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wow oh wow bufotenine success!!

Migrated topic.
SWIM knows how to use thin layer chromatography to tell if his sample is relatively pure, but has no way of identifying the compound other than it’s melting point. What’s the best, cheapest method of identifying compounds?

SWIM knows that most cebil seeds contain bufotenine and almost no other alkaloids in active amounts, but the bufotenine present is often a mix of bufotenine and bufotenine N-oxide, and I’ve seen reports stating that as much as 50% of the bufotenine can be present as bufotenine N-oxide.

Bufotenine itself has side effects but they are minor and last only 1-2 minutes when smoked, and then are followed by definite psychoactive effects somewhat similar to psilocybin. When the sticky amber alkaloid (or whatever it is) is removed from the bufotenine, smoking it produces only long lasting side effects (nausea, head tension) and no psychoactive effects. I’m pretty confident that this amber alkaloid is bufotenine N-oxide. Judging by the XlogP of bufotenine N-oxide, it should produce much more side effects than bufotenine and not be able to cause psychoactive effects.
do you have any references for reports where they ID'd the n oxide? literature report would help speed up ID process. SWIM has looked through the literature before but couldn't find anything useful.

unfortunetly identifying a compound requires either a reference sample for chromatographic ID or a spectroscopic method like MS, NMR etc. the only other somewhat practical methods are melting point or to try to synthesize it (the very old very time consuming way of doing things). there are other ways such as color reagents and things like this but they can vary in their usefulness.
fractal enchantment said:
Ok, so I tried out smoking this snuff mix again..but I purposly left out the caapi..

This time there was *very* mild nausea, not sure why..but it only lasted like 30 seconds and wasn't really unpleasant at all..nothing I would go out of my way to avoid..

Again I onl felt minor effects until 10 minutes in..at about 15 minutes in light fliaments of neon colour, like veins were trying to manififest, but would quickly dissapear and then reapear when I changed my visual focal point..

It's 20 minutes in now and most of what i am feeling in a real nice euphoria, and mentally i would say it's bordering on psychedelic..but i feel like I am craving more..I only took 3 small hits..I feel like it could take me deep if I just smoked and smoked hard..but I cant tell from the way I felt at about 1 minute in that it would need to be done over a period of 5 to 10 minutes..or maybe smoke more at the 10 minute mark..to avoid experienceing any real uncomfortable nausea..

Music is enhanced and the euphoria right now is really nice, very glowy..very psilocybin like but more controllable..things are slightly warping as well..

I think that the caapi definatily makes it better and more visual, at least at a low dose such as this..again I can tell I am on the verge of something deeper but just need to find it..maybe my spice trip yesterday gave me a bitof tolerance as well..

ok it's now like 25 minutes in and feeling more and more like a mild psilocynin trip visually..it's weird how it hits in stages like this..hmmm, definaitly more eperiments will be done..wish I had more time to smoke more right now but need to go..

edit..feels kinda like a mid dose of mescaline as well..real warm and cozy..
Would smoking this stuff, while on ayahuasca be a good idea? or would it cause severe nausea?
Not sure about it with drinking caapi..have yet to try it with a caapi brew. I have only smoked caapi extract with it..and it seems to really bring out some of the more desirable effects..

I really want to try smoking some on mushrooms and ayahuasca brews though..and try smoking spice while peaking on the bufotenine..seems like it could be a good place to launch from..and i bet it would really bring out the bufo visions then..I haven't had any visions from bufo yet..only visuals.

I will personally just be prepared to puke when I try it with a brew..but it could be worth it...oh and possibly smoking after quidding a low dose of salvia as well could be interesting.
I went outside about an hour ago with a blanket, some crystals, a vial of vilca snuff, a vial of powdered caapi and some mullein..and my glass pipe..

I put some mulleinin the pipe, then some caapi shaving, and then some vilca..

I smoked it all, waited a minute or 2, loaded up another pipe of just mullein and vilca, took it all in one hit, and then sprinkled some more vilca on top and took that hit as well and then sat back..

There was some tension, but it was expected, mild nausea that passed quickly and easily turning into a medative sort of empathic feeling, with a bit of euphoria..that alowly turned into a visual strobing effect, with a neon yellowish tint overlaying everything. Mild laser beam style visuals were trying to make them selves apparent, but never really fully manifested. After about 10-12 minutes I was feelign really nice, very open..very empathic. Behind closed eyes I saw a sort of crystaline diamond shape *very* faintly but it was barely noticable...nothing worth watching..

I sat out there beside my salvia plants and my coleus looking up at the moon still directly above, birds chirping and I felt really good...but still no visions at all.

i can tell that i am not taking a large enough dose. Each bowl I am packing is really only one hit...maybe 2 seeds worth at the most I am getting..I have thisfeelign every time though that if I just smoke more or smoke my extract that I can go deeper..like hyperspace is just around the corner..I still just need to find it..I have lots of seeds though so I will find it eventually.

I found some of you're SWIMS reports on other sites 69ron and they were promising..the one where you're SWIM was flying through a tunnel that reminded you're SWIM of tron, and the lady forming with all the hands etc..thats the level I am shoting to eventually attain.

I really enjoy these seeds though. Not psychedelic in the way mushrooms are, but psychedelic in a different sort of way.. yet they are really similar to psilocybin and DMT both in some ways. They seem very empathic to me and calmingly meditative.

The visuals are there every time, so I know it's possible..I just need to really suck it up and push it through. I wanted to smoke a hit of DMT once I felt the peak, but I am in the middle of an extraction so could not try that yet..but I will soon. Every time I feel soo good when it peaks and feel like it's the perfect place to blast off from.

I was also getting really nice tracers, I would trance out staring at my coleus, all the yellows and firey reds would carry over withmy visual field when I looked away at something else, making overlaying patterns of bright yellows and reds..
69ron said:
Try doing a double A/B extraction using DCM, and don’t skimp on defats with DCM because they are absolutely critical. After the double A/B you end up with sticky amber crap which is very potent but nauseating (from bufotenine N-Oxide I believe). You then do a xylene boil to get rid of the amber crap. No one likes using DCM. It’s a nasty solvent. And everyone hates xylene. So far though, this is the only way SWIM was able to get pure crystals and it works every time. No one else is trying this and that’s why you are all failing.

When you were doing your defats, did you have bufotenine citrate in water then mixed in the DCM?

Also are you using legitimate 100% DCM?

Only place I could find it was in an OTC paint remover where it was mixed with methanol. I mixed it with some water hoping to get most of the methanol out then used the DCM... it sure has pulled a lot of crap out that other stuff wouldn't though.
So I abstained from tryptamines since saturday night when I had a beautiful mushroom session, so I havent taken any psychedelics since then, besides a few hits of cannabis..

I just smoked some bufo and it's the best yet(and weirdest)...the visuals are the closest to psilocybin I have experienced yet..even more so than DMT..it also got very alien and weird feeling for about 10 minutes..

There is NO nausea or tension, but there was lots of mindfuck..I was sitting up with my salvia plants and sorta blanked out mentally for a few minutes..I couldnt really think..I mean I could think about hopw I couldnt think..but onyl for brief monents, but everything was warping and mild geometric grid/lattice work crawling over everything..I had some trails comming off the lights to the point where I was seeing 2 images of only 1 light..it was real weird..and TONS of purple light, around my hands, on my arms etc...which kinda reminds me of caapi..does anyone know if the MAOI's are toasted off when the seeds are toasted?

I dunno why but this bufo trip is different from my others..maybe becasue I havent smoked any spice or bufo in days so I have no tolerancy at all..I dunno but it's wonderful..i also had a mild CEV of a butterfly in radiant colours while listening to music.

I drank some yerba mate with it as well..maybe it exerts some effect who knows?

If it's this good orally than that would be wonderful!
how did you prepare your bufo fractal? SWIM is really interested in bufo...orally is decent with slight nausea...but SWIM is really interested in the smoking..did you just smoke a seed or what?
nope..I smoked prepared snuf many times and liked it as well..but my exractios better and more psychedlic for some reason..

I first toasted the seeds to remove toxinc for 30 minutes..then crushed up with a mortar and pestle..and then added sodium carbonte and mineral water tomake a paste, stirring it around occasionally until it was dry a day or so later..crushed it back up and toasted it one more time..

I then did 2 or 3 pulls(can't remeber) with 99%iso alcohol, and combined the 2 liqids in an evaporation dish, and some small ammounts of crud preciped out and lined the bottom of the dish, and I then removed the alcohol slowly into another dish with a glass eye dropper, leaving the crap inthe first dish..takes a few minutes..

Then I evaporated this down to a sticky resinous amber goo and toasted it once more in the oven for about 15-20 minutes to get rid of some more oils/fats and potentially more toxins..its still dark and sticky but not as bad..I stuck it all together into a small pea size ball and stuck in on the end of a pin inside a glass vial and just cut off an eyeballed piece with a exacto knife when I want to smoke it..

I dunno, it seems to work well for me..really well actaully..

There is less toxic effects than when I smoke just unextracted prepared snuff with only 1 toasting done...I dunno if maybe the iso is picking up more bufo and less toxins, effectivly fractioning out more of the toxins or what..or maybe it's the extra toasting..combination of both..but the extract is definatily less toxic feeling than the snuff alone in relation to the level of positive psychedelic effects achieved..I want to try for white stuff one day but Im not too keen on boiling discusting solvents at the moment and don't feel the need..it's a future goal though.

So it's either the extraction is making it better/less toxic, or my brain is just weird and bufo works real well for me...

I am honestly beginnign to think that bufo really isn't that vasoconstrictive at all, maybe a bit but small ammount of caffine and there is none..all those horrible reports out there are just from other seed toxins, and people injecting bufo salts not understanding that the pK of bufo is such that it makes it hard to pass the BBB..which freebasing and smoking solves.

I am thinking of trying my extract sublingually one day before I swallow the stuff..it might absorb faster and pass the BBB better sublingually I am guessing.
cool thanks dude...SWIM has never extracted with ISO before...but just got a bunch and will try this out...for SOME reason he loves bufo..and has yet to have a very good psychedelic experience except for ONE TIME....and hes never gotten close to that again...he will try this out and see how it goes..
Took probabily my highest dose of bufo yet last night..I was feeling really good about how my day had gone and I met a super cool girl on the beach..so I came home and got sort of cocky and loaded up my pipe with a big lump of this amber stuff..maybe 20 mg of bufo in it..no quite sure..4-5 seeds worth anyway..

Took it all in one hit as well when i usually take my doses pread out over a 5 minute period..and they negative effects were definatily there at this dose..head pressure and pressure in the arms..but it was tolerable and lasted less a minute before subsiding..took me by surprise though..I just fell down onto my side from my sitting positiong and lay there brathing..when the side effects stopped I sat up and looked at my couch, and I started to notice all of these patterns on it swimming around..then filaments of light forming in patches overlaying the room..

I quickly shut off all the light and put on my headphones with some remixed citar music and lay back and closed my eyes...some really wierd things happened..like I zonked out and started to have dreams..like I was talking to some freinds at the beach..next thing I know I am sitting there back on bufo thinking WTF??..in and out of dreams for a few minutes..next thing that happens is I realise I can see through my eyelids in the dark room..I can see my body. I was wearing plad cloths in the visions..but I realized quickly that in real life i did not have plad cloths on so wasnt seeing through my eyelids but it was all these blue tryptamine grids that were sort of forming a collage with the image of my body giving methe impression I had plad on...it was also VERY euphoric..I think bufo in some ways has the same euphoric or empathic signature as MDMA..a bit different but similar, much more organic..it makes sense becasue bufotenine is so close to seratonin..and MDMA increases seratonin..which also makes bufo seem like some sort of psychedlic anti-depressant..

There was other stuff going on as well but I cant recall all of it..It put me in a sort of waking sleep state with DMT like hallucinations of grids and colours etc..it was really interesting..

I was thinking that maybe I did something different with this last extraction that made me feel more of the toxic effects..but I tested a smaller dose about 2 hours ago, and spaced my hits apart and had a nice colourful and really euphoric experience without side effects..so there are negative effects with my extraction when I try to dose really high all at once..but they are not too bad..and the resulting experience was well worth it..also I usually have some coffee with my bufo for the vasodialation but didn't this time..

I think if I raised the dose a bit more even and took it over a few minutes with some harmalas it could be amazing..
Oh I forgot to add that there was also this really strange strobing effect going on in the dark..like really fast flickering of reality,reality flickering in and out..I have had it before but never like this..it's facinating and I got the feeling it wanted to give way into something much more at a larger dose..Really close to the way Ott describes it..made me feel sort of like I was on the verge of an OBE as well..
Thanks dude,

just tried some of the extract based on your simple tek with IPA.. very nice indeed. I was left with what looks like black tarry oily stuff. Spread some on a rizla with some enhanced caapi leaf... smoked 2 joints of it (my bong is with a friend) and it was a really nice experience... builds up slowly, lasts about 30 mins.

Effects were slight body light and heavy at the same time feeling, and very fast moving colourful CEV patterns. I also sort of fell asleep a couple of times, with interesting dreams relating to important things goig for me atm..... then I would be kicked back and wake up to find the CEV's very strong with the patterns forming like a ball of light.
I would like to try this again soon but with a higher dose and with a proper pipe... think I wasted a bit with the joint.
^cool!..glad it's working for you as well..yeah that effect where you seem to zap out and fall asleap is really interesting and seems to be specific to bufotenine for the most part..

Just be careful when taking a higher dose in a pipe or bong..I would take it in 2 doses a few minutes apart..otherwise you may experience some constriction..not too bad though..I actaully find the vasoconstriction pleasant unless it builds up too fast..
SWIM also likes the constriction a little bit...its kinda nice...

and i may be repeating myself...but this simple IPA tek is just toast, freebase, toast, IPA, toast, IPA?
ok sweet dude...i just figured if you toasted after the first IPA pull and then pulled with IPA again..it might separate anything that 'burned' into something else
^yes my thoughts as well..I did do that on my first extraction and it worked well and I made enhanced cappi shavings with it..my last extraction I didnt have time for the last iso pull bcasue I was leaving for camping..bt it still works. I would personally do the last pull though.
^wow, so you didint get sick with out freebasing tham?

Yes rue will work..

You can use baking soda(soidum bicarbonate)..but you can easily convert it to sodium carbonate as well by baking it in the oven..
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