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20 Datura inoxia seeds eaten...what now?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I went for a bike ride and a hike in the wild for a good 4 hours today. I noticed some jimson weeds with plenty of dried thorn apples while hiking, and so I figured why not? Yes, I know the risks of death when it comes to Datura, but I read from 69Ron that 20 is the maximum safe dose if I remember correctly.

I ate 20 on an empty stomach, harvested about a gram more and continued on my way. It's been around 2 hours, and I'm wondering what now? My skin feels dry and my mouth feels a bit dry, both signs that the seeds are taking effect, but nothing else. No old friends or strange people have spontaneously appeared. I can communicate just fine with people I've spoken to since. I read that for some people the full effects can take hours to culminate. I guess I'm one of those people. I'm not going to make the deadly mistake of taking more. I know better.

Can anyone share with me their datura experiences? I read a lot about people adding Datura seeds to Ayahuasca, changa, smoking blends etc. but never just eating the seeds. Maybe I'm missing something...
The psychoactive dose for datura is a fair bit higher than that. Most folk here only use them as additives to aid with nausea and increase the euphoric edge of some substances.

I'd never try to eat datura by itself for a trip. Maybe about 5-6 D. Inoxia before bed time would be good for dreaming, but for a waking state datura experience... it's not worth the risk in my opinion.

The most I ever consumed was 6 with 400mgs mescaline.
Be careful when the delusions and delirium begin you wont even think you are high. But you may be smoking cigs that aren't there and talking to people who don't exist. Your ok now be careful with the seeds the Nexus is primed and ready for a Datura accident dont be the unfortunate one.

Just my opinion but Datura and Nursery's should not be mixed its a accident waiting to happen,

She dont lie The big D dont lie

I had read that the scolopamine/hioscamine can take more than 24 h in some people to reach the blood/brain barrier. Better not try to eat more before a while IMO.
This sounds interesting..do report back after you sleep to let us know how you're dreams went. I want to do some experiements with datura for dreaming..I am always looking for good oneirogens..haven't gotten around to it yet though.
Dreaming after 5 datura S. seeds was really weird in a very boring kind of way. I kept waking up every 30 minutes, then struggling back to sleep to find the same dream in which I was working in a hardware store that sold really weird fish.

I'd try this again, but with inoxia and not stramonium.
SWIM says: I have to strain my eyes now to focus, and my brain feels a bit heavier than normal. I think it's starting to cross the blood-brain barrier. Still, I'm not delirious; I doubt I could write this if I was. If I do end up smoking a cigarette that will be a huge signal for me that I'm tripping, because I've never smoked a cigarette in my life...ya, kind of funny right? I've done shrooms, DMT, salvia, MJ, now this and soon Mescaline and Jungle...and I haven't smoked a cig. haha

I now realize that without a doubt I ate Datura Inoxia seeds. I know because I brought home one leaf, and it's a perfect visual match with the Inoxia pictures I'm looking at on Erowid.

I'll be sure to report tomorrow regardless if anything happens or doesn't while awake or sleeping. If nothing happens I'll increase my dosage next time by 3-4 seeds which I think will be a safe step further. Thanks for the warnings guys, they remind me to be very cautious. I've heard nothing but doom and gloom as far as datura trips go, but I still want to experience it...maybe because I still feel there is something valuable to learn from this plant. If I'm going to be delirious for 6 days so be it.
Hi DiscipleofSpice,

Even though this bio-essay sounds fair and relative safe I doubt if it really is.

I strongly advice you not to experiment with higher doses of Datura. It's effects can be VERY dangerous and hospitalization and even death is not oncommon.

I understand that you are in an experimental phase but please, be safe. ;)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Whilst we are on this topic, can anyone comment on having ingested a few seeds prior to an aya or pharma trip.
Iv heard that it can help with nausea, but i believe when they add it to brews in Peru and whatnot, its done for the purposes of adding clarity to the visions. If it aids with dreams, does one suppose it may help to remember ones trip in more detail?
Back in South Africa we used to find Datura aka Malpitte(madseeds) growing all over the place.As kids many of my friends would eat loads of these, like a matchbox full.

Full blown delerium and confusion followed for a long time, a couple of days sometimes.

There were many reported cases in our little town that I grew up in of hospitalisation, even to the extent of needing psycheatric treatment following the hard experience that these buggers give you. Thank my lucky stars I never had the balls to take a box full.

Be carefull.
When i was a kid i was stupid enough to recklessly experiment with this stuff.
My experiences are quite positive, but i was lucky enough to have sitters around. And when i look back at it the recklesness of the boy i was then it is a bit scary because i realize how easily i could have ended up dead or hospitalized.

That said. 20 seeds won't cause a delirium in adults with an average body weight.

It can take time for it to work, but the higher the dose, the faster it works.
You have small medicinal amounts that are safe, then larger amounts can cause a stoned feeling or slight drunkenness. That is still not a delirium. The delerium comes when you exceed the dose that causes a feeling of drunkennes or stonedness.

Before the stonedness and the delirium you'l notice physical effects of wich an extreme dry throat is the most pungent.

when it starts to get difficult to lift things, when your vision becomes hazy, then you're in for a very, very powerfull, dangerous and possibly deadly journey of wich you will remember very little.
But you'l still have time to call a sitter, a doctor or an ambulance at that point, wich will be a bit difficult because you'l have to pick up the phone etc, but you'l manage.
In other words; 20 seeds is safe, you won't go mad and you shouldn't panic.

And it is a bit unwise to just take some seeds of wich you only had a slight assumption that it was probably safe, but you don't need me to remind you of that.
Jesus, so no one thinks there is a careful way to go about this. After realizing that I had taken a very safe dose I took 20 more seeds before falling asleep. My dreams were weird in a distinctively new way. I experienced a long chain of what seemed like a dozen short and unrelated dreams which has never happened to me before. Very strange...though I do realize that the dreams may have occurred as they did because I was expecting something unusual to happen. I did however wake up with an extremely dry mouth and throat so I suspect that the dose did do a little work on me.

I don't think I'm being reckless although the fact that I'm taking datura seeds in the first place might be reckless to you guys. That's understandable because you don't want my blood on this forum, and neither do I. I'm taking the necessary precautions. My roommate knows and is ready to respond when I do after gradually finding my way over a course of maybe a month of steps to the psychedelic level. I'm going to harvest the seeds from the same plant, grind them up to minimize changes in potency, and weigh the dose each time. If I can't stomach the threshold psychedelic dose then obviously I'll abandon this endeavor. It should be clear by now that I'm not doing this for shits and giggles...I want to find out first hand what this plant has to teach me.

Do you really want 2-5 days of hell? Why????????

Yeah, 69Ron said 20 was safe, but even if you take his word as gosple, why eat another 20? These seeds are not really going to get you "high" but make you like you have a fever of 105, rambling incoherently, in a stupor, and you won't remember 90% of it when you do come down.

Not the best way to delve into psycadelics. In fact, Datura IS NOT A PSYCADELIC it is a DELERIANT. There is a huge difference.

I dunno, not my cuppa tea. Mushrooms/Cacti/Aya have all worked fine for me.
DiscipleofSpice said:
I don't think I'm being reckless although the fact that I'm taking datura seeds in the first place might be reckless to you guys.

No...you are reckless because you found a plant in the wild, you were not 100% sure of what it was, but you decided it would be good idea to take what someone said was "the maximum safe dose if I remember correctly", of the seeds.

What if it wasn't the correct plant & it was very poisonous? What..so be it?

And then saying things like:
I've heard nothing but doom and gloom as far as datura trips go, but I still want to experience it...maybe because I still feel there is something valuable to learn from this plant. If I'm going to be delirious for 6 days so be it
I'm taking the necessary precautions. My roommate knows and is ready to respond when I do after gradually finding my way over a course of maybe a month of steps to the psychedelic level.
If I can't stomach the threshold psychedelic dose then obviously I'll abandon this endeavor. It should be clear by now that I'm not doing this for shits and giggles...
makes you sound ridiculous.

You clearly have no idea what the effects of this might be, or even if you took what you thought you took!!
Plus you waited to check if the plant was actually was what you were thinking it was, until after taking the seeds? Brilliant!
Obviously you are "taking the necessary precautions".:roll:

Can't wait to read the "Whaaaa I've been literally crazy for 3 days now...make it stop" thread!:?

BTW, Delirium does not mean psychedelic, it is another way to say crazy...insane...delirious!!

WOW...people never cease to amaze me.

How can you blame 69ron?

Stupid people have been overdosing on datura forEVER.

If you can't get to know the plants respectfully, and consciously, then the plants will teach you themselves...
and, as we all know, datura is the least pleasant of all the plant teachers IMO.

she's been known to seduce, possess, kill, permanently alter, etc.

I won't eat more than 3 D. Stramonium seeds. Ever. That's the point.
This ally is only beneficial in LOW DOSES.
This is YOUR LIFE you are dealing with.
Treat your temple with respect and understanding!
It's not 69rons fault..he said over and over that the safe dose was 1-10 seeds..people need to listen and if they dont it's they're falt and noone elses. He warned everyone and stated over and over that his SWIM only takes 1-3 seeds. Blaming him seems unfair.

Who's fault is it if some kid goes and brews up a batch of aya with 1000 grams caapi and 1000 grams chaliponga? It is they're fault because they were stupid and disreguarded the dosage levels and warnings..same with the restrictions about medications..if someone drinks a brew while onSSRI's and gets messed up..well they should haveread this stuff before hand.
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