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which Nexian should we interview for issue #2 of the E-Zine?


Staff member
Now that the first issue of the nexian e-zine is out, its time to start thinking about numero dos! A number of articles are in the works (more on that soon...you can submit article through that site btw), however we still need an interview with a dmt-nexus member.

The plan is to interview one nexus member and one external person for each issue. Its looking like Rick Strassman will be interviewed for issue 2 (you can help brainstorm questions here ), and Dennis McKenna for issue 3. Graham Hancock has also agreed to be interviewed but not until next year since he's very busy writing 2 books... But we still need a Nexus member to interview for #2

Recently WAP kindly posted a list of nexians that have been suggested to be interviewed so far. Here is the list he compiled (i'd make a poll but they only give 9 choices):

So far people have suggested interviews with:
Individuals from DMT Nexus:

polytrip (Still here?)
Keeper of the Trout
Rising Spirit
Uncle Knucles
۩ (aka house aka hut aka snuffluffugus)
corpus callosum
Ice house
Nemo Amicus
fleedy (Fleedyweedy, same person?) 😁
Nemo Amicus & Pandora in one interview
Olympus Mon
Hyperspace Fool

So if everyone could pick a suggestion from this list, we can then tally up the results :)

I know its a ridiculously hard choice...so many fascinating people...but remember there will be many issues in the future.

After much deliberation I guess I'll vote nen888
If i had one vote i would vote for Rising Spirit atm. Then i would consider Entropymancer or Nen. Jamie has to be interviewed at some point as well but maybe not while everything is still in infancy 😉 :oops:
universecannon said:
Did you see issue one? Antrocles was already interviewed :thumb_up:

Oh brilliant! :lol: I had been waiting for an opportunity to download the high-quality version and then forgot altogether. Thanks universecannon, on my way to read it right away 😉
my vote is 69ron!!! Haha I jest I jest. I say Jorkest, House, Entropymancer or Infundibilum. How feasable would it be to interview Blacklo?
gibran2, Rising Spirit, nen.

Oh, and btw, Rick Strassman, Dennis McKenna, and Graham Hancock? Those are some big names in psychedelic circles! Can't wait :thumb_up:
Metanoia said:
gibran2, Rising Spirit, nen.

Oh, and btw, Rick Strassman, Dennis McKenna, and Graham Hancock? Those are some big names in psychedelic circles! Can't wait :thumb_up:

Guyo says we could easily get Alex Grey to :]

But anyways I don't want to derail things. This thread is just for a vote on the DMT-Nexus member that will be interviewed. There is already a thread on who to interview from the outside- its stickied in this subforum.
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