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WHoa...watch out! theobromine OD

Migrated topic.
I've had similar experiences with many mixtures but never tried pure theobromine.
I've had that 'wooosh' thing with oral DMT, like you're hit as with smoked DMT several times and each time with different admixtures.
When the sum of all that you've added equals: a lot of DMT, then it simply will hit you like that.
It's quite spectacular.
I'm gonna do it again this newyear's eve...
Infundibulum said:
Nanaki said:
Isn't theobromine a vasodialator? Wouldn't it open blood vessels to allow better absorption?

The real test would be to try Theobromine + DMT by itself and see. Then, go back to DMT+Harmine without the theobromine, and see if that is weaker than adding the theo.

I have a feeling that theobromine has it's place.

I'm curious Infund, has SWIY ever tried the theobromine with DMT/Harmine to see first hand? I haven't myself, but I'm not discounting any possibilities here. I most certainly wouldn't go into it with a large dose of theo thinking it won't make very much difference. It might not be psychoactive in itself, but it does something to how the body absorbs them. At least that is what I get from reading. Will try the theobromine before too long. Then I'll be able to test first hand.
No, SWIM's friend has never tried that.

I also fail to see what the terms vasodilator and vasoconstrictor have to do with the experience or the pharmacokinetics of a given drug. Theobromine as a vasodilator sounds like theobromine as a shoe polish to me.

I think that might be a bit unreasonble considering the whole cardiovascular system/blood brain barrier and every other system in the body must be considered, in order to remain truely objective about the cause of this intensity.
well...try it...and see what you can find out by the feeling of it..its QUITE something special...

SWIM thinks it would be very handy for people that have a hard time getting anything from oral administration...or if you take pharma..or aya..on a stomach with food in it..seems to help bypass all of that..

all SWIM can say though..is be very careful..this is an extremely potent combination..and it hits you hard and fast..basically incapacitating within a few minutes..

so make sure you set your area up really nice before hand..and its probably a good idea to tell somebody what you are doing just in case you need somebody there for grounding support..this IS NOT something to toy around with..SWIM felt like he could have lost himself if he hadnt ejected whatever was left in his belly..so all he can say is just be very very careful when figuring out your dose

SWIM also was thinking about ginkgo being a cerebral vasodilator..this would counteract the theobromine's vasoconstricting effects in the brain..AND he had been smoking bufotenine...

so there are MANY MANY variables here..

69ron posted that 200mg of thh and 20mg of dmt was enough to give him a super powerful experience and that the THH seemed to really add something...and SWIM had taken a total of 150mg of THH that night plus 40mg harmaline..and with the theobromine's potentiating effects on the THH..that could be equivalent to 300-450mg of THH...and it was like a chain reaction...the theobromine potentiated the DMT..and the THH and harmaline...and because the THH was potentiated..it then potentiated the potentiated DMT..so it just kept multiplying the effects
Wow, good to hear you made it thru.

Swim had to learn that the ground was solid once. But anything like this!

Well now we know. Smart thinking on the chugging water and purging man.

Happy new years everyone!
this thread has got me a bit concerned - i eat cacao beans and nibs by the handfull almost daily. when smoking dmt should i avoid doing that ?
we arent sure what the effects are of smoked dmt when you have theobromine in your system...maybe SWIY should test it out for us!
mmm maybe - if swim does how should he approach it - like eat 3 beans 30mins beforehand ? and progress from there ?
actually i think somebody tested it..and they said it reduced the visuals of the smoking..not sure if they used cacao or not..but yea 3 beans and then wait 30 minutes sounds perfect
he seriously started tripping IMMEDIATELY..it was like..once he had swallowed the concoction..all the sudden the world turned inside out...

And (here we go again) that was all in your head, chemicals do not effect you within seconds when taken orally. Are you beginning to understand the Power of the Mind!
he seriously started tripping IMMEDIATELY..it was like..once he had swallowed the concoction..all the sudden the world turned inside out...

And (here we go again) that was all in your head, chemicals do not effect you within seconds when taken orally. Are you beginning to understand the Power of the Mind![/quote]

I know that ayahuasca CAN hit you immediately. It may be a mystery, but jorkest and i both know that you just don't 'imagine' something like this and i believe 69ron also had such an experience.
If you can handle a dose 4 to 5 times as strong as a 'normal' aya dose on an empty stomach, you can check this out for yourself.
I'm telling you, it hit's within seconds.
yes it does...SWIM has been taking drugs long enough to know when they kick in..of course our minds are doing part of it..because THAT IS WHAT IS CHANGING when SWIM takes something like this
sounds a bit like my mushroom vs. MAOi experience.. but I wonder why you took that much different stuff in one evening. take it easy dude. life is still ahead of you.

polytrip said:
he seriously started tripping IMMEDIATELY..it was like..once he had swallowed the concoction..all the sudden the world turned inside out...

And (here we go again) that was all in your head, chemicals do not effect you within seconds when taken orally. Are you beginning to understand the Power of the Mind!

I know that ayahuasca CAN hit you immediately. It may be a mystery, but jorkest and i both know that you just don't 'imagine' something like this and i believe 69ron also had such an experience.
If you can handle a dose 4 to 5 times as strong as a 'normal' aya dose on an empty stomach, you can check this out for yourself.
I'm telling you, it hit's within seconds.[/quote]

Yeah, it can hit you almost instantly sometimes. It’s a mystery but absolutely real. Many people have reported this happening with aya on occasion. No one exactly knows why or how it works. I believe that it can absorb directly into the blood stream in some cases. DMT doesn’t absorb well sublingually, so it’s not likely by that route. Perhaps through the stomach walls or even the esophagus with the aid of the harmala alkaloids.

Making statements like “chemicals do not effect you within seconds when taken orally” is completely false for some compounds. 5-MeO-DMT absorbs sublingually, and through the walls of the esophagus really fast when taken orally without water. If enough is taken it can be felt in a matter of seconds. That is a fact that also applies to some other drugs. Many drugs can also directly absorb through the walls of the stomach and be felt in a matter of seconds. Most drugs cannot, and that is where you get this idea that “chemicals do not effect you within seconds when taken orally”. But that is not true for all drugs. And especially not true for drugs that can be absorbed sublingually.
SWIM tried 100mg of theobromine taken an hour before smoking around 12mg spice, and did not notice any increase in intensity.

Maybe theo potentiates the THH or Harmine, but SWIM did not use these that time because he wanted to see a direct link between theo and DMT.

Does anyone else get the same results that theo does not potentiate smoked dmt directly?
theobromine is said to help oral dmt..not smoked..somebody tested oral theobromine with smoked dmt..and is said to reduce the effects..but oral theobromine..plus oral dmt and oral MAOI DOES make a difference
Yesterday I received 10g of pure theobromine from my favo supplier, it's a white flour like powder, doesn't taste anything special, just a little bit like bitter cacoa.

I didn't buy this for my next journey, but maybe, somewhere in the future...
you may need your cat's meow to pull you back from a nice strong aya brew when taking Theobromine....
Phew rather you than foaf, he hates returning to the baby-state of infinite fear and questioning. Glad you managed to minimise the damage and get something rewarding out of it in the end.

Foaf once accidentally ate too many shrooms and questioned reality so much that despite being very sleepy he was in MORTAL fear that if he closed his eyes he may cease to exist, as if he were some kind of self-observing Shrodinger's cat!
It is this fear of the potential fragility and meaninglessness of reality that stopped his experiments with the humbling cosmic nihilism of salvia extract!
Hmmm. The only time SWIM has ever been in fear and panic was smoking salvia. Still a rewarding experience. Swim a ate 7g's of mushroom one time, well he's done it more than once before but, he became convinced he was Zues. He also convinced all of his friends that he was tripping with that he was Zues. I mean he TRULY BELIEVED he was zues. The thought clung with him for a few days but he was able to shake it by the end of the week. SWIM needs to be careful what trains of thought he rides.
My limited experience has me believeing that Rue seed MAOIs are prone to inducing scarier dmt trips, if you do too much Rue-extract. With oral dmt (0.5mg-.75mg per lb of body weight) the Harmine/Harmaline MAOI combo in Rue Seeds has had me looping and in a looped-panic thought. I have tried 3g seed extract + 100-150 mg-dmt, and it all was too much for my 148 Lbs. Less Rue next time, I think.

I'm still trying to smoke the roasted- rue-seed ( justdry whole seeds by light roasting in a pan) - this works well ! Pack a bowl with roasted-seeds, huff and puff (it tastes great !), and then in 5 minutes hit the dmt, going as full-out as ever - Whoooshhh ! aaaannnd ... becomeallof God's Love ! ... the trip is > 75 minutes of Beingasms !

Dmt smoked 30 minutes after drinking a large dose of Cocoa (3 heaping Tablespoons) for me leads to a longer trip, more recall, and it's just the perfect combo' !

Theobromine, or whatever is in Cocoa that is at play here, has me hooked ! For me it seems to broaden the trip - After drinking a big, hot, sweet mug of it I smoke a full hit (~50 mg dmt sometimes mixed with 100 mg if MJ) and there are usually more Aztec-reds in the opening-veil that announces "here we Go" ... MezoAmerican Myths come alive with the Food of the Gods is IN You - Quezalcoatl opens up all around you ! I'll get over an hour of delight from what might have lasted just 22 minutes, until I was ready to go again !
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