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What is the strongest and most effective appetite suppressant?

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Esteemed member
I partook in fasting experiments at the begging of this month and I was satisfied with the results. I was loosing so much weight, and was feeling overall more satisfied with my looks more than ever in my life.

What I did find frustrating was the hunger...

It seemed to never go away.

People claim a the first 2-3 days are the worst, but it gets easier pass that.

Well, they were hard, not gonna deny it, but it would be the fourth or fifth day that I would snap and go crazy on food.

My family was getting worried so I went back to having a normal eating regime, and I did not like what happened afterwards.

The least amount of weight I had was 56kg, and within a weak of not caring it jumped back up to 69kg.

This is some major fat gain.

My diet consists mainly of buckwheat which should keep me in a calorie deficit and at the very least maintain my weight, yet it does not.

I would really like to lose that weight again, and maintain being skinny. I'm looking for an effective appetite suppressant so it makes the fasting more bearable this time.

I don't plan doing it long term, but I would like to hit 10 days of not eating at some point in my lifetime and I believe this is the way how.

All around I see just marketing, every supplement brand claiming it is the best. This can't be true, this is why I ask here.

For anybody that has experience with appetite suppressants, please suggest the one that works the best, as I do not have the money or time to bother with stuff that doesn't work.

Natural, synthetic, doesn't matter. All it matters is that it works.

Also to chime one additional issue here is that loose skin, I can't afford surgery yet going from 100kg to almost half of that within a few months has left a whole bunch of loose skin left that I would like to get rid of too. If anyone knows how to get rid of this naturally, please share an effective method because I don't feel like walking around like a human equivalent of rizla.

All suggestions are welcome.
The surest appetite suppressants I know of are all in the amphetamine family. Risky path though.

As you are young your skin will heal in time and regain some of it's former composure. There may be scarring though. Such is life.

Starvation dieting (read fasting) also burns a lot of muscle and as soon as you start eating again your body will start storing as much as it can just in case it comes across hard times again. The only real solution is to turn the fat into muscle, otherwise you are stuck in a cycle. It's a change of lifestyle. But It will eat the fat and fill most of the loose skin simultaneously. You would need to change your diet to include more fruit and vegetables and proteins and less carbs.

That's not to mention that you will find increased strength, health and vigour through regular exercise. You would find new friends and more as well by following this path. There's many advantages.
Apologies in advance for not answering your question and going slightly off topic but..

IME slow and steady positive habit changes are way more sustainable than sudden and strong changes, which generally end up having negative effects in uncontrolled compensatory mechanisms.

Staying multiple days without food with the use of substances to lose weight sounds like a very unhealthy plan, and you yourself are claiming you end up overindulging afterwards. 10 days sounds irresponsible to your body, honestly.

Do you do regular strong cardiovascular exercise ? Look into HIIT if you haven't yet.

Also, look into 16:8 intermittent fasting, it's basically a schedule that reduces the amount of hours in the day where you eat, but you can still eat every day. If you couple that with exercise and good nutritious but reasonably light food, you could lose weight and still be healthy.

Lastly, how tall are you? 56kg seems awefully low, you must be really short or that sounds exceedingly unhealthy body weight for a male to have.
This reduced intake is good if you wanna maintain weight, but not so good to loose it.

Every tried a ketogenic diet?

I had very good results with it.

The problem with normal diets: When you still eat mainly carbs, your body never switches into the fat burning mode but remains in the sugar burning mode. The insulin basically tells the body to create body fat, and while it's active no body fat gets converted to be used. And so your body fat hardly gets less. Instead you feel tired and exhausted, as your body doesn't get enough energy (although you would have enough energy in the form of body fat).

On a ketogenic diet, you basically don't eat any carbs. Like that your body remains in fat burning mode 24/7 and so has access to your body fat anytime. Actually in this mode, a part of your body fat will always be converted, even if it is not currently used. If it isn't used, you will just piss it out. By this route you can also detect, if your body switched to keto mode (there are special detection strips to piss on).

If you're a meat/fish eater, this diet is very simple. If you're vegetarian, a little harder, if vegan, quite challenging, but doable (I did it that way...).

Also please make sure, when you're dieting (no matter what diet), that you eat enough proteins, or your body will start to eat your muscles.

Also please make sure, no matter what diet, that you do get enough good fats (e.g. Omega 3 etc.).

The thing is: Proteins and fats are essential for your body, but carbs aren't.
try the birnd medicine, psyllium husk (sat isabgol) ..its the husk of some plantago seed and when it mixes with water is swells to many, many x its dry volume, a kinda gelatinous substance with zero calories yet loads of fibre.

You can try about 6tbs, or fill them into large size veg. capsules, swallow ten of those followed by a 750ml of water, wait about 8mins and you will feel as if you just ate a full meal. Even tho there is zero nutrition in it, it takes about the time as normal food to pass through the system.....don't wait for it to gel, just eat it dry, followed by much lukewarm, or better, hot water. Eating the wet husk would be like eating ballistic gelatine (not recommended).

Also, this is what ppl say (perhaps not scientific) that, those folks that are not used to regular exercise. fasting ..etc and who have accumulated fatty tissue, upon fasting they experience extra stress, even emotional, and pimples and whatnot, due to toxins being accumulated within human fatty tissue, as these fats are re absorbed, the toxins are released back into the boday, causing the extra stress and pimples....here, the psyllium husk aids in expelling these toxins from the human boday...
Thanks for the imput guys, it has been really helpful.

I haven't taken some stuff into consideration, and now I see that I have been doing some stuff wrong.

I was aware that some traits of my experimentation were unhealthy, but I have put physical looks before my mental and physical well-being.

It might have turned on me more on the psychological part, but still, it's easy to shake it off and keep telling yourself that you can handle it and that you are fine yet you are not and haven't been for a long time.


You asked me how tall I am, the answer is 180cm, and yes, 56kg is borderline anorexic, but I liked that as I've been unhappy with my weight my whole life and mocked because of it quite frequently.


I will look into psyllium husk, it seems a bit pricey at the first glance but from what I've seen it seems to work quite well and I will surely give it a try. It won't hurt my pocket getting a little to experiment a bit with and who knows this might actually be something I'm looking for.

maybe its less pricey on ebay, remember psyllium husk is very lightweight, i.e. 100gr is a lot.

I've read "The Transformational Power of Fasting" from herbalist Harrod Buhner.

One great advice there was to quit salt and sugar first, simplify the diet and eat very simple fresh meals for a week, then just juices for another week and only then go with full blown water fasting.

Similarly, do juices and then fresh food after the fasting, before going back to "normal food".

The ideal would be to stay out of processed food, too spicy food, sugar, salt and other overstimulating ingredients for good, as these distort your natural bodily regulation mechanisms and give false signals on nutrient intake.

Another great book on the topic is "The Pleasure Trap" from Alan Goldhammer, who runs a fasting clinic.

Going straight to fasting from say Standard American Diet is extremely hard as you are not only fasting, but also quitting all the drug-like food your body might be used to. This might make long-term fasting so tormenting even after the 3-day period when you are basically running on ketones.

Note that just quitting sugar can be as hard as quitting cocaine (it can take over month for your body to recover from it). So it is wise to go step by step and first clean up the diet before fasting.

"Eat to Live" from Dr. Joel Fuhrman is also an excellend dieting advice. It comes with a cook book too.

Sorry for not directly answering your question, I believe just quitting appetite enhancers in processed food will alone help tremendously for your body to self regulate.

There is no need to add more.

As for the amphetamines, there exist less aggressive and legal weight loss formulations with ephedra extract (ephedrine/pseudoephedrine is the active ingredient) that might work for you.
Combining ephedra and fasting sounds questionable.
Drugs tend to have a stronger effect when fasting and ephedra weight loss and bodybuilding supps have been banned before due to the damage it can cause to the heart.
If you insist on using amphetamines (like ephedra or stronger) while fasting at least start at very low doses.

Personally, I use nothing and just say it builds character.

Also keep in mind that most of the weight loss you saw in the first 4 days was just water and glycogen loss, not fat loss, so regaining weight right after a fast is both normal and good. Its just the glycogen and associated water getting built back up.
When you eat, eat food packed with miconutrients (plants and mushrooms).

Your body is more likely to be satiated when it has plenty of nutrients. If one eats calorie heavy foods with low miconutrient content (like meat, or heavily processed foods), your body may want more food despite having plenty of calories because it is still missing the complex nutrients it needs.
the most effective appetite suppressant for me has been fresh salad - a mix of 60% lettuce, topped off with tomato, red cabbage, red onion, radish, celery, and cucumber. sometimes i add half an avocado for the awesome fat it contains. Under 250 calories of dressing:). Also, figure out a way to consume a gram of turmeric with 20% cayyenne and 20% black pepper. I put it in one spot on my "salad", and eat it in the first couple of bites, it really warms things up and gets the whole GI tract in gear.

So....I put this into my belly, and refrain from putting ANY simple carbs in my belly. Say hello to water and goodbye to any other liquid libations (unsweetened green tea is good). I do not place any importance on how this all tastes, it's not being consumed to make me happy, it's being consumed only for the purpose of keepin' me alive. The more of this I can eat, the less hungry I am on a day to day, minute by minute basis. My salad weighs about 500 grams. After practicing this for about two months, my sense of hunger, that is to say the sensation of hunger pretty much went away for me. Please note, I have always supplemented with an appropriate amount of protein along with the lettuce.

I eat this meal for "dinner". I do not eat breakfast, or lunch (yeah, cuz I'm not hungry). I have a physically demanding occupation, and energy has never been a problem.

The last very important caveat to all this is the fact that I can be labeled a pretty much full kapha body/mind type as understood in ayurveda. This may be highly responsible for the kind of response my body makes to this dieta.:)
If you have noticable fat at 69kg, you have zero muscle.
So you want to transform yourself from skinny-fat into a skin and bones almost skeleton?
16:8 works, or even 20:4, eat stop eat might also work for you....as will low carb high fat, low calorie eating etc. Why are you trying to solve everything with a drug? I think developing discipline would do you more good.

I'd also weight train but if you really want to be super skinny even though you know its to compensate for your trauma being overweight...do it...its probably not all too healthy though.
You asked me how tall I am, the answer is 180cm, and yes, 56kg is borderline anorexic, but I liked that as I've been unhappy with my weight my whole life and mocked because of it quite frequently.

Not wanting to be rude, or anything, as I don't know your situation. But to me this sounds rather like a psychological,than a physiological problem here, namely a skewed self awareness.

To me it seems rather like the 69kg is the weight you body wants to have.
yeah, you should not loose more weight...gain some muscle, can try do some boday building and since you was only slightly chubby at about 100kg those skin flaps can't be soooooo bad (since you was not a really fat or obese person).

This may be irrelevant, but...
When it comes to intezam preferance with regard to the ladies, we actually like a weathered boday with stretch marks, loose skin and all that :love: .

But when we either see, or suspect that the lady had a mummy job (aka mommy job) done on her breast and belly or elsewhere, then we could never imagine to be with such a person due to presence of GREATER UGLINESS (e.g. trying to conform to public opinion in sick and retarded ways). On the other hand, a naturals scar from an accident or operation, we consider it part of the beautiful weathering e.g. ceasarian scar, appendix scar....etc since GREATER UGLINESS was not there.
Intezam said:
This may be irrelevant, but...
When it comes to intezam preferance with regard to the ladies, we actually like a weathered boday with stretch marks, loose skin and all that :love:

This may be irrelavant too, but I'm actually not a lady. I'm a dude, lol. The pic I have on nexus is an old one from when I used to have long hair and not much facial hair.

I should probably update that since now I'm short haired and with a full grown manly beard. Nowadays you'd have to be literally blind to mistake me for a chick.
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