I wanted to post this because I felt it might be of some use for others to know how average joes handle there anxiety towards psychedelics and how if left unchecked it can bring about psychological problems.
I did some research and found that a lot of self-awareness anomalies and thought disorders can spring from anxiety alone. I think I am anxious and scared to let go and the whole breakthrough thing has terrified me for years. I want to do it but I don't want to have a flashbacks of a breakthrough in the middle of the night and feel all wack like I am tripping throughout the day which seems to be what I am feeling now but that could be due to my anxiety of the breakthrough as well as other stress-related factors in life like unemployment, finding a home and finding a partner.
I feel it isn't ego death related, as in there is no change in perspective from an ego to an automaton/mind of god like is proposed in this thread.
I am normally a very level-headed person, no history of mental disorders.
I vape dmt only very rarely at very small doses like 5mg until one night I tried a little more but still sub breakthrough. I felt very anxious, like I didn't know what was happening to me and thought my entire perspective might be altered indelibly forever causing me to stay permanently insane.
A couple weeks past and suddenly one night before bed I started feeling like I was coming up on DMT, my heart was beating faster and my awareness was changing. My sense of my own body felt very different and I was scared. I went on to the nexus-chat and a few kind people told me that I should just abstain from dmt for a while, great, I tried to go sleep but my mind was racing and playing all sorts of thoughts like a looney toons comic sped up.
I woke up in the middle of the night with this terrifying change in awareness that kept continuing, it would come in for 5 seconds then settle and come back again and I would try and calm myself and let it fade away. I felt that if I gave in to this thing I would probably end up paralyzed, not knowing what reality is and feeling my senses all mixed up and not distinguishing anything coherent from them. I felt like I was going insane so I ate a quarter an anti-psychotic and a benzo from my medical kit that I keep in the rare case of insanity from psychedelics.
The next day I felt very weird, sort of detached from reality a bit. The anti-psychotic did nothing to help me and just made me feel depressed so I thought that it might not be serotonin-system related but more stemming from an area that is activated in both sleep and the dmt-experience... something like the posterior cingulate cortex or default mode network. It may also be brain stem related because I have over the past few nights experienced excessive wet dreams which is quite out of the ordinary! As some of you know a spinal reflex causes the rhythmic contractions of the smooth muscles within the urethra, penis and the prostate gland, and propels the semen through the urethra out the tip of the penis in spurts.
In the day, I tried inhaling nitrous oxide to see if it would calm me down as it usually suppresses my thought but it sent me in to a very weird headspace that didn't feel like what it usually feels like. It was quite similar to that of doing DMT + n20 together, but a bit different (without visuals).
I was ok throughout the day, albeit a bit weird and felt the anxiety coming on again before bed time. The same type of feeling of impending insanity.
Another night past and I went to bed only to have this weird dream where the cops were about to search me so I ate way too much mushrooms and DMT and asked the girl next to me driving: "why do humans exist?" and she said "your about to find out!". In the dream I started to feel my senses warp and take over my entire reality quickly until I woke up in that same unnerving headspace seeing a mandala of visuals.
The visuals passed but every time I tried to go back to sleep I would feel like I was going to go deep in to that hole of insanity and never return. again and again and I would enter in to that weird state of mind. This was coupled with weird, erratic thoughts that made absolutely no sense and was still playing like a looney toon cartoon sped up. After a few hours of being awake and trying to focus on other things, it settled down and I could start to drift off without that happening again but now I don't feel well rested.
Again, I think that my anxiety over not giving in to the DMT experience may be causing me to feel this way or it may be that I am somewhat traumatized by my DMT-experiences and have yet to unconsciously integrate it and my symptoms are being manifested as a form of post traumatic stress disorder. Or it may be that I have an actual physical, neurological issue and that not giving in to that terrifying sense of impending insanity is actually keeping me alive. The latter may not be true as the symptoms started very abruptly and quite out of no where.
I am just going to abstain altogether from my piss-weak 5mg doses until I feel head-strong. The cause of this is still somewhat a mystery... perhaps it is the devil, a voodoo curse, or even spookey karma! lol
Man, I hope I don't end up in a straight jacket!
I did a bit of research on here and found a few people have a similar thing, not sure it is the same feeling though:
Sleep / half-sleep trip flashbacks
Hyperspace flashbacks
Am I Having Flashbacks?
DMT flashbacks?
HPPD or flashbacks from hallucinogens?
Hyperspace flashbacks
Flashbacks from using DMT?
I did some research and found that a lot of self-awareness anomalies and thought disorders can spring from anxiety alone. I think I am anxious and scared to let go and the whole breakthrough thing has terrified me for years. I want to do it but I don't want to have a flashbacks of a breakthrough in the middle of the night and feel all wack like I am tripping throughout the day which seems to be what I am feeling now but that could be due to my anxiety of the breakthrough as well as other stress-related factors in life like unemployment, finding a home and finding a partner.
I feel it isn't ego death related, as in there is no change in perspective from an ego to an automaton/mind of god like is proposed in this thread.
I am normally a very level-headed person, no history of mental disorders.
I vape dmt only very rarely at very small doses like 5mg until one night I tried a little more but still sub breakthrough. I felt very anxious, like I didn't know what was happening to me and thought my entire perspective might be altered indelibly forever causing me to stay permanently insane.
A couple weeks past and suddenly one night before bed I started feeling like I was coming up on DMT, my heart was beating faster and my awareness was changing. My sense of my own body felt very different and I was scared. I went on to the nexus-chat and a few kind people told me that I should just abstain from dmt for a while, great, I tried to go sleep but my mind was racing and playing all sorts of thoughts like a looney toons comic sped up.
I woke up in the middle of the night with this terrifying change in awareness that kept continuing, it would come in for 5 seconds then settle and come back again and I would try and calm myself and let it fade away. I felt that if I gave in to this thing I would probably end up paralyzed, not knowing what reality is and feeling my senses all mixed up and not distinguishing anything coherent from them. I felt like I was going insane so I ate a quarter an anti-psychotic and a benzo from my medical kit that I keep in the rare case of insanity from psychedelics.
The next day I felt very weird, sort of detached from reality a bit. The anti-psychotic did nothing to help me and just made me feel depressed so I thought that it might not be serotonin-system related but more stemming from an area that is activated in both sleep and the dmt-experience... something like the posterior cingulate cortex or default mode network. It may also be brain stem related because I have over the past few nights experienced excessive wet dreams which is quite out of the ordinary! As some of you know a spinal reflex causes the rhythmic contractions of the smooth muscles within the urethra, penis and the prostate gland, and propels the semen through the urethra out the tip of the penis in spurts.
In the day, I tried inhaling nitrous oxide to see if it would calm me down as it usually suppresses my thought but it sent me in to a very weird headspace that didn't feel like what it usually feels like. It was quite similar to that of doing DMT + n20 together, but a bit different (without visuals).
I was ok throughout the day, albeit a bit weird and felt the anxiety coming on again before bed time. The same type of feeling of impending insanity.
Another night past and I went to bed only to have this weird dream where the cops were about to search me so I ate way too much mushrooms and DMT and asked the girl next to me driving: "why do humans exist?" and she said "your about to find out!". In the dream I started to feel my senses warp and take over my entire reality quickly until I woke up in that same unnerving headspace seeing a mandala of visuals.
The visuals passed but every time I tried to go back to sleep I would feel like I was going to go deep in to that hole of insanity and never return. again and again and I would enter in to that weird state of mind. This was coupled with weird, erratic thoughts that made absolutely no sense and was still playing like a looney toon cartoon sped up. After a few hours of being awake and trying to focus on other things, it settled down and I could start to drift off without that happening again but now I don't feel well rested.
Again, I think that my anxiety over not giving in to the DMT experience may be causing me to feel this way or it may be that I am somewhat traumatized by my DMT-experiences and have yet to unconsciously integrate it and my symptoms are being manifested as a form of post traumatic stress disorder. Or it may be that I have an actual physical, neurological issue and that not giving in to that terrifying sense of impending insanity is actually keeping me alive. The latter may not be true as the symptoms started very abruptly and quite out of no where.
I am just going to abstain altogether from my piss-weak 5mg doses until I feel head-strong. The cause of this is still somewhat a mystery... perhaps it is the devil, a voodoo curse, or even spookey karma! lol
Man, I hope I don't end up in a straight jacket!
I did a bit of research on here and found a few people have a similar thing, not sure it is the same feeling though:
Sleep / half-sleep trip flashbacks
Hyperspace flashbacks
Am I Having Flashbacks?
DMT flashbacks?
HPPD or flashbacks from hallucinogens?
Hyperspace flashbacks
Flashbacks from using DMT?