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11:11:11:11:11:11 S.H.E.

I can't wait to participate in this SHE. I can feel myself subconsciously "letting go" and getting ready for the surrender this Friday.

My plan: dose a few tabs when I wake up....changa wave at 11:11 AM to understand the meaning of the twin souls and evolution. Then another round of change at 22:22 (11:11 PM) to integrate the meaning of 22.

XXII 'The Universe'

As thus it is written 2 + 2 = 0.

Love + Unity = Godhead

Peace, Love, Light~
Hopefully the SHE chat will be up and going starting at midnight on the 11th?!?... heres a strange little music video to get everyone in the mood!

a1pha said:
I have a feeling the SHE will be from 00:00 to 23:59

I have a feeling you are right. I will start around 1000 on the 11th and I will go until early morning of the 12th. I'm hosting a little get together on the Ice House Homestead with some close friends, one or two of them Nexians, 11/11 evening where we will be pushing the limits as a group. It's a last minute thing. Just came up with the idea a few hours ago. The turnout wont be large, a dozen or so.

Ps cyanescens will be the main dish with some wonderful changa for desert. Cannabis edibles of course. I've been thinking about "railing" some FB spice also. lol, I gotta be careful, this could get ugly!

The anxiety has bee knawing away at me for a day or two now.

I am turbo charged!
11-11-11 is almost here!! i wonder what the day will bring.

Safe Travels ALL and lots of love, the one thing we can give and accept. :)
I'm doing one or two pulls to throw in the freezer for tomorrow. I think tomorrow will be the day I may go all in. I'm optimistic about today being a wonderful day, I hope it is for everyone around the world.
i dont think i can get away with blasting off at my desk at work, maybe i could hide under it for 10 mins:wink: .

Im gonna have to wait for the 2nd 11:11 (23:11) to blast off. Pharma for the first time on this day of oneness should provide a 3rdI squeegeeing that even Mr Hicks would be proud of.

Under an hour now if your on GMT, happy travels all.
I've been thinking about this day for a while now. We are only a few hours away for blast-off.
Me and my wife are going to visit hyperspace together right at 11:11.
Safe travels everyone and We'll see you there!!
classes start in a few hours so i won't be dosing until much later

in the meantime, there is a wicked thunderstorm going on over here :twisted:

Thats great you and your wife are blasting off together Al Dimentiz! I can't imagine what that feels like

good vibes to all those who are launching today <3 (and super/slightly on the verge of peer pressuring good vibes to those of us with cold feet 😉 )
Just came home from work eager to participate in my first she:)

Not sure how i will enter the realm either sober or with a small pinch of mxe before,

I also have some aya on the stove but i will probably do an extract on that since it´s leftovers from a ipa soak and i´m not sure it´s safe drinking that.

I know i have boiled acetone soaked vine before and drank without any problems but this ipa stuff really smells bad and i´m not confident that everything will be boiled away.
As The OP I thought I should chime in - as it turns out I am working this evening (in the middle of a 3 week contract...), but if I finish before 11:11:11:11:11:11, you can be sure I will be test driving my 20x 2:1 caapi:spice changa!!

If I miss it (my contracts are unpredictable), well, have a great one all!!

Can't wait for tonight! I don't know if anyone on here lives around Providence (RI) but there will be a great event called Origins celebrating unity and 11/11/11 at Club Therapy. Lots of great music and great people. It starts at 11:11 and goes until about 6am.

What better way to start a night like that than a SHE?! See you all in hyper space :shock:
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