reverence and respect gestated from (was somehow gone for over 50 minutes, and was very convinced I had died).

CL said:
Sounds like a joke, but I've encountered it. Like people that get back from their first Burning Man... some users do turn into DMT prophets and will, in the first few minutes of meeting them, just go on and on about it including how they "make it" themselves. It's as if the DMT itself triggered such a mystical experience in them that they have a little bit of a mental break and can't stop trying to preach it non-stop... This is not the way.

I always smell a bit of egocentricity when I hear people say they "make it." The plant made it, we extract it. And I may just be a little pessimistic, so I will grant that some people may not really understand that they are extracting and not making it.

I'm just glad I was never a DMT "prophet" :lol: I'll talk about it, and I'll offer to send people off, either in the capacity as a sitter or guide, but know better than to be pushy about it. Some of my acquaintances on the other hand... :lol:

There are definitely dark sides to DMT. This makes me wonder in the current trend of DMT interest, how many will be in it for the long haul.

One love
Initially I have been very enthusiastic about DMT and I can understand how people would want to introduce the whole world to this molecule. I myself only told a few about it and even that turned out to be a big mistake eventually.

I am still very enthusiastic about DMT and I don't see that change. For me it is unique and I am grateful for it's existence. These days my lips are sealed though. It has become a very personal bond.
I would like for psychedelics to be discussed as primarily a medicine, with perceptual changes as a spoke of that wheel.

This is an idea from a post of a Bluelighter, and it really opened my eyes.

The first times I tripped, the primary effects were insight and body changes--visual distortions and artistic enhancement felt secondary in importance to me.

It would heal my joint inflammation first, give me visions, second.

I don't take psychedelics to see shit. I take psychedelics to get insight and heal. And that's what they do best.
RhythmSpring said:
I don't take psychedelics to see shit. I take psychedelics to get insight and heal. And that's what they do best.

This resonates with me, though I see psychedelics as powerful multitools that have some toy like functions. The work and the healing can definitely have fun and joyful aspects.

Seeing stuff can add to the healing I feel, as can depth of experience depending on what ails one, and while I'd like to see more more often, I too don't have to see anything. There's a plethora going on even when I don't. :lol:

One love
Most people I talk to are usually pretty fascinated when I recount my DMT experiences.. whether they are inclined towards psychedelics or not. As far as extraction is concerned, I wouldn't go there - unless I know them well.

That said, I talk about it less and less now.. I think the way DMT enters your life is important. Looking back, the people I knew who had tried it were usually very reserved about it and said very little - other than that it is extremely intense, personal and life changing. I feel more and more now that it is wise in most situations to just leave it at that. It can be nice to keep it a bit mysterious for those who are yet to try it. I had never heard about the entity thing before trying it.. which made it all the more special and profound experiencing that aspect on my own. Discovering people like Terence Mckenna afterwards was kinda a cool way of comparing notes. But thats just me. I liked the way it mysteriously presented itself to me .. I had a sense that it was something special but not a great deal beyond that.. and I think that left a lot of room for it to show me things without the burden of preconception.

For people who are completely unfamiliar with psychedelics but show an interest I actually still recommend Erowid's Psychedelic Faq.. as far as DMT is concerned there are much more informative sources. But as a guide to preparing for the psychedelic experience I found it an invaluable read.. Its inspiring and really sets the mood. If I am talking to someone who knows next to nothing but has an interest its a great read... and really helps you understand that psychedelics are to be approached with great respect

But yeah.. I think if you truly regard DMT as something sacred, then taking great care/consideration about the way you discuss it with others is very important. You are opening a can of worms for someone that will no doubt impact their trajectory onwards. Bombarding someone with too much information may impede a little on the way it presents itself to them in their journey..
For me personally (as with others obviously) it depends on who/how/why I'm engaging.

Typically I toe dip and see someone else's interest before discussing them. I also typically approach it in what is probably a very different perspective than many folks have heard, which is probably similar to a lot of people here. I approach any discussion of it from a therapeutic standpoint, rather than the "drug" standpoint or "fun times" standpoint which we have heard folks talk ad nauseum about.

For me, any substances I've consumed have been transformative, perhaps not every time, but a large portion of them have been. I try to stress my respect for the process (especially as I've learned more about what it takes to grow them) and the magnitude of change I've experienced as a person because of them.

I have to agree with other sentiments about it not being your responsibility what someone else does/doesn't do, but I also think that that's part of having a holistic discussion around anything like this. If you are open about the goods as well as the more challenging bits, such as the potential to completely change as a person when consuming a therapeutic/break-through dosage, then I think you can give someone a full image. What they choose to do with that information is their business, so long as you aren't peer pressuring them.

I don't discuss anything about them at work, but I keep a decent divide between myself and many coworkers with good reason. My personal life is mine, and they typically aren't around long enough to be part of that portion of my life.
VibeSurfer said:
In my experience its better not to share or go into detail. One's drug use is just usually not super relevant to other people in social situations.

I like what you said, VibeSurfer, and I agree with you.

With drugs, it's always best to be a closed book in public. Then, when you're with really close friends in the privacy of your own home (and those close friends are like-minded DMT people), you can openly discuss drugs.

I learned this lesson the hard way. I was reprimanded in school (by the program chair) for talking about my drug history with prescription drugs. I never mentioned psychedelics...only pharmaceuticals. Nevertheless, I was reprimanded twice, and...I learned my lesson the hard way.

I'm turning 35 this summer. The older I get, the more I realize how unprofessional it is to talk about my drug history in public (especially because my career is in the sciences, lol). The public doesn't need to know about my drug history. It's none of their business.

If people who barely know me want to believe that I take drugs, let them make that inference. I tell myself: make them work a little bit, instead of just giving them the answers. 😁

Building an exciting career in the sciences, it's imperative that people who barely know me perceive me as professional. Talking about my drug history could potentially ruin my career!
Fluorescent Leaf said:
VibeSurfer said:
In my experience its better not to share or go into detail. One's drug use is just usually not super relevant to other people in social situations.

I like what you said, VibeSurfer, and I agree with you.

With drugs, it's always best to be a closed book in public. Then, when you're with really close friends in the privacy of your own home (and those close friends are like-minded DMT people), you can openly discuss drugs.

I learned this lesson the hard way. I was reprimanded in school (by the program chair) for talking about my drug history with prescription drugs. I never mentioned psychedelics...only pharmaceuticals. Nevertheless, I was reprimanded twice, and...I learned my lesson the hard way.

I'm turning 35 this summer. The older I get, the more I realize how unprofessional it is to talk about my drug history in public (especially because my career is in the sciences, lol). The public doesn't need to know about my drug history. It's none of their business.

If people who barely know me want to believe that I take drugs, let them make that inference. I tell myself: make them work a little bit, instead of just giving them the answers. 😁

Building an exciting career in the sciences, it's imperative that people who barely know me perceive me as professional. Talking about my drug history could potentially ruin my career!

Love the way you explained this. I work in an industry where drug discussion is common place, and even so, I don't make jokes about or mention DMT or other potent substances.

For anyone feeling like they need to tell someone about the healing power of DMT, that is well and good, and I see your intention, but let us remember that silence is golden is one of the best-enduring Hermetic Axioms. Some things folks just need to discover on their own.

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