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What is your favorite position and locaton when taking DMT?

Migrated topic.

Ram Dazz

Rising Star

let me ask:
* What is your favorite position (sitting, standing, lying)?
* What is your favorite location (silent room, outside)?
...when taking DMT?

I tried the following positions:
* Lying, but this give me the feeling that a flood comes over me (unpleasant).
* Standing, yes possible, but not convenient.
* Sitting (some kind of lotus), my favorite.

* Outside, not so good. Too much distraction and mainly too bright.
* A bright but silent room is my favorite. I like to sit in the dark and from there look in the bright light beam coming through the window.

I'd have to say sitting on a comfortable cushion in a dark room lit by a few candles or television showing many art pieces gathered over the years.

Outside has been amazing in the past but I seem to have troubles controlling my body temperature when I am outside. Outside is the place to be when experiencing the full after glow though.
To me, it all depends on what and where I want to go:

Full blast off / demolition: lying comfortably (bed, gras,...) and when outdoor and it is during a sunny day, then I lie in the shadow. Mostly silence or quiet music / nature sound (of my surrounding: wind, animals, leaves, family doing their things,.. what ever is around). I prefer darkness or slight illumination (f.e. candle in the backround). Alone by myself.

Sub-breakthrough: sitting comfortably (bed, gras,...) and when outdoor and it is super sunny, then in the shadow. Silence, music in various volumes and styles, all kinds of light, from darkness to direct sunlight. I enjoy the full spectrum. With family and friends.

I always do it lying flat in bed with the lights off. In the past I have become paranoid or anxious if I could see my surroundings, as I began to focus too much on them and criticize whatever was in my vicinity.

I have never had access to a proper/safe outdoor setting to use DMT, but hopefully I will one day! I would imagine that it is nice to listen to the trees and birds during and then awaken to the sight of pure nature.
Usually sitting straight up on a padded chair eventually closing the eyes, or laying back slightly on a recliner-style chair eyes closed.

Usually some sort of melodic, rhythmic music. TYpically ambient lighting, near dark, or occasionally in bright light.

I've done outdoors many times before and it's definitely something special [sunny day, blue sky] if you have the means/space to do it [property/land].
A quiet, dim room, sitting on couch, then lay down after exhaling.
No tunes on, by myself. Blanket nearby for when I come back.

Outside, I like to be on my back on the grass, under a huge tree, staring straight up at the branches from underneath.
Watching the branches fractalize and transform is really cool. Looking at the sky, it seems to pull me up and through to the other realm. The come-up is so much different outside for me.
It's something special for sure. Makes me appreciate my land so much more.
Thanks for your replies. I got some new inspiration from them...like sitting at a tree listen to music.
My last outside situation was surprisingly bad. At the summit of the DMT experience the nearby church bells starts and didn't end.
Shit happens...
I begin sitting after finding just the right spot so i can lay down without any adjustment, with a pillow placed for my head. Sometimes on my bed, sometimes in my music room, sometimes in my yoga room. 9 times out of 10 i lay down, then sitting up when i "return" for the afterglow part of the voyage. There have been a few times I have sat the entire time but this has not been a conscious decision - it just turned out that way.

I now travel exclusively with headphones playing a very specialized, selected playlist which is my journey soundtrack. (If anyone is interested I would be happy to share these songs) Once launched, I have never found the headphones or earbuds on my head to be distracting. This ensures that I will not be bothered or disrupted by external noise.

I prefer dim lighting, but not darkness. I played with colored lighting for a while, but after several journeys I found that it interfered with my evaluation of what I was actually perceiving.

I journey almost exclusively at night, but have had marvelous experiences in daylight as well.

I have never gone outdoors. Maybe one day I shall.

There have also been times when I sit by a window (in a hotel, for example) with a view of the mountains/forest/wilderness/big sky. These have been very powerful, but where I live I do not have that so it has always been when I'm away from my home.

I have always journeyed alone. I have yet to travel with someone (another human), yet my cat is usually nearby. She has never interfered. It is a lovely comfort to come back and witness her beauty and grace.

I insist that, as we all know, set and setting are everything. Getting it "just right" is imperative for me to do what I can to contribute to a positive learning experience. Yet, so much is out of our control. Acknowledging that fact is part of my preparation. The intention to surrender to the awe and power of this molecule is an act of humility which, in my opinion, is of great import when using sacred medicines.

Namaste, and safe travels everyone...
For freebase I like my couch in lotus but with support, dim but with a string of small china lights around a window adding color. I most often close my eyes upon the exhale anyway. A cup of water nearby. No music. Music always has distracted me. Maybe I need something different. I don't even like fans on. The low hum becomes deafening.

Changa seems to be best outside at sunrise or just before. It is cool and quiet then. If I wait too long city sounds arise and the sun beats down. I have a lawn chair I like if it is too damp but otherwise in lotus on the ground in the garden. I keep these sub-breakthrough but visual enough for the plants to take a new energy. Open eyed sometimes, closed sometimes or a mix. Usually behind my eyelids is an orange geometry that with focus on the breath gets so bright I feel like the sun is on my eyelids even though I am shaded. This is more of a morning meditative scenario that is very profound. I have a sitting yoga kriya I do that changa taught me that I later combined the Sat Ta Na Ma kundalini mantra with that seems to make it very grounding.

Naked, in a pre-warmed bed, low light. In silence or with music on low.

Bed is the most comfortable, controllable place I can think of.

Clothes often feel restrictive to me when far out, a duvet gives a nice cocoon that can be flung away, hugged, hidden under or bitten onto!

In most cases I like deep music with little prominence given to rhythm. Likewise, I avoid music with voices and traditional instrumentation. Music can be an anchor, but for most of my journeys I am looking for the opposite.
For me it depends on the mood, I've got 2 favourites though...

Lying on my bed with the humidifier lamp going, it changes colour softly every 30 seconds of so and smells lush. I get deep visions in this situation.


Sat slouched on my couch in front of my stereo, so my head doesn't flop when I nod. I put on some deep but soft dance music. Pretty often the DMT synergizes with the music and creates an amazing spectacle.

I've done it outside before, but I tend to nod and go too deep to remember a single thing after a few seconds of being out. Seems like a waste.
sunny day , up on high overlook, away from all people,
man-made objects and sounds . Laying on my back with my head propped up under the shade of trees . I have a catalog of
different places in proximity to go depending on a host of factors . That is pretty much the only way I roll these days .
I too like naked in bed. Nothing sexual about it, just free to fly without feeling any encumberance. Hot shower first, fresh bed sheets, dark room. 2 pipes laid out. If I drink some syrian rue tea first the experience can last 45 minutes and the two pipes may get ful
ly used.
I have pretty much always journeyed into hyperspace outside at night with few exceptions.
At first, years ago, it was in an acre of walnut trees that we rented on the edge of town. Now it's our 60 year old olive orchard that we live in. I can never get enough of trees, even with my eyes closed, zooming through other universes.

I have tried other scenarios, but have found that this feels the most "right".

My sacred tripping chair (an outside/patio version of a lounge chair that I cover in cozy blankets if it's cold outside. It goes from sitting up position to maximum recline in one ergonomic swoop of my body) & our dogs are always my faithful companions with few exceptions.

For some unknown reason, I have found that I prefer (or perhaps it's the Spice that prefers it, who ever really knows?) Autumn, Winter & early Spring journeying. When it gets dark earlier and the weather is on the cold side. I'll wait until it's past 9:00 p.m. so things are relatively quiet and settled in for the evening.

Always a little tobacco first to send a prayer and calm the nerves.

Always a glass of ginger ale or high-hopped ale to quench the thirst and settle the tummy afterward.
If I´m smoalking a full dose I usually do it in my bed after midnight so the street noise is quiet lower. No lights at all. Sometimes I like to do it listening music and some other times just enjoy the Hyperspace sounds.
One of my favorite situations to go for a full breakthrough is when it is raining specially if its an electrical storm with lots of thunders and lightnings. Most of the times smoke a little bit of cannabis before turning the lights off and wait for a couple of minutes in silence just breathing deep and slow till the moment feels right.
I´ve done it several times outdoors at night next to a beautiful family corn field and it was just great. Now that Im living in the city I`ve try my roof under a full moon with the city lights around and it was great also untill the nooise of an ambulance disturbed the experience so bad that I just quit that spot.
I want to try in the dark with just 1-2 candles lit, with either soft music or no music at all. I've always enjoyed low lighting and smoking, though never experimented with candles a whole lot.

I remember reading through an old thread on here by one of the old members here [can't remember the name] but they'd mentioned 1 candle done in front of a giant mirror, with you facing the mirror and watching the mirror the entire time. The member had little comment on it aside from "you're just going to have to try it for yourself and see..." 😁 :twisted: Definitely going to give this a go here in the future.
I try to never do it in the same twice. I love how things can look so different with eyes open so I try to position myself so if the entire experice is eyes open, or when I open them at the end, I have an opportunity to gaze upon something new. Plus, when I have tried to do it in the same place multiple times I end up feeling mocked once in for thinking I have any control whatsoever.

In general though, room lit but not bright. Legs crossed on the floor. Anjali mudra in my lap.

The candle in the mirror sounds slightly terrifying. I need to try that too! I've had a few experiences completely consumed by staring at a burning flame as well. They can look and feel like little mischievous creatures, and the shimmering shadows cast from them make the room crawl with activity.
TeaDaze said:
The candle in the mirror sounds slightly terrifying. I need to try that too! I've had a few experiences completely consumed by staring at a burning flame as well. They can look and feel like little mischievous creatures, and the shimmering shadows cast from them make the room crawl with activity.

:D Yeah terrifying it can be, I think that's part of the appeal for me. Kind've like one of those sayings "don't do that or you'll be sorry" - makes me more curious in the end lol. Kind of the notion that led me to dmt in some ways. :D

And I know exactly what you mean when saying "mischievous creatures, shimmering shadows cast, making the room crawl with activity." Can think back to many times where this exact phrase was applicable. :D

Guess the whole mirror in the dark/candle experience for me comes down to seeing what it is that I transform into, as most if not all experiences have been me looking out onto the world/ looking down at myself/body/hands, never looked back at myself in the dark with little visible distraction except for a candle.

If I remember correctly I think I remember someone saying that they'd tried it and they were living endless transformations and lives, endlessly transforming from one person to the next - with all the available scenery surrounding the person to change as well, full scenery enveloping the dark space.
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