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Why you be called whatchoo be called (what's in a NAME?)

Migrated topic.
A lot of new members here so I thought I would bump this to see if any cool stories emerge. In the meantime, should I scarify myself like the guy in the image above? 8)

Tetra: short for, of course, tetrahydrocannabinol. I'm something of an urban farmer, plus it's easier if I use the same name for the three drug forums I'm part of (weed site, mushroom site, and this site. Though, since starting work with the molecule, I very rarely visit the weed and mush sites).
Well its a combination of factors... Without disclosing too much personal info:

My DJ name s P*****... I go by another name on another forum 'P*****Urges'... See where this is going? 😉 Then of course there is the factor that psychedelics often bring about some form of purge - often vomiting / crying in my case, and this was consolidated on one of my first Spice journeys...

So it is both symbolic, and a play on words... Plus I am inclined to have a bit of a vulgar sense of humour :twisted:

As for the avatar picture... Well, it's awesome is it not?! 8)
Mine has to do with having sex with muppets... :)

Actually, i just picked the name as its another name for licking toads and i kind of like it due to the fact that it's not too serious. I made it before even trying DMT and almost feel like i should change it to something more meaningful now, but at the same time i have quite a silly and playful sense of humour, so may just keep it.

My avatar is pretty self explanatory.

Some interesting ones!

I registered a film production company a few years ago with the word Primal in it. I sort of adopted the nick online, using it at various sites, when joining one site Primal was already taken so I figured I've learned some pretty interesting things through my human & psychedelic journeys and it seemed like Wisdom we all knew already the name sort of formed itself.

As for avatar, I change regularly but its always something that reflects my name.
Me name comes from years ago, made up in high school. Has sort of a duel meaning. First off I share a last name with a former Pink Floyd band member, and since I have ancestral ties to the U.K. I told everyone this was my distant Uncle Syd. Then of course the syd/acid connotation as well.

Avatar came from internet search. I am a birder, and so felt appropriate. Although I think I need to be updating this.
Mine is sort of my own interpretation of Terence's archaic revival.
I see myself as an architect or re-creator of the archaic forms of medicine and the awareness they had of the universe within themselves.

My current avatar is just a picture I made in photoshop :)

The nik 'corpus callosum' reflects my interest in neurology in particular, and is the term for the bridging tissue between the right and left cerebral hemispheres linking the logical left brain with the more intuitive right brain.Seemed appropriate as the site where chemicals such as we all enjoy seem to cause a tug of war between the 2 sides.

The avatar is by Dennis Konstantin and is called 'Captain lightly armed' and captures the essence of a few hyperspace ventures Ive made.
Kermit - You have my favorite avatar on the site, hands down. Don't go changing, especially now that you've added the beautiful rainbow brain spillage.

jbark - I insist that you get an identical chest tattoo. I hate to see you out-jbark'ed by some dude on adultfriendfinder.com.
After getting into the TEKNO scene in JHB south africa I started listening to psytrance, the track "acid goblins" stuck with me.

When I got my first gig at a little bar/club in melville JHB I played as "gamma". The name stuck with me throughout my dj'ing days. Not wanting to associate gamma with the nexus I decided on gammagore for my nick here(i was into alot of heavy darkpsy, gore fliks and what not at that time)

Soo there it is, If anyone is into any old psytrance, give me a shout. I have loads and loads to share.

As for the avatar, its done by symbolika, they got some cool clothing if you are interested. I also grew up in an area of south africa where we had loads of monkeys all over the place. I litteraly grew up with the dudes in my back yard:)
What's in a name? Ez seemed like the easiest nik I could come up with. After dying and being reborn on an aya journey, I was given a new name, which I chose to embrace. I suppose it's not my real name, so for now, it's safe. My friends started calling me Z, but I wasn't sure if that would be too short, so I went with Ez, but like I tell my friends, call me whatever you want, just don't call me late for super.

I'm a bit goofy and pretty easy going, so I think that it fits quite well. As for my avatar, a good friend sent me an e-mail with said picture. It said "monkey zen as f* I love the picture, but I think it's a lemur. I have considered changing it, but for now it seems rather appropriate.
Espurrr is a mix of my given name, spores, and cats that "purr"
i like my name since its pretty rare and comes from my persian heritage
i like mushrooms since they have opened my chamber of secrets
i like cats since i have always wanted to have one
My avatar is way to complex to talk about.. Similar to a DMT travel. He is shy as well!
Espurrr said:
Espurrr is a mix of my given name, spores, and cats that "purr"
i like my name since its pretty rare and comes from my persian heritage
i like mushrooms since they have opened my chamber of secrets
i like cats since i have always wanted to have one

It also rolls off the tongue, and makes me eyes crease into feline almonds just pronouncing it.
jbark said:
Espurrr said:
Espurrr is a mix of my given name, spores, and cats that "purr"
i like my name since its pretty rare and comes from my persian heritage
i like mushrooms since they have opened my chamber of secrets
i like cats since i have always wanted to have one

It also rolls off the tongue, and makes me eyes crease into feline almonds just pronouncing it.
oh why thank you
in one of my dreams about the nexus, i remember seeing your avatar and nick on the nexus walls (it was like a labyrinth and i was exploring it)
although im pretty sure we had never chatted or responded to each others posts at that point 8)
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